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Thread: Plan for cycle

  1. #1
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Plan for cycle

    ok just getting everything finalized, and double checked
    (dont worry ive done my research and decided to post it all up just to make sure i didnt forget anything)

    22 y/o
    230 lbs
    12-13% bf
    lifting for 7 years
    first cycle

    I am doing a 8 or 9 week ( havent decided yet :P ) test prop cycle at 100 mg ED

    as for PCT i am doing:
    Nolva for 4 weeks at 40/20/20/20 ED
    HCG : 500 IU for 10 days
    for gyno sympotoms, if i get any imma order letro from ar-r and run that at 1mg/ED untill it goes down, then keep it at .5 mg/ED *or do you think .25 mg/ED be ok?

    My workout plan:

    everyday, get up take my multivit, milk thistle, Protein shake, creatine, hydroxycut hardcore, l-leucine, and my 1 ml of test prop, then run 1 1/2 to 2 miles in the mornin

    week 1-2
    Day 1: chest, back, bi's
    bench: 15, 15, 8, 8, 5, 5, 1xfailure
    incline DB: 4x8
    decline DB: 4x8
    Lat pull-down: 4x8
    Seated cable row: 4x8
    DB curl: 3x10
    pushups: 2x10-15, 1xfailure

    Day 2: legs, shoulders, tri's
    squat: 15,15,8,8,5,5
    leg extensions: 2x8 (both legs) 2x8 (single leg)
    leg curls: 2x8 (both legs) 2x8 (single leg)
    calves: 3x12
    standing military press w/ bar: 4x8
    seated arnold press: 4x8
    shrugs: 4x8 (2 in front, 2 in back)
    tri push down: 3x10
    skull crushers: 3x10

    Day 3: run, explosive lifts
    hang clean: 4x5
    push press: 4x5
    jump squat: 3x8
    running: sprints - 2x20, 2x30, 2x40, stregnth shoe workout

    Day 4: chest, back, bi's
    Incline: 10,8,8,6, 1xfailure
    decline: 4x8
    DB bench: 4x8
    pushups: 2x10, 1xfailure
    Seated cable row: 4x8 *low rows w/ bar: 4x8
    lat pulldown: 4x8 *pullups 3x8, 1xfailure
    DB curl: 3x10
    pushup: 2x10-15, 1xfailure

    Day 5:legs, shoulders, tri's
    front squat: 3x8, 1x10
    lunge: 4x8 (each leg)
    SL dead lift: 4x10
    sitting bar military press: 3x8, 1x6
    DB alternate (L, R, both) mil press: 3x5 (L, R, both = 1 rep)
    shrugs: 4x8 (2 in front, 2 in back)
    overhead tri press: 3x10
    close grip bench: 3x8

    Day 6: run, explosive lifts
    power clean: 4x6
    overhead snatch: 4x6
    run: 2x20, 2x30, 2x40, Stregnth shoe workout

    Day 7: rest *other than running when i get up

    week 3-8:
    same just adjust reps and sets

    Diet plan:

    after i run, ill have 2 bowls of grapenuts, and 2 HB eggs

    Lunch meals:
    grilled chicken and brown rice
    PBJ oatmeal
    PBJ rice
    Avacado and whole wheat toast
    hamburger and rice

    Afternoon snacks:
    equate shake
    avacado and whole wheat toast
    tuna and hot sauce
    canned chicken and hot sauce

    Steak and BP with little butter, asparagus, caesar salad
    Blackened catfish with BP with little butter, broc or aspar, caesar salad
    seafood caeser salad (shrimp and lobster meet on top)
    snow, king crag legs, BP little butter, broc or aspar
    10 oz fresh fish grilled, BP lil butter, broc or aspar

    after dinner snack/before bed:
    tuna and hot sauce
    left over grilled chicken
    canned chicken and hot sauce

    get down to below 10% bf
    final weight to about 235-240 lbs, but still mobile

    I think thats about it, what do yall think? any suggestions? any questions why i'm doin certain things? let me know!

    Thanks in advance for your replies
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 05-22-2008 at 10:27 PM. Reason: forgot goals, shrugs

  2. #2
    sassbs11 is offline Banned
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    Regards to the letro- you say if any gyno appears your gonna buy letro? mite be too
    l8 by the time it arrives so its a good idea to get it b4 your cycle as the earlier you catch gyno with letro the more chance you have of reversing it. your pct seems fine but for a 12 week test cycle you probably wouldnt need hcg , and to answer your question about letro dosages here are the dosages for letro
    Day 1: .50mg Letro
    Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.5mg Letro
    Last edited by sassbs11; 05-22-2008 at 03:48 PM. Reason: typo

  3. #3
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    A) i said i was running a 8 week cycle of PROP, so i am doin 100mg ED
    B) i was pretty sure i read that gyno wont get real bad/non reversable untill week 4 or so, but u'll get signs before that... so thats what i was plannin on... neways i have gyno from puberty so truthfully its not that big of a deal cause i will prolly end up gettin surgery....
    C) i know i prolly dont need HCG but i was originally gonna do tren a also, so i went ahead and ordered it and now since i dropped the tren i figured i'd still run it.... it cant hurt...
    D) so i should pyrimiad the letro untill it goes away then, what to run it at? .5mg ED?

  4. #4
    sassbs11 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    A) i said i was running a 8 week cycle of PROP, so i am doin 100mg ED
    B) i was pretty sure i read that gyno wont get real bad/non reversable untill week 4 or so, but u'll get signs before that... so thats what i was plannin on... neways i have gyno from puberty so truthfully its not that big of a deal cause i will prolly end up gettin surgery....
    C) i know i prolly dont need HCG but i was originally gonna do tren a also, so i went ahead and ordered it and now since i dropped the tren i figured i'd still run it.... it cant hurt...
    D) so i should pyrimiad the letro untill it goes away then, what to run it at? .5mg ED?
    Reply to A: sorry i misread(you wrote a lot).lol
    Reply to B: Nah thats not necessarily true about 4 weeks i wouldnt take the risk its best to catch it early, very early
    Reply to C: no it cant hurt
    Reply to D: yeah just follow the dosages.

  5. #5
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    bump for more opinions?

  6. #6
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    man whats up w/ this? someone actually researchs the subject, and gets it down on his own and asks for other peoples opinion? and the only thing i get is the letro information? doesnt everyone usually ask for stats, diet, and workout regiment? and i posted all of these, researched it.... and noone can leave any comments? wow.... i guess i should start a thread being like " hey i'm a noob, i want ot drink winny?" cause they get the most replies the fastest.... gah!

  7. #7
    sassbs11 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    man whats up w/ this? someone actually researchs the subject, and gets it down on his own and asks for other peoples opinion? and the only thing i get is the letro information? doesnt everyone usually ask for stats, diet, and workout regiment? and i posted all of these, researched it.... and noone can leave any comments? wow.... i guess i should start a thread being like " hey i'm a noob, i want ot drink winny?" cause they get the most replies the fastest.... gah!

    i think your post is too long and ppl cant be assed reading it, but youve done well mate, i not gonna critique your diet because i am still learning myself about diets, so heres a bump so someone else can help you with it

  8. #8
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    yeah but at least i mapped it out... ill go back adn bold some to make it easier

    there ya go that should be easier... and i meant no disrespect towards your post, i just want you to know that, i am thanking you for replying thats why i said i got the letro stuff from ya... so yeah,,,,,,
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 05-22-2008 at 10:28 PM.

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    sassbs11 is offline Banned
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    bump guys

  11. #11
    sassbs11 is offline Banned
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    wheres big when you need him

  12. #12
    sassbs11 is offline Banned
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    oh btw start your nolva 3 days after last shot of test prop

  13. #13
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    yup looks like i folrgot that ;S

  14. #14
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    anyways, i am on day 5 of this cycle, and ITS FREAKIN AMAZING!!!!!! first cycle ever, and i can definately see how 'once u pop u cant stop' lol!

    yup i love this, and i have 7 weeks to go!!! i'm really excited for the rest of my cycle!!

    *and any more imputs on my first post? suggestions? additions? deletions? questions why i'm doin something? let me know!

    this post is basically what everyone asks for when they first post a cycle idea and such.... and yet i only get one reply? wtf mate?

    *well reply from one person... thanks sassbs11!

  15. #15
    legobricks's Avatar
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    I have input, i would drop the HCG in general, its too much for a first cycle. Honestly for PCT I would have gone with some Toremafine over nolvadex and also added clomid. As much as I would love to use Aromasin , AI's dry's me out WAY too much and just puts my joints in pain. Man you should be real happy with the outcome witht his cycle, how is the prop treatin you in terms of pain?

    Oh and I would also have gone down on the test, not soo much for a first time. 500mg would be plenty for a first time user. 75mg ED would be 525mg of test per week and IMO that would be the better route to see how you react, remember more is not always better, and your first cycle you can achieve great results by using less.

  16. #16
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    thx lego, so you dont think i should use the HCG at all? i should save it or what?

    as for pain, i inject the same body part i'm workin out so that really 'massages' the oil out and later just feels like i'm really sore, but i am usually sore when i'm done lifting so its really not that bad... other than that no pain at all... do u think the PCT is good as is? or not?

  17. #17
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    after i run, ill have 2 bowls of grapenuts, and 2 HB eggs

    Lunch meals:
    grilled chicken and brown rice
    PBJ oatmeal
    PBJ rice
    Avacado and whole wheat toast
    hamburger and rice

    Afternoon snacks:
    equate shake
    avacado and whole wheat toast
    tuna and hot sauce
    canned chicken and hot sauce

    Steak and BP with little butter, asparagus, caesar salad
    Blackened catfish with BP with little butter, broc or aspar, caesar salad
    seafood caeser salad (shrimp and lobster meet on top)
    snow, king crag legs, BP little butter, broc or aspar
    10 oz fresh fish grilled, BP lil butter, broc or aspar

    after dinner snack/before bed:
    tuna and hot sauce
    left over grilled chicken
    canned chicken and hot sauce

    You need to weigh all your food. When dieting, you cannot guess.

    Your diet is based off LBM, and in your case it's appox 200 pounds.

    You need 6 meals per day with macros/calories spread evenly throughout each meal.

    Post a plan and I'll critique it.

  18. #18
    PT's Avatar
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    exactly. every single night for dinner i eat almost a pound of whole grain rice and a pound and a half of fish. everything i eat is weighed and planned in advance. actually not everything but every dinner and lunch

  19. #19
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    ok those meals were just measl that i would eat ath those certain times...

  20. #20
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    ok those meals were just measl that i would eat ath those certain times...
    Point is my friend, you cannot "eye" your food when dieting. Your diet need to be precise, and regimented daily, so when the time comes you have references to make caloric cuts as need.

    To reiterate, you need to weigh everything

    You need to know what your caloric in take is for any given day

    You need to know how and when to do cardio, and at what intensity level.

  21. #21
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    aight thanks!

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