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  1. #1
    mr13g is offline New Member
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    Bought deca 400 vial how do i know it's real???

    Hi purchased about a year ago 2 vial's of deca400 got them from a guy at gym
    who was a body builder. Want to get back into it how do i know it's real?
    Do i just give it a shot. Also have pure stanazol powder and sus250.
    What's the best to do
    In australia here..

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Take a pic of it (edit out any ugl names from the pic) and post it in the pictures of gear forum.

  3. #3
    mr13g is offline New Member
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    it's just a brown vial with silver lid and has deca 400 printed with a label machine

  4. #4
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Sounds like ugl or homebrew.

    Only real way would be to get it lab tested, which ain't ganna happen these days.

    All comes down to if you trust the supplier, and if ya used gear from him b4 with no problems.

    You know anyone who used the same gear around the time you got yours?

  5. #5
    mr13g is offline New Member
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    Yeah the guy i got it off jumped on it. He bulked up heaps, Only thing his temper was short whilst on it..
    Should i take the deca , sus and stanazol powder at once?

  6. #6
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Yeah you will need the test from the sus as deca being 19nor will kill ya wood. (plus other reasons)

    How you intending on using the winny powder?
    Oral or injectable?

    And whats ya age, stats, lifting experience etc?

  7. #7
    mr13g is offline New Member
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    The stanazol will be oral a mate who was in comp was having quarter teaspoon at night and quarter teaspoon in morning. I'm 30years old. Have lots of lifting experience.
    Have been on animal stanazol before injectable liquid. Haven't been going to gym for last 6 months atleast want to go hard again. Went to the gym yesterday with a few mates feel alive again got a really good pump so the memory is there...

  8. #8
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    The winny powder really needs to be measured properly.

    Invest in some digi scales off ebay and a capping kit (about $30 for both).. quarter of a teaspoon sounds like rather a lot.

    Try and get some of ya muscles memory filled out with natty gains for a bit longer first.
    If you try and use the roids to quicken things up to start with any weight you put on wont be solid gains and will be a lot of useless water weight.

    Sus ideally needs to be injected eod due to the short esters.. but some guys do have happy results at twice per week (many arguments on this point)

    weeks 1-12 500mg sus
    weeks 1-10 400mg deca

    Winny will be best to use towards the end to harden..
    And no need for an oral kickstart due to the quick acting esters in the sus.

    weeks 8-14 winny 50-100mg per day.

    Week 14 Start PCT.

    Whats ya planned pct?

  9. #9
    mr13g is offline New Member
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    Pm sent brother

  10. #10
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    havent got it?

    was it a PM or to email?

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr13g View Post
    Pm sent brother
    how did you send a pm? you need 25 posts to pm.

  12. #12
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    how did you send a pm? you need 25 posts to pm.
    Was to email.

  13. #13
    mr13g is offline New Member
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    Look sorry for confusion it was to email

  14. #14
    mr13g is offline New Member
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    Ok so what pct program should i go on?
    you think 1ml sus250 and 1ml deca a week?

  15. #15
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    thats not a pct!!

    14-18 nolva 20mgs
    14-18 aramosin 25mgs

  16. #16
    mr13g is offline New Member
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    Sorry i meant after my cycle of above mentioned what pct program should i go on? As i am not too experienced with steroids .
    That's why i'm asking what to take and how much and where to get it from..
    All your input helps heaps.

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