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  1. #1
    whiteronniewannabe is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2008
    Essex, UK

    PCT then Clen after Dbol

    I am 4 weeks into my 6week cycle of dbol only. (Negative responses on dbol only cycles are not required guys please, I know what should have been done)

    I have put on 20lbs already and its going on as good mass round my shoulders arms and back, but holding onto alot of water around my stomach and evan my chest. I was wondering if I could finish at the end of this week (week 5), start Clomid as only PCT (as not taking hard core test) and run it with clen ?

    Research has shown mixed views on evan taking ANY PCT after dbol only. Can anyone advise on whether to either go straight to clen and shift the water OR do PCT clomid THEN hit clen.

    On a side note, when will the water go from my system after last dose of dbol?!

    Cheers guys, hope you can help with this

  2. #2
    Bjohnson's Avatar
    Bjohnson is offline Associate Member
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    I am not an expert but i have read quite a bit. From what i understand, you definately need to do a pct of either clomid or better yet nolva. Dbol shuts you down pretty good and is very "estrogeny", thats where the water is coming from. Storing alot of water in my "chest area" while taking dbol would definately get my attention ps.

    I believe many people run clen with there pct and i have heard that it helps somewhat and definately doesn't hurt but ive never done it so there you go.

    I have done the obligitory dbol only cycle and if i remember, about 4 or 5 days after the last dose(with proper pct) i really started to notice the water coming off.

    hope this helps

  3. #3
    whiteronniewannabe is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2008
    Essex, UK
    4 to 5 days?! Excellent! I might try the first week with clomid only, then might add the clen in the second just encase.

    Water round my chest is cos I was stupid enough to start with 20% bf and I used to be mr fatty fatty fat fat before loosing lots of fat and building muscle. I have always still kept some water round my chest, its made it look impressive, not like tit though which has always been a bonus, its just the lower chest, not top or middle anyway,

    What about stopping dbol cycle one week early? Ive been taking (each day) week 1 50mg, w2 50mg, w3 60mg, w4 60mg, was going to remain 60mg for w5 but I want to loose the water asap

    Cheers matey for the advise though, very helpful

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