Thread: Stupid Question?
05-02-2008, 11:05 PM #1
Stupid Question?
After my last, long.. thread regarding "Best Test?" for my cutting cycle, test Prop was most widely encouraged and decided on.
I accepted that, only NOW... to change that choice to a:
Test E/C
..cutting cycle.
I wonder what your thoughts are on this stack. Hair-safe, and easy(ier) to keep the gains that I retain (even PCT'd) with 'minimal bloat'.
The other advice that I recieved around here was MASTERON , but for a hair safe cycle - the stupid question is this:
Is masteron widely recognized as hair-not-so-safe?
05-02-2008, 11:17 PM #2
masteron will scalp you if you are prone to MPB. primo is hit or miss, var is pretty much safe, but i have heard stories of shedding. thats quite and expensive cycle.i would save your money on the primo and just run test and anavar with a low dose of arimidex and you should be fine. this way its less of a gamble with the primo out of the equation. Also include finasteride and nizoral shampoo.
what were your planned doses and durations?
05-03-2008, 08:25 AM #3
Just over $300 for a nice cutter.
I don't think it's too expensive, and I use Rogaine Extra Strength, Finasteride, and I use Nizoral as well.
So I have a strong defense, vs. the MPB!
05-03-2008, 10:28 PM #4
buuuumpp damnit.
give me some good 'ol forum feedback!
05-03-2008, 11:47 PM #5
Masteron and primo are both DHT derived
05-03-2008, 11:56 PM #6
as far as hair loss goes, masteron is the worst. a lot of people have no issues with it, and some notice slight balding. rare cases include balding that is very apparent, but you are using finastride and niz shampoo so i doubt there would be much problems.
primo technically SHOULD produce some hair loss, but to be honest i have heard nobody ever complain. in fact i can almost 100% safetly say primo will give you NO hair loss at all being that its so mild, but there is always the possibility because of its chemical structure, so just sayin.
i say if you really are scared about hair loss drop the idea of mast and go with test e or c and var. primo can be added too if you have the $$$ but it is quite expensive...
05-04-2008, 08:00 AM #7
thaaank you!
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