Quote Originally Posted by hdd123 View Post
Alright, alkaline diet seems to be made up from a lot of vegetables, fruits, etc. But here's also something more- as I said as I'm more like weight lifter, what I'd need then do with that diet? I want to more increase muscle strenght and body's stamina or endurance , than the mass. Would it be good for the first cycle to run more than one roids together ? In which cycles used hcg (stronger) and in wich proviron,clomid, tamoxiphene (which weaker)? I'd need detailed cycle construction- ya know, for example, in some Anabolics literature there were some cycle examples.
Alkaline diet isn't just limited to fruits and veggies. A good source of protein in that diet would be fish and probably chicken. Lots of green leafy veggies that you steam and eat raw so they don't lose their nutrients like when you boil them. Spinach, Kale, ect. Also the intake of lots of granola and and various kinds of nuts.... Like they are saying, pics would help and its best to keep it simple the first cycle to see how your body reacts to the aas. I don't know why anyone would run anything besides good ol test.