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  1. #1
    theboss's Avatar
    theboss is offline Associate Member
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    opinions on next 15 weeker...

    500mg Test E per week
    300mg Tren E per week
    600mg EQ per week
    1cc B12 per week

    the Test/tren is a blend (would take 2cc's to equal the about doses).....just curious about running EQ higher then my test....was told it was ok on another forum....they also mentioned running the EQ longer to harder up the gains.....opinions? I always thought to run the test longer.

    PCT is standard - nolvadex & clomid...finastride on hand as well.

  2. #2
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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  3. #3
    theboss's Avatar
    theboss is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2006
    figured you would ask that...

    34 y/o - 6'4 - 235pounds - 14%
    a few cycles....Test E, Test C, Prop, Tren , Dbol , Tbol, Var, Sust, Tren E

    training about 10 years...

    i ran the same Test/Tren blend last year at the same does....but a diff. lab.....thinking of adding the EQ

    most of what i read says run the Test longer then Eq.......i have some extra Cyp on hand for that.
    Last edited by theboss; 04-25-2008 at 01:57 PM.

  4. #4
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    it is one of the dumbest myths out there. You can run anythng at any amount. In order to maintain sexual function and other test related things, one only HAS TO RUN A HRT DOSE, 150mg a week.

    As far as your b12 i would do a ml every inject if possible. I did one every day my last cycle and it helped with appetite and energy levels.

    eq is a mild aas, and can be run at higher levels than 600 safely. i dont know how cost effective this might be as there will be a drop off at some point.

    i would stop the tren and eq 2 weeks before the test to let them clear out. Imo i will never again take a long estered 19 nor, just due to the extremely suppressive nature of them and how long it takes to entirely clear your system.
    if you are set on a 15 weeker- here you go
    also ive only done tren ace, i like it at about 75 mg a day, did it up to 100mg a day but the cardio loss was unacceptable though the other results were amazing

    maybe try
    500test e weeks 1-13
    300 tren e weeks 1-13, front load week one ( if you have run tren before)
    600eq weeks 1-13 front load week one and two
    test prop 400 mg weeks 1-2, 13-15

    pct needs work. you should be useing an ai and a serm. the standard pct is adex and nolva.... i like hcg , adex (or letro) nolva and clomid and ghrp-6

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