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  1. #1
    Montgomery's Avatar
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    Extra side effects from EOD vs ED injection of prop

    Hey all, I'm wondering if there's any significant decrease in side effects from shooting prop every day versus every other day. The active life is 2-3 days.

    Thanks all,


  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    in general you want to take a steroid the halflife of it's halflife, so 3/2 = shoot every day and a half

    to answer your question, shooting prop everyday will yield slightly better gains and less sides then shooting eod because of the difference in stability of blood levels.

    when you take a steroid with an ester (propionate is the ester in test propionate), the steroid is released slowly as the ester is broken down by the body, the heavier the ester the longer it takes to break down.

    if you don't inject often enough then the amount of test in your body will drop as there is no more from your last inject and when you do inject again the amount in your body will jump up again causing a testosterone spike. this isn't good because that spike will cause your body to release the aromatase enzyme that will convert testosterone into estrogen

    in short, more injections=more stable blood levels=more gain and less sides
    unstable blood levels=less gains more sides

  3. #3
    MasterShake's Avatar
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    You don't really need to worry much about sharp swings in your blood serum levels with eod injections of prop, so IMO, save yourself some scar tissue and shoot it eod...

  4. #4
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterShake View Post
    You don't really need to worry much about sharp swings in your blood serum levels with eod injections of prop, so IMO, save yourself some scar tissue and shoot it eod...
    i love prop, and i only shoot eod. and i dont think i have ever really ever had any sides to be honest. i get a little acne at times but i get it pretty much on any cycle..... i just have to wash my bach and shoulders like 3x's a day with a wash cloth really good.

  5. #5
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    So 7 days a week, you're shooting? That must be crazy...

  6. #6
    Montgomery's Avatar
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    In my past cycles I've shot every day, and I was piggybacking tren or winstrol or equipoise with it. I didn't want to take any chances. Plus I heard that the smaller the bolus the less pain, so ED injections were better in that regard.

    Thanks for the feedback so far,


  7. #7
    Montgomery's Avatar
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    What I'm looking for is someone who has done both ED and EOD with prop and can comment on the difference (if any) between the two cycles regarding side effects.

  8. #8
    Phate's Avatar
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    your going to get different answers to this because AS react different with different people, people that aren't gyno prone can shoot eod and have no side effects while people that are very gyno prone can do either and still get really bad sides

    depends on your reaction

  9. #9
    boondockSAINT's Avatar
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    I just did Prop / Tren , and planned on shooting everyday but would occassionally miss days and have to do 2 injections EOD. I didn't notice any difference, but I also didn't have any sides whatsoever so I'm probably not a good example. If you can, I would shoot everyday just for piece of mind in knowing you're giving yourself the best chance of gains and minimal sides.

  10. #10
    damiongage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montgomery View Post
    What I'm looking for is someone who has done both ED and EOD with prop and can comment on the difference (if any) between the two cycles regarding side effects.
    I have personally done both ed and eod. I did not notice any difference from either with test p......tren and mast are different stories. That being said...the ed vs eod is not a factor for is more a volume issue. I do not like to inject more than 1.5cc at time because I tend to stick to smaller muscles (delts, tris, ect.). If you were to anything over 75mg ed(1.5cc eod)...I would stick to ed injects....75 or under...eod, or if you are adding any other compound...I would stick to ed.

    Hope this helps.

  11. #11
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    I think injecting ED will keep your blood levels even more stable than EOD, so less sides that way.


  12. #12
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montgomery View Post
    What I'm looking for is someone who has done both ED and EOD with prop and can comment on the difference (if any) between the two cycles regarding side effects.
    ok my first prop cycle was with winny and i was doing daily injects and it was fine, but since then i have only used prop eod in probably 8-10 cycles in the past 10 years or so and have never had any sides. like i said except occasional acne but its minimal when i take care of it properly. so for me i have just never seen the reason for ed when eod works great for me. if it aint broke dont fix it. now if i were to do a prop winny cycle again of course ed injects would be fine too, but because of the winny ya know.

  13. #13
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    Yeah thanks guys - all good feedback. I would prefer to to ED but may end up doing EOD because I'm an athlete and the extra pin sites cause extra pain/stiffness, which affects my workouts. Plus I'm living with people who are unaware of what I'm doing and I'd like to keep it that way. Half as many shots is easier to conceal IMO.


  14. #14
    Montgomery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damiongage View Post
    I have personally done both ed and eod. I did not notice any difference from either with test p......tren and mast are different stories. That being said...the ed vs eod is not a factor for is more a volume issue. I do not like to inject more than 1.5cc at time because I tend to stick to smaller muscles (delts, tris, ect.). If you were to anything over 75mg ed(1.5cc eod)...I would stick to ed injects....75 or under...eod, or if you are adding any other compound...I would stick to ed.

    Hope this helps.
    I thought about adding some tren ace to this cycle but I didn't because of the detection times, but if tren ace has the same half life as prop, why do you say that shooting it EOD isn't good?

  15. #15
    Phate's Avatar
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    detection times

    test prop 2-3 weeks
    tren ace 5 months

    you can inject tren ace eod, but as it's a much stronger steroid than testosterone , 5x more potent anabolically and androgenically to be exact, the sides produced by it will be more dramatic if you do get them

  16. #16
    jackdup04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phate186 View Post
    in general you want to take a steroid the halflife of it's halflife, so 3/2 = shoot every day and a half

    to answer your question, shooting prop everyday will yield slightly better gains and less sides then shooting eod because of the difference in stability of blood levels.

    when you take a steroid with an ester (propionate is the ester in test propionate), the steroid is released slowly as the ester is broken down by the body, the heavier the ester the longer it takes to break down.

    if you don't inject often enough then the amount of test in your body will drop as there is no more from your last inject and when you do inject again the amount in your body will jump up again causing a testosterone spike. this isn't good because that spike will cause your body to release the aromatase enzyme that will convert testosterone into estrogen

    in short, more injections=more stable blood levels=more gain and less sides
    unstable blood levels=less gains more sides
    nicely put...

  17. #17
    godkilla's Avatar
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    done both and never noticed a diff.

  18. #18
    damiongage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montgomery View Post
    I thought about adding some tren ace to this cycle but I didn't because of the detection times, but if tren ace has the same half life as prop, why do you say that shooting it EOD isn't good?
    Tren sides ar alot more hrsh than test. You may not see any sides from prop ed or eod...Tren on the other will see sides. Through trial and error, I get more sides from tren eod than ed.

    Besides...even if I was to run a conservitve cycle (100mg prop/75mg tren EOD) that would total 2cc eod....more than I want to shoot into my smaller muscles....

  19. #19
    MasterShake's Avatar
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    I agree, if your dosages are high, then break it up into ED... that makes a big difference because the higher your levels go up on day at the beginning of day one, the higher they will drop by the middle of day two, as well as keeps the sheer volume of liquid per injection down at a manageable level... More prop = more pain, more tren = more cough, etc. I've never had a problem with EOD, but I've never done extreme dosages of those compounds.

  20. #20
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    I've shot prop EOD, and I've always gotten test flu from it. But I shoot mine EOD and it works fine. I'm using accutane right now so the acne isn't a concern. But other than that it works good and kicks in pretty fast too. I just shoot EOD because ED injectiosn suck I know that because I'm doing test susp right now and its literally a pain in the ass lol.

  21. #21
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaysunderstudy View Post
    I've shot prop EOD, and I've always gotten test flu from it. But I shoot mine EOD and it works fine. I'm using accutane right now so the acne isn't a concern. But other than that it works good and kicks in pretty fast too. I just shoot EOD because ED injectiosn suck I know that because I'm doing test susp right now and its literally a pain in the ass lol.
    i bet it is, but i'd also bet your loving the results

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