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  1. #1
    Big_dean is offline Junior Member
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    just a quick ask

    im going to run test pro in 2 weeks. and i was thinking about stacking it with ethergen. but im not sure weather to use any thing with it i know a lot of people use deca but i was just happy with the test prop what do you all think

  2. #2
    hdd123 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_dean View Post
    im going to run test pro in 2 weeks. and i was thinking about stacking it with ethergen. but im not sure weather to use any thing with it i know a lot of people use deca but i was just happy with the test prop what do you all think
    Do u meaned to make cycle of that prop. for 2 weeks? If yes, that's to short even for beginners. If u r beginner, here's something: do some 4 weeks injecting deep in your botom's muscles every second or third day. U can also take some nolvadex for gyno reduc. But in pct, I heard, that with clomid'd be enough (for the first week taking higher dosage and in the next weeks decreasing it- I lost my detailed clomid pct info., so better do research). Actually I'm also beginner and have never done roids, just had some info. This one I got when I bought prop., but it seems I'm going to do orals for the very first time.

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    hdd123- he said in 2 weeks, not for 2 weeks.
    Big Dean- what are your stats, cycle history, and what is "ethergen"?

  4. #4
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ethergen dosent sound good

  5. #5
    Big_dean is offline Junior Member
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    iv updated my profile a little. eth is not a steroid but helps with bulking. its some were in between steroids and creatine. im thinking of running test prop on its own. thanks for the help

  6. #6
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by hdd123 View Post
    Do u meaned to make cycle of that prop. for 2 weeks? If yes, that's to short even for beginners. If u r beginner, here's something: do some 4 weeks injecting deep in your botom's muscles every second or third day. U can also take some nolvadex for gyno reduc. But in pct, I heard, that with clomid'd be enough (for the first week taking higher dosage and in the next weeks decreasing it- I lost my detailed clomid pct info., so better do research). Actually I'm also beginner and have never done roids, just had some info. This one I got when I bought prop., but it seems I'm going to do orals for the very first time.
    Oh, please...

  7. #7
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_dean View Post
    iv updated my profile a little. eth is not a steroid but helps with bulking. its some were in between steroids and creatine. im thinking of running test prop on its own. thanks for the help
    Reading your profile I assume you should cut before taking steroids , they will mess with your cholesterol, be aware of it.
    And I'm pretty sure I've already told you somewhere...


  8. #8
    Big_dean is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i hear that but it cant beto bad can it. hear is the place im in i have to be in college inabout 10 weeks ish so i need to cycle now as i cant when i get to college due to testing and the large amounts of cardio i will have to do. so thats why im going with test prop as it works quick and well. its not to toxic i hear it hurts like hell but thats why im doing it now

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