Ok, I don't know about everyone else, but I have noticed a lot of new members on here coming on and almost flat out asking for sources, asking what gear to take for there fist cycle at 18 years old (but they are ready because they have been working out for the past 4 months and they read Muscle Builder Monthly).

Look, if you come on here, and tell us that you are 18, 19, or even 20 years old, and you are asking what gear you should stack to get your ripped or what you should be taking to loose weight, just know right now, we are going to tell you to GET YOUR DIET AND WORKOUT IN CHECK BEFORE YOU START USING ANY AAS! You are too young for any gear and you could potentially harm your body in ways that could end up being irreversible.

Also, we do not discuss sources openly in these threads! So don't ask!

Before you post your questions, please, please, please READ THE RULES! Save us all some time by being smart about it, search the threads, odds are you will find the answer to your question has already been posted somewhere.

Don't want to sound like a jerk, but come on people.