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  1. #1
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    Critique my cycle!

    week 1 tbol 40mg Test E- 250mg
    week 2 tbol 40mg Test E- 250mg
    week 3 tbol 50mg Test E- 250mg
    week 4 tbol 50mg Test E- 250mg
    week 5 tbol 50mg Test E- 500mg (twice week)
    week 6 tbol 50mg Test E- 500mg (twice week)
    week 7 Test E- 500mg (twice week)

    week 8 Tribuls,zinc, dhea (wait 14 days to start nolva)

    week 9 Tribuls,zinc, dhea Nolva 40mg
    week10 Tribuls,zinc, dhea Nolva 40mg
    week11 Tribulus, zinc, dhea Nolva 20mg

    Should i add proviron or clomid after week 8 ?..which one?

    Provrion may cause baldness. Clomid affects your eyes.
    Do i need them or will the Nolva be good enough?
    Last edited by Deen54; 05-06-2008 at 05:41 PM.

  2. #2
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    why are you pyramiding your test??? also why are you only running test e for 7 weeks??

  3. #3
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    i plan to get a 10ml bottle..i could run it for 10 weeks at 250mg per week.

    i thought the pyramid might boost the gains.

  4. #4
    inky-e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    i plan to get a 10ml bottle..i could run it for 10 weeks at 250mg per week.

    i thought the pyramid might boost the gains.
    It will throw your levels off, I'd stick to 250mg x 10

  5. #5
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    ok..i can do that.

    what about my pct's is that ok?

  6. #6
    NATE0406's Avatar
    NATE0406 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would run clomid and nolva.

  7. #7
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Ya thats a real poor cycle

  8. #8
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    You mean the pct is poor? ..but the tbol and test at 10 weeks is ok?

    ok should i start the test later... like week 3 then go 10 weeks with it.

    and for pct i could run clomid with nolva.

  9. #9
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    actually i wouldn't run clomid and nolva together..those are pretty much the same thing.
    except nolva being stronger..

    what about hcg with nolva? or proviron with nolva?

  10. #10
    Stock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    actually i wouldn't run clomid and nolva together..those are pretty much the same thing.
    except nolva being stronger..

    what about hcg with nolva? or proviron with nolva?
    Dont do anything until you have done your homework. IMO, you are not ready...

  11. #11
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    I am asking for opinions not info. I know the info.

    Trust me what you think you know..there is an argument that can prove what you know keep that in mind before you judge bud.

  12. #12
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    There's no need to change dosages during cycle, it could cause more sides.

  13. #13
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Check out pheedno's PCT and read the first 7 posts.

    He goes into some great detail on the benefits of using clomid and nolva together.

    Pheedno's PCT

    Keep the test consistent as suggested, will help minimize sides caused by fluctuating hormone levels.

    Test E should ideally be run a min of 10 weeks. As peak blood concentrations won't be hitting in till week 5 or so.

  14. #14
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    i found something that states the opposite...this is the problem.

    that thread you sent me was the guys it says the

    opposite about clomid on HPTA..and they recommend Nolvadex .

    check it..

    So which one should you use? Well personally, I'd have to say Nolvadex. Both as an on-cycle anti-estrogen and a post-cycle therapy. As an anti-estrogen its simply much stronger, demonstrated by the fact that better results are obtained with 20-40 mg than with 100-150 mg of clomid. For post-cycle, this plays a key role as well. It deactivates rebound estrogen much faster and more effective. But most importantly, Nolvadex has a direct influence on bringing back natural testosterone , where as clomid may actually have a slight negative influence. The reason being that Tamoxifen (as in Nolvadex) seems to increase the responsiveness of LH (luteinizing hormone) to GnRH (gonadtropin releasing hormone), whereas clomid seems to decrease the responsiveness a bit1.

    Another noteworthy fact about Nolvadex is that it acts more potently as an estrogen in the liver. As you remember, I mentioned that clomiphene and tamoxifen are basically weak estrogens. Well, tamoxifen is apparently still quite potent in the liver. This offers us the positive benefits of this hormone in the liver, while avoiding its negative effects elsewhere in the body. As such Nolvadex can have a very positive impact on negative cholesterol levels2 in the body, and therefore too should be considered a better choice than clomid. It will not solve the problem of bad cholesterol levels during Steroid use , but will help to contain the problem to a larger degree.

    Another reason why I promote the use of Nolvadex over Clomid post-cycle (as if being 3-4 times stronger and having more of a direct effect on restoring natural test wasn't enough) is because it's a lot safer. Not just because it improves lipid profiles, but also because it simply doesn't have the intrinsic side-effects that Clomid has. Clomid causes more acne for sure, but that's mainly because you need to use a 3-4 times higher dose. But Clomid seems to also affect the eyesight. Long-term clomid therapy causes irreversible changes in eyesight3 in users. Irreversible. For me that alone is reason enough to prefer Nolvadex.

    Lastly, one should be aware that use of these compounds can reduce the gains made on steroids . Nolvadex more so than clomid, simply because it is stronger. Estrogen is responsible for a number of anabolic factors such as increasing growth hormone output, upgrading the androgen receptor and improving glucose utilization. This is why aromatizing steroids like testosterone are still best suited for maximum muscle gain. When reducing the estrogen levels, we therefore reduce the potential gains being made. For this reason one may opt to try clomid during a cycle instead of Nolvadex. Although I would imagine that the problem that needed solved would be of more concern, in which case Nolva remains the weapon of choice. It's a plain fact that there is a high correlation between gains and side-effects. Either you go for maximum gains and tolerate the side-effects, or you reduce the side-effects, and with it the gains. That's life, nothing is free.

  15. #15
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    Well for me, maybe the clomid and nolva works better.

    But it is more of a risk for me to use clomid as i only have one
    good eye. The other one i can barely see out of..

    so clomid is out of the question for me.

    In the end we have to customize based on the person. I can't risk my
    one good eye to go blurry..that would render me blind almost.

    The tbol doesn't aromatize..the test e will.

    nolva should do it.

    it's not that hard of a cycle.

  16. #16
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Add an AI in conjunction with nolva, tamox alone won't suffice after a test cycle

  17. #17
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    Deen, you ever consider running the test at 500mg a week, or can you just not find enough? Just wondering. I am running Cyp at 500mg a week. Keep us posted and good luck

  18. #18
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    test at 500mg..that's pretty high for me.

    may as well stop screwing around and do this thing good

    i am going to run it 12 weeks at 250 mg/week now. ..with tbol
    at 40mg@ two weeks then 50mg for 4@weeks = 6weeks

    But i will let you know once i get my gear.. i just need to get the proper
    cycle together first.

    proviron and nolvadex ?... i will need help..doing the cycling
    for the pct.. what do you think?

  19. #19
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    actually i wouldn't run clomid and nolva together..those are pretty much the same thing.except nolva being stronger..

    what about hcg with nolva? or proviron with nolva?

    you think nolva and clomid are pretty much the same thing????????????

  20. #20
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    No, i think Nolva is better than clomid.

    Nolvadex acts more potently as an estrogen in the liver. As you remember, I mentioned that clomiphene and tamoxifen are basically weak estrogens. Well, tamoxifen is apparently still quite potent in the liver. This offers us the positive benefits of this hormone in the liver, while avoiding its negative effects elsewhere in the body. As such Nolvadex can have a very positive impact on negative cholesterol levels2 in the body, and therefore too should be considered a better choice than clomid. It will not solve the problem of bad cholesterol levels during Steroid use , but will help to contain the problem to a larger degree.

    Another reason why I promote the use of Nolvadex over Clomid post-cycle (as if being 3-4 times stronger and having more of a direct effect on restoring natural test wasn't enough) is because it's a lot safer. Not just because it improves lipid profiles, but also because it simply doesn't have the intrinsic side-effects that Clomid has. Clomid causes more acne for sure, but that's mainly because you need to use a 3-4 times higher dose. But Clomid seems to also affect the eyesight. Long-term clomid therapy causes irreversible changes in eyesight3 in users. Irreversible. For me that alone is reason enough to prefer Nolvadex.

  21. #21
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    Moving on...

    How do i use Proviron with Nolva? mg etc.. toward end of cycle.

  22. #22
    hdd123 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    week 1 tbol 40mg Test E- 250mg
    week 2 tbol 40mg Test E- 250mg
    week 3 tbol 50mg Test E- 250mg
    week 4 tbol 50mg Test E- 250mg
    week 5 tbol 50mg Test E- 500mg (twice week)
    week 6 tbol 50mg Test E- 500mg (twice week)
    week 7 Test E- 500mg (twice week)

    week 8 Tribuls,zinc, dhea (wait 14 days to start nolva)

    week 9 Tribuls,zinc, dhea Nolva 40mg
    week10 Tribuls,zinc, dhea Nolva 40mg
    week11 Tribulus, zinc, dhea Nolva 20mg

    Should i add proviron or clomid after week 8 ?..which one?

    Provrion may cause baldness. Clomid affects your eyes.
    Do i need them or will the Nolva be good enough?
    Why tribulus?- it's a ****in' waste of money. Why? BEcouse, at first it's all puffed-bullshit about it and second it might do something only with very low levels of testosterone . Wanna some good herbal?- then I'd advise ecdisterone which is quite powerful for muscle growth and LH boost. Zink?- yes, it is good, but I would advise better to run some ZMA cycle (3 caps before a bed and at least 1 h after the lat meal). Also, why to make another suppression to your endocrine sistem by DHEA. Yes, if it's used for a shoort period of time, then there's nothing bother. But no reason to take all these, if your body just have been on much stronger substances+ better would be to use only vitamins and herbs, to give a body some rest. I think, nolva by itself'd be too week for cycle like this. So, I'd advice in this case better to do some medium dose of hcg once a week for no more than 3 weeks + u can take that nolva also, but I don't think, it'd have some amplify impact on recovery. So, also, btw, all those herbs and vitamins would be more worth to take in post-pct period.
    P.S. Nolva would be more useful during the cycle and if u thinking about Proviron for some pct I think that it's not good idea because in some cases it might even be suppresive.
    Last edited by hdd123; 05-07-2008 at 10:32 AM.

  23. #23
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    hmmm...the zma sounds like a good idea.

    i never knew dhea was suppressive. I would love to do hcg but scared of the
    hair loss.
    ...but a medium dose may do.

    i guess i will end up taking what i always knew i should take..

    hcg with nolva.

    i was waiting for someone to say!

  24. #24
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    ever heard of Fadogia Agrestis?

  25. #25
    audis4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hdd123 View Post
    Why tribulus?- it's a ****in' waste of money. Why? BEcouse, at first it's all puffed-bullshit about it and second it might do something only with very low levels of testosterone . Wanna some good herbal?- then I'd advise ecdisterone which is quite powerful for muscle growth and LH boost. Zink?- yes, it is good, but I would advise better to run some ZMA cycle (3 caps before a bed and at least 1 h after the lat meal). Also, why to make another suppression to your endocrine sistem by DHEA. Yes, if it's used for a shoort period of time, then there's nothing bother. But no reason to take all these, if your body just have been on much stronger substances+ better would be to use only vitamins and herbs, to give a body some rest. I think, nolva by itself'd be too week for cycle like this. So, I'd advice in this case better to do some medium dose of hcg once a week for no more than 3 weeks + u can take that nolva also, but I don't think, it'd have some amplify impact on recovery. So, also, btw, all those herbs and vitamins would be more worth to take in post-pct period.
    P.S. Nolva would be more useful during the cycle and if u thinking about Proviron for some pct I think that it's not good idea because in some cases it might even be suppresive.
    ...I love it, giving advice when you can't even advise yourself (the thread you posted).

  26. #26
    hdd123 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    ...I love it, giving advice when you can't even advise yourself (the thread you posted).

    Sorry for stirin' up a hornet's nest, but actually, if I'm going to do every week cyp. or enanh. injections, these r things I'm also going to follow+ it's possible, I'm going to get some more advices from couple long standing weightlifting coatches, whom I know.

  27. #27
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hdd123 View Post
    Sorry for stirin' up a hornet's nest, but actually, if I'm going to do every week cyp. or enanh. injections, these r things I'm also going to follow+ it's possible, I'm going to get some more advices from couple long standing weightlifting coatches, whom I know.
    bro sorry but i cant understand anything that you type. are you using a phone or something??? not trying to be funny.. its just some of the stuff you write doesnt make sence..

  28. #28
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    This guy is soooo funny

  29. #29
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    deen54. if you really dont want to use clomid then you can go with nolva hcg and a good AI. your cycle isnt all that agressive so you should be fine..

  30. #30
    hdd123 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    bro sorry but i cant understand anything that you type. are you using a phone or something??? not trying to be funny.. its just some of the stuff you write doesnt make sence..
    This visibly shows, that you don't even want to understand or at least to use your gumption to understand anything u have to think a lot.

  31. #31
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hdd123 View Post
    This visibly shows, that you don't even want to understand or at least to use your gumption to understand anything u have to think a lot.
    most people here are from the usa, australia or england which means we speak english everyday. your from latvia whick means english is your 2nd language so obviously some people wont understand every sentance you post bro but dont worry about it. your here trying and once you understand that english isnt your main language and you break down your posts they are able to be read.

  32. #32
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Nice new Custom Pietro

  33. #33
    fedorrulz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    You mean the pct is poor? ..but the tbol and test at 10 weeks is ok?

    ok should i start the test later... like week 3 then go 10 weeks with it.

    and for pct i could run clomid with nolva.

    If you want a 8 week cycle , use test prop instead of E or C.
    Keep tbol the same dose, its mild and doesn't need to be ramped up.

    5 weeks max with tbol if I were you.
    Last edited by fedorrulz; 05-12-2008 at 04:00 AM.

  34. #34
    fedorrulz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    Moving on...

    How do i use Proviron with Nolva? mg etc.. toward end of cycle.
    You don't need prov if you keep the test at 250mg/ week.

  35. #35
    hdd123 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    most people here are from the usa, australia or england which means we speak english everyday. your from latvia whick means english is your 2nd language so obviously some people wont understand every sentance you post bro but dont worry about it. your here trying and once you understand that english isnt your main language and you break down your posts they are able to be read.
    ...what a nice act! Just keep on: u, have POTENTIAL!

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