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Thread: Dbol Bridging

  1. #1
    sager85 is offline Junior Member
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    Dbol Bridging

    Hey so been reading up on Dbol and how u can use it. But I just dont understanding bridging and what they mean.. I'm on Test E 500/mg week Eq 600/mg week and was on Winny week 1-6. Now week 9. Off 3 weeks. Now is it possible to go on Dbol at the end of the cycle with PCT?? To retain gains?? And I also was reading that it doesn't surpress test levels?? Thanx guys ...I'm very interested in taking this product..Just wanna make sure I'm reading things right.

  2. #2
    Bjohnson's Avatar
    Bjohnson is offline Associate Member
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    I am by ow means an expert but i have read that dbol does not make a good bridge as it does, like all AAS shut you down to some degree.

    Seems most use to start off a long cycle of injectibles as it shows results immediately.

    Look at me all answering questions and shit. Hope that was the right answer.

  3. #3
    sager85 is offline Junior Member
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    So you think it would be good to use after my Test and EQ is done?? Use it with clomind and nova?

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    dbol is a steroid , it will shut you down. PCT should be done without the use of any steroids . You are either on or you are off there is no in between

  5. #5
    sager85 is offline Junior Member
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    Thats what I thought, so could I use this after PCT at a lower dose till my next cycle?? Its said I can, but I wanna know what people think and ideas, facts are one thing people having experience is another

  6. #6
    boss4romdabay's Avatar
    boss4romdabay is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sager85 View Post
    Thats what I thought, so could I use this after PCT at a lower dose till my next cycle?? Its said I can, but I wanna know what people think and ideas, facts are one thing people having experience is another
    NO give your self the same amount of time that you spent on the cycle to rest! it sound like you wanna hear "YEAH USE DBOL INBETWEEN YOUR CYCLE" your forgeting that dbol is also a steroid and will shut you down. save it for your next cycle, and dont run a dbol only cycle!

  7. #7
    oker's Avatar
    oker is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sager85 View Post
    Thats what I thought, so could I use this after PCT at a lower dose till my next cycle?? Its said I can, but I wanna know what people think and ideas, facts are one thing people having experience is another
    I was gonna use winny at the end of my cycle to assist with gains, but decided against it and went with the the d-bol for the 5 weeks leading up to PCT. Getting some good gains but should add my cycle consists of both test and deca - agree with kale also don't take any aas after PCT or during, give your body a chance to get back to normal..."time on equals time off" is the general consensus

  8. #8
    sager85 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok awesome guys, I will listen.. cheers

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