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  1. #1
    petedw is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008

    1st Cycle - Always suffered bad with ACNE. Advice requied

    Hey guys. Wondering if you could help.
    I've done loads of research and found that a Test E cycle is the best way to go for my 1st cycle with a decent PCT of course.

    What i'm wondering there a better alternative for someone that is very prone to acne. I've always suffered bad from it and have done 2 cycles of accutane in the past to clear it up. What i'd like to do is pack on some mass with as little acne as possible and avoid having to go back on accutane.

    Many Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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  3. #3
    MasterShake's Avatar
    MasterShake is offline Member
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    Feb 2006
    What are your stats? what cycle do you have planned?

  4. #4
    petedw is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Week 1-10: Test E 500mg/week 2 injections a week Monday/Thurs
    Week 13: 50mg Clomid 40mg Nolva
    Week 14: 50mg Clomid 30mg Nolva
    Week 15: 50mg Clomid 20mg Nolva
    Week 16: 50mg Clomid 20mg Nolva

    6ft4 - 198lbs

    Need to know anything else?

  5. #5
    MasterShake's Avatar
    MasterShake is offline Member
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    Feb 2006
    Age weight lifting experience...

  6. #6
    petedw is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Age - 25
    Lifting Experience - 4 years

  7. #7
    MasterShake's Avatar
    MasterShake is offline Member
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    Feb 2006
    It looks like you've done some research... Test e is not that bad as far as causing acne, but if you're pron to it, any aas might trigger it. some worse than others, but test e is not a bad one. My advice is to go with the usual splitting your dose in half shooting twice a week to keep blood serum levels stable, and you shouldn't be too bad...

  8. #8
    petedw is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008
    I hope not, so you wouldn't recommend a less androgenic steroid instead?

  9. #9
    MasterShake's Avatar
    MasterShake is offline Member
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    Feb 2006
    Well, I would never do any steroid without a base of test anyway, just how I roll, so, no, I would stick with plan A.

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