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  1. #1
    dozer33 is offline New Member
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    Healing Purposes usage

    Hey guys this is my first post i finally thought it was time to ask as i have been reading and researching for quite some time. so ill start with some back round info, been lifting for 4 years for sports made it to college for sports and recieved a legament tear that required surgery, now i am clear to train again and i have about 6 months till spring when my chance to play again is back.

    I lift 4 days week, run, do my physical therapy etc etc. but my main concern is being ready to play again at my position i give and take a beating i need to be farely big at around 230ish at 11-15% currently im at 235 at 20%. so now to the present; ive read many articles and decided my choices to be hgh or anavar . i dont want any thing drastic as i do find mind self a little young but fully grown at 19. From my readings i have read if taken correctly, they are to be mild on the system and both are used for my goals, my goals so you guys know is to boost healing, cut some fat, and maintain/boost strength.

    so any thoughts from you experinced guys would be great ill listen to anything you have to say as long as its mature and applicable.

    Thanks The Dozer

  2. #2
    D-Unit 39's Avatar
    D-Unit 39 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dozer33 View Post
    Hey guys this is my first post i finally thought it was time to ask as i have been reading and researching for quite some time. so ill start with some back round info, been lifting for 4 years for sports made it to college for sports and recieved a legament tear that required surgery, now i am clear to train again and i have about 6 months till spring when my chance to play again is back.

    I lift 4 days week, run, do my physical therapy etc etc. but my main concern is being ready to play again at my position i give and take a beating i need to be farely big at around 230ish at 11-15% currently im at 235 at 20%. so now to the present; ive read many articles and decided my choices to be hgh or anavar . i dont want any thing drastic as i do find mind self a little young but fully grown at 19. From my readings i have read if taken correctly, they are to be mild on the system and both are used for my goals, my goals so you guys know is to boost healing, cut some fat, and maintain/boost strength.

    so any thoughts from you experinced guys would be great ill listen to anything you have to say as long as its mature and applicable.

    Thanks The Dozer

    I think you're still too young. Your body is at it's maximum testosterone production at that age. If you choose to ignore my advice (and the advice of others to follow I am sure) please research well and plan a great PCT.

  3. #3
    dozer33 is offline New Member
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    i wouldnt ask for advice if i was going to ignore it. I just wanted to see what fellow lifters thought anyone have anything to say on hgh?

  4. #4
    MindBomb's Avatar
    MindBomb is offline Member
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    I would not touch hgh unless I was going to compete or turn 50. But, you are way too young to be jacking with your hormonal production. I know instances of people going on hrt at the ripe age of 30. IMO it's not worth it. Damages may be irreversable.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by dozer33 View Post
    Hey guys this is my first post i finally thought it was time to ask as i have been reading and researching for quite some time. so ill start with some back round info, been lifting for 4 years for sports made it to college for sports and recieved a legament tear that required surgery, now i am clear to train again and i have about 6 months till spring when my chance to play again is back.

    I lift 4 days week, run, do my physical therapy etc etc. but my main concern is being ready to play again at my position i give and take a beating i need to be farely big at around 230ish at 11-15% currently im at 235 at 20%. so now to the present; ive read many articles and decided my choices to be hgh or anavar . i dont want any thing drastic as i do find mind self a little young but fully grown at 19. From my readings i have read if taken correctly, they are to be mild on the system and both are used for my goals, my goals so you guys know is to boost healing, cut some fat, and maintain/boost strength.

    so any thoughts from you experinced guys would be great ill listen to anything you have to say as long as its mature and applicable.

    Thanks The Dozer
    I would stay away from AAS at the age of 19yrs because your not fully grown and could cause serious problems what you dont need at this age.

  6. #6
    goldenear is offline Associate Member
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    Are you paid to play (i.e., full ride scholarship @ D1)? Do you have intentions to attempt to make a run at a pro career? If you can't answer yes to either of these questions, then I can't see any justification in use at this stage in the game. Further, I have never read any studies that proved a positive correlation between AAS use and ligament strength/accelerated ligament healing. HGH? Yeah, I can see that possibility, but that is a whole different game.
    Last edited by goldenear; 05-28-2008 at 02:00 PM.

  7. #7
    dozer33 is offline New Member
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    well to answer your first question yes. i know the aas wouldnt help with the tendon but to make up for the fact of a weaker tendon if the muscles are built strong enough around it, it eleviates alot of pressure and strain on the tendon which was my reasoning for considering it. but hgh would be my first choice and by no means do i really need either of my choices im plenty strong and size is not an issue hence looking for more healing effects or aiding in healing.

    Thanks For the input all, everything is taken into consideration.

  8. #8
    goldenear is offline Associate Member
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    Actually, nandrolone has been proven to positively aid collagen synthesis and promote scar tissue that more closely resembles natural tendon tissue. That's why I limited my response specifically to "ligament healing." So which one are you talking about - tendons (muscle to bone) or ligaments (bone to bone)? LOL!
    Last edited by goldenear; 05-28-2008 at 03:53 PM.

  9. #9
    dozer33 is offline New Member
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    haha sorry i meant its a ligament

  10. #10
    goldenear is offline Associate Member
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    OK, then it's IGF-1 and HGH. But, like I said, that's a whole different game and if you're not paid to play, or looking to be paid to play, then I don't think you could reasonably justify the expense or risk IMO.

  11. #11
    dozer33 is offline New Member
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    i am under a scholarship and am looking to continue to play

  12. #12
    goldenear is offline Associate Member
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    well then, assuming you are subject to random drug tests, you may want to consider the possibility of using hGH under certain circumstances. I'd recommend you start by monitoring the healing progress of your injury under your own endogenous physiology. I'd also suggest getting a somatomedin-C blood test to get a rough estimate of baseline hGH levels. Wouldn't hurt to get a full metabolic workup, CBC, and possibly even a full hormone panel just to get baseline #'s. If a doc won't work with you on these (possibly due to pressure from ins. co's trying to prove medical necessity), find a different doctor or order them online from a blood testing service.

    If you feel that your healing is not progressing appropriately, you should take steps to find a doc who will prescribe you hGH. Finding a doc who will do this is going to be extremely difficult due to your age, but there are qualified doctors out there who will work with athletes. This is likely going to be the only way you're going to get your hands on domestic hGH like Genotropin. The Chinese hGH is garbage. Once you've used the real thing (like I have), you will realize there is no comparison whatsoever. Expect to pay ~$20/IU. Like I said, it is extremely expensive, but might be worth it depending on your individual circumstances.

    PM me with any questions.

  13. #13
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    chinese hgh is good for the price

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