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Thread: Letro success?

  1. #1
    DiRTYJeRZe is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Letro success?

    on my 2nd bottle of letro continuing at 2.5mg ed its not a hard lump anymore loose skin and my nipple looks as its coming to like a cone shape... very frustrating just recently i am experiecning tenderness and a tiny lump under my other nipple which wasnt' there... is this common and how long does it take for this shyt to work..? thanks

  2. #2
    DiRTYJeRZe is offline New Member
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    hmmm sorry for the bump

    can someone please answer me this is really gettin to me this gyno bs

  3. #3
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    You are getting more gyno while still on letro? Sounds like your letro is bunk....estrogen rebound can happen and your gyno will come back if you dont pyramid down and then get off while using nolvadex then tapering off that (ive found to be best).

  4. #4
    DiRTYJeRZe is offline New Member
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    i will taper down slowly when i see its going away but how long does that take??

  5. #5
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    IT can take a while, took me 9 weeks.

    As for you, you should have gotten more gyno while on letro. And becuase you switched the bottle to a new one it almost sounds like its bunk. Althought, gyno needs a lot more then just estro to form so check up on that. Im currnetly dealing with a small lump in my right nipple and figuring out WHY i have it becuase i am not on anything and havnet been for 6 months now.

  6. #6
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    I using letro to help gyno just now, mine is from tren so I have just added in some caber to help things along. I'm about 4 weeks in and things are looking better but not gone yet.

    It takes time.

  7. #7
    DrBullsballs is offline New Member
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    well theres always the surgery that cost me 6500! But my nippley jibbleys sure look good! GOOD LUCK! INCREASE THE LITRO!!! Try getting it from ar there shits the bomb!

  8. #8
    JaCKeDuPD is offline Associate Member
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    gpt my shyt from arr

  9. #9
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    whats a good low dose of letro to take while in cycle. i have two bottles i got from our sponsor and want to use it low dose to prevent gyno. i dot not have it but i read and read that you can take a low dose and not hinder gains...any ideas on a lose dose to take...ill be on 5 weeks anadrol , then/with deca 4 weeks, then/with winni 9 -14 , then with hgh last two weeks cycle and first two weeks pct and test e the whole 14, not set in stone, i may have to change things a bit i want the ovelapping to be two weeks each but genariclly speaking thats the cycle.....i want to take letro but cant seem to get a good low dose idea...thanks guys....

  10. #10
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherof6 View Post
    whats a good low dose of letro to take while in cycle. i have two bottles i got from our sponsor and want to use it low dose to prevent gyno. i dot not have it but i read and read that you can take a low dose and not hinder gains...any ideas on a lose dose to take...ill be on 5 weeks anadrol, then/with deca 4 weeks, then/with winni 9 -14 , then with hgh last two weeks cycle and first two weeks pct and test e the whole 14, not set in stone, i may have to change things a bit i want the ovelapping to be two weeks each but genariclly speaking thats the cycle.....i want to take letro but cant seem to get a good low dose idea...thanks guys....
    Please, please stop hijacking others' thread, you have to stop this, it's too many times yuo're doing this and seems you don't wanna understand...

  11. #11
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    You are going to run deca for weeks after your drol or 4 weeks in total? Either way not long enough.

    You are going to run HGH for 4 weeks? Again not long enough.

    post your cycle up in a clearer format for example.

    tes e week x -y
    deca week a-b
    drol week c-d

  12. #12
    OnT's Avatar
    OnT is offline Associate Member
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    If you have gyno meaning full blown glands, you can take all the letro in the world and it won't do chet; surgery is the only option at that point.

  13. #13
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnT View Post
    If you have gyno meaning full blown glands, you can take all the letro in the world and it won't do chet; surgery is the only option at that point.
    i read somewhere that gyno is reversible w/o surgery using c-bino protocal. i wonder what u make of that?

  14. #14
    OnT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    i read somewhere that gyno is reversible w/o surgery using c-bino protocal. i wonder what u make of that?
    I make nothing much of it there have been very mixed reports the only sure thing is surgery glands gone problem solved.

  15. #15
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    Please, please stop hijacking others' thread, you have to stop this, it's too many times yuo're doing this and seems you don't wanna understand...
    firtsyt bro, stop hammering me in the open forum with leerts on a screnn BRO! last time im going to ask! i oppligisd to you in PM when i didnt have the need to but to show you some repsct i did it anyway cause i belive in respect. now for you telling me i am alwasy hikiackoing threadsss wrong bro wrong, if i have doine it a time or two there is and was no harm meant by it! so get off my ass bro. if tyou have somethig you want to say, dont slame me in the open forum agaiun. do it in pm and dsay broi thisa or that and ill take it much better as wqould most peopl. i dont fell i hakaed any thread its the same topic i just askind ! simple wuations in the thread whats a good dose to ake of letro to keep gyno away. i dont have it and dontm want it. i gavce greater detail because id dint want people liek you tyelling me i need more deatail. but since it was anothers thread i only asked a simple queastion with little deatil to keep from hijacking the thread as tyou call it. man i have owed sites tise this size and would never hond someon like you do and im not talikg about just me bro. im not some new punk thats does not fiollow the rules. if i break a rule that i didnt know or that i thought wqas ok or i thought was within the guildines i fix it and opligis and make sue ti doenst happen again...this is thre firdst im hraring oif hijaking threads. it not on purpose, i see he ha da threaeasd going and i figured to bring it back to life and get an answer to my ONE SMALL querstion i would add it to this trhead and maybe the other peoplr utlizing this thread may also gain knowladge from my question and the answers i resive. no onew owns a thread bvro. thats how we all learn.. some one posts a question of a sort and many others chime in with answers or questions and answers, thats all i did. and hoping it wqoud bring his back toi life anbd get my answer and maybe help others having the same issue right now.,..thats it hijakcing here so back off and tell me what you have to tell me in closed pmn and maybe youll get beetr rresaults bro. i meant no haRM, TO THE THREAD STARTER OR ANYONE ELSE. I THOUGHT IT WQOULD BRING BACKAND OLD POST AND GET MORE ANSWERWSS FRO EVERYONE, THATS IT! i hate that way you talk to peropl bro on a screen thats is...i belive in being nice. i know that the mods and admins deal with VERY stipud issues and posts l;ike where can i get steriopdsn not one of thoses folsk, like i said bro if i make a mistake it was just that, a mistakje made in ho9netry sand can and will be fixed. theres not need top get way up on your housres and slam me when ihave dont NOTGIHNG WRONG. leave me alone if tyou have nothing to offer to me hlpe wise bro. i ahte to sound so negitive but you just seem like tyou are beter then ecerryone and yo liek to show that you are the man when thats wrong. i did nothign worng and what you said you should have said im pm, and on a beteer way ansd ,maybe you would yild better results...sorry to hound you bro but i have had enough of your neghitivey whenb itsa not needed. im not asking where to source, im not asking to asell gear, im not posrtng lab names, im not paoasting lab addrss...i just asked almost the same question in the htread wanting maybe some resault to help us all thats it. enbough

  16. #16
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87 View Post
    You are going to run deca for weeks after your drol or 4 weeks in total? Either way not long enough. wll not intierly either way, but yesw im runing it after dbol and more then 4 weeks. i tired to keep that info simple as it was otherres thread and also im not set in stone yet on when i overlapping the gear....

    You are going to run HGH for 4 weeks? Again not long enough. again not can run hgh for one 3 amp hit whcih would be 3 times if thats what you want. it all depends onm what you arte trying to applish with the hch and all im going to accomplish is a smoother transion from gear to no gear and the hcch hgc will saidf in that. im not going for gains. the docotr that i am working on with all this and i agree is that i will take this for the last two weeks of ccyle maybe three 1.5 times a week and the same for on pct ...that will aid in the kickstart of my natrule systems jumping back in and witrh a good killer pct i should hgave a fast transiont whoch will be las hardh on me and my body but again 4 - 6 weeks is mor ethen enough time to ONLY AID in transtion, not make gains....i hope that helps you udertsand beetr why my growtuh hormaon docotr has me doing gains justy ehlping kick start my syustem...kinda like a dbol 4-5 kicker....same thing but its to kick my stsem back in grea...hope that helps ya bro......

    post your cycle up in a clearer format for example.

    tes e week x -y
    deca week a-b
    drol week c-d
    i will post the cycle in another thread when me and the doc are doen wioth it...those figiuures were just to let ya knmow more or less what i was going tro be on not so much the cycle...i didnt want to put to much info aqbout a cycle in a threqads about letro and how to takje to to keep gyno away. no i dont have oit at all..i juat want to take the letro a tab bit to keep it away and was wondering what others have doe wioth this. how much have ytou all taken maybe the thread starter
    ? just wanted to kwon so i dont over do it and hinder my gains but to answeer your question i DO NOT have gyno, sorry i was not so clear i just wanted to keep info to a minumm

  17. #17
    OnT's Avatar
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    roid rage !

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