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  1. #1
    stone14's Avatar
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    30day cycle or sust 21 days? (marcus)

    ok im going to go back and try short cyclesi will either run:

    1-30 150mg test p ed
    1-30 50mg winny inj (ed or eod?)
    i dont want water retention i wana keep what i see if u no what i mean.

    i have also heard of this 21 day cycle:

    1-21 250mg sust ed
    1-21 2.5 letro (ed or eod?)

    will add letro for water retention

    i will also prime but dont no how long for?

    mon low carb upperbody/supersets high reps
    tue low carb lower body/supersets high reps
    wed low carb full body wo high reps
    thur high carb no training
    fri low carb upper body/ super sets high reps
    sat lower body/ super sets high reps
    sun mod carb no training

    this prime look ok?

    just not sure which cycle to run, im leaning towards 30 day test p one?

    how long do u prime for?

  2. #2
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    cycle #2 is just ****in stupid

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    have you even cycled before? both those cycles suck get back to reading and researching before you ever cycle or cycle again.

  4. #4
    stone14's Avatar
    stone14 is offline Junior Member
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    yeh iv cycled a few years now, none like this, iv been reading about short burst cycles.

    the 21 day sust cycle is an actual cycle. not one ive made up.
    also marcus (mod) has wrote alot on short 3oday cycles on here.

  5. #5
    stone14's Avatar
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  6. #6
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  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Whats your cycle history,dosages and stats?

  8. #8
    stone14's Avatar
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    ok heres my cycle history
    6 weeks
    30mg dbol ew
    no pct

    13 weeks
    500mg sust ew
    400mg deca ew
    30mg ed
    no pct

    those 2 cycle i listened to guy at gym b4 i had internet.
    next cycle i have had internet to research more.

    6 weeks
    500mg sust
    standard nolv pct +hcg use b4 pct

    same as 3)

    8 weeks
    500mg sust ew
    75mg tren ac eod
    nolv pct + hcg use mid and end cycle b4 pct

    6 weeks
    1-3 1000mg sust ew
    1-3 75mg tren ac ed
    4-6 100mg test p ed
    4-6 tren ac ed
    hcg 500iu x2ew throughout cycle
    nolv pct

    2weeks on 2 off x3 then lont time off, ran nolv during time off and for last pct
    1-2 100mg drol ed
    3-4 nolv ed
    5-6 100mg drol ed
    7-8nolv ed
    9-10 100mg drol ed
    11-12 full nolv pct

    12 weeks
    1-4 50mg drol ed
    1-12 750mg sust ew
    hcg use and nolv pct
    igf1 40mcg ed during pct

    15 weeks
    500mg test e ew
    400mg tren e ew
    600mg eq ew
    50mg mast ed
    20mg dbol ed
    hcg mid and end cycle
    nolv pct
    igf1 40mcg ed during pct

    i am planning on starting next cycle 4month after end of pct from cycle 9) so next cycle will be august.

    thanks for any help
    Last edited by stone14; 06-01-2008 at 09:28 AM.

  9. #9
    stone14's Avatar
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    been using aas 4 years
    age 24 (25 in 2 weeks)
    hight 6ft2"
    weight 210ib
    bf% ?? prob about 15%

    have gained a good 76ib in weight since started training, alot of it from aas help
    currently eating 4500cals+ ed to maintain weight, imo i hav a fast metabolism

    am planning on priming for 8 weeks b4 cycle from reading one of your posts about it, starting 2day i was gana prime like this:

    mon low carb/ upperbody high reps/ supersets
    tue low carb/ lowerbody high reps/ supersets
    wed low carb cardio
    thur mod carb/ fullbody wo high reps/ supersets
    fri low carb/ upperbody high reps/ supersets
    sat low carb lowrbody high reps/ supersets
    sun high carb no training

    am i right n thinking that on low carb days, the gms of carbs i remove from my diet i add to mt gms of protien on that day to keep cals same?
    Last edited by stone14; 06-01-2008 at 07:47 AM.

  10. #10
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Bro, thats alot of "cycles" for that short timespan. Give it a rest, for like......a year minimum.JMHO

  11. #11
    stone14's Avatar
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    i think its 4 years it might be 5? i got a bad memory, but i had adleast 3month off between cycles.
    i have done the time on = time off

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    9 cycles in 4 years or 5 yrs because you cant remember, sounds bad, thats starting cycling at 19yrs old. The last cycle was for 15weeks running Test and Tren as a you seem to be running at a very fast rate and in my eyes too fast. Have you had any Bloodwork done? How well do you recover? Are there any problems?
    Are you competing?

    There are many ways to cycle your carbs which is explained in the thread, i normally work off a maintenance diet and cycle 3-4 low and 1 high.

  13. #13
    stone14's Avatar
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    im 25 in 2 weeks so i think i started in 2001-2002 (20yr old)
    well it works out about 2-3 cycles per year some are just 6 week ones,no not competing but would be nice to get into a position were i could. had bloods done b4 start of last cycle they were fine.

    had bloods done about 1 month after last cycle to check for diabetes and anemia all was fine apart from total cholesterol good cho was fine but bad was high. i had think the high cho could be down to nolv pct and from my aas use from that cycle. i plan on having it checked in august b4 starting another cycle. no problems i recovered well from my last cycle, thought it would have been harder since i was on the longest iv ever been but recover was good, only lost 3ib-4ib.

    my weight has been up and down mainly from when i was bit younger from nights out and other problems etc but im sorted now have been for a long time.

    erm, just think short cycle are good idea since you arnt shut down as long

    tbh i think i started aas too soon and b4 i got to my natty potential and could have gained better if id waited longer but nothing i can do about that now.
    if i start my next cycle in auguset after i get all clear from bloods i will have been totaly clean of aas and pct meds for 4month, i think i gain more if i have 4 month off, i did try in the past to cut time off down but iv found that cutting time off is cutting my gains off. 4month + is good for me to go back on imo.

    so just to recape :
    the only only problem with my bloods are my cholesterol which i am sure will be fine, i think they are hiht due to having them done not long after extended nolv pct, i extended it because of my being on aas for longer. last pct was:
    500iu eod mid cycle for 2 weeks
    2 weeks hcg which finished 1 week b4 pct end cycle hcg use was:
    1500iu day 1 then 500iu ed for 2 weeks,
    1 week off then started :
    nolv pct 4 weeks with igf1 40mcg ed, also creatine CEE 3g ed, NAC 600mg ed, DHEA 100mg ed

    i felt recovered once all that was finished, my testis are a good full size, maybe even bigger than b4 start of cycle, i feel great and believe i am fully recovered. i no no-one can be sure unless more test bloods are done but i am feeling great and believe i am fine.
    Last edited by stone14; 06-01-2008 at 12:12 PM.

  14. #14
    sdc is offline New Member
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    Let me get this right, you wanny do test c 150mg/ ed or sust250 ed, but you don't want to get any water retention. Good luck with that. Your BP is gonna go through the roof.

  15. #15
    stone14's Avatar
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    i will use letro or adex for the water.
    those are just examples of short burt cycles i have seen.
    i am new to these short burst cycle and am after andvice on how to run them, what to use etc etc. i have seen marcus300 nows alot on this subject so am very interested in what he has to say that will be useful to me,all of what he has wrote which i have read makes total sense to me.
    and other members input will be good also

  16. #16
    goose is offline Banned
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    Really I would go natural a few years,I dont agree with drugs at your age and level.At your level all you need is test at 500mg for 10-12 weeks.If you pursue this path,your going to find it very hard to gain from AAS later on in life.You could be an early HRT case too.

  17. #17
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    you've been juicing for 5 years and olny weight 210 ?? somethings wrong man

  18. #18
    El Ricardinho's Avatar
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    im not really in a position to flame as i havent even started my first cycle but after doing all those cycles with good diet and training i would expect you to be much bigger bro. i havent even started a cycle and im near 200lbs at 5ft10in. i would go along with the advice here and give your body a break for a while IMO.

  19. #19
    Tri26 is offline Junior Member
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    Neither of those make any sense at all. By the time they are starting to kick in, you are done. I dont get he logic in that.

  20. #20
    boss4romdabay's Avatar
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    doesnt make any sense at all to me bro! and for 10 cycles your really small... give it a break bro! somethings not right!

  21. #21
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    the cycle style deffinetly makes sense. read the thread and youll be like wow. and 4-6 weeks of prop is deffinetly not a waist

  22. #22
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    i would go with the prop.

  23. #23
    stone14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Ricardinho View Post
    im not really in a position to flame as i havent even started my first cycle but after doing all those cycles with good diet and training i would expect you to be much bigger bro. i havent even started a cycle and im near 200lbs at 5ft10in. i would go along with the advice here and give your body a break for a while IMO.
    yeh as ive said iv had problems which has caused me too lose track, training, diet etc etc which has made me loose alot of gains, this is why i am smaller than i should be. i am ok now tho, and serious about getting big

  24. #24
    stone14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    Really I would go natural a few years,I dont agree with drugs at your age and level.At your level all you need is test at 500mg for 10-12 weeks.If you pursue this path,your going to find it very hard to gain from AAS later on in life.You could be an early HRT case too.
    my recovery is good and my bloods say im fine to go again once my cholesterol is lower which im sure it will be by time i planned to go back on.

    im listening to what you's are saying.

    i dont think there is anything wrong with a 25 old guy using aas imo, im sure there are guys who compete who are not much younger than me
    Last edited by stone14; 06-02-2008 at 10:27 AM.

  25. #25
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You do seem to be in a hurry for using gear, 9cycles is alot in such a short period of time, i would just hold on and just think were your going to be in another 2 years time with your gear usage. Don't you think trying to maintaining your gains for a while naturally will help? tolerance builds up and the body doesn't grow like it use to. Your not very big saying you have done all these cycles, which makes me think your diet or training is not in order,

    Saying all this will probably fall on deaf ears so, if your content on doing something I would prime you body and just do a nice a little short cycle and see how you progress from that, the prime will put you in a good position to build muscle. But i woulds seriously consider going some time naturally and maintaining and recovering fully.

  26. #26
    eljugo16's Avatar
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    listen to these guys bro, they know what theyr talking about. Im half way through my second week of priming and im loving it. The low carb days are def tough but it all worth it when you start seeing cuts you have never seen before, oh and did I mention you also grow too.

  27. #27
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eljugo16 View Post
    listen to these guys bro, they know what theyr talking about. Im half way through my second week of priming and im loving it. The low carb days are def tough but it all worth it when you start seeing cuts you have never seen before, oh and did I mention you also grow too.

  28. #28
    stone14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You do seem to be in a hurry for using gear, 9cycles is alot in such a short period of time, i would just hold on and just think were your going to be in another 2 years time with your gear usage. Don't you think trying to maintaining your gains for a while naturally will help? tolerance builds up and the body doesn't grow like it use to. Your not very big saying you have done all these cycles, which makes me think your diet or training is not in order,

    Saying all this will probably fall on deaf ears so, if your content on doing something I would prime you body and just do a nice a little short cycle and see how you progress from that, the prime will put you in a good position to build muscle. But i woulds seriously consider going some time naturally and maintaining and recovering fully.
    yeh i see what you mean, i wasnt planning on doing @big heavy long cycles from now on, if i was to do 2-3 month cycles i was planning on sticking to 500mg test maybe tren and an oral. if i dont gain from continued use i will come off for a long period, i belive i can still gain from a cycle and feel i am fully recovered and holding my weight well.

    thanks for all your advice guys, i have decieded to run 500mg test ew e 10 weeks and see how i gain and then decide from then if its werth staying off for a long while, at the min my gains have been good and i think my diet is good, i agree i should be a good 20ib-30ib hevier in my eyes, but depression and sh*t in the past cause of certain reasons caused me to loose weight from poor diet, training etc etc. im fine now.
    i am to start priming 2day for 8 weeks.

    marcus you said i need to think about were i will be in 2 years, and i realy wish i was good enough to compete so taking a long time off would be a bad choice for me, yes i wil take time off (year or so) if gains from my next cycle are poor.

  29. #29
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stone14 View Post
    yeh i see what you mean, i wasnt planning on doing @big heavy long cycles from now on, if i was to do 2-3 month cycles i was planning on sticking to 500mg test maybe tren and an oral. if i dont gain from continued use i will come off for a long period, i belive i can still gain from a cycle and feel i am fully recovered and holding my weight well.

    thanks for all your advice guys, i have decieded to run 500mg test ew e 10 weeks and see how i gain and then decide from then if its werth staying off for a long while, at the min my gains have been good and i think my diet is good, i agree i should be a good 20ib-30ib hevier in my eyes, but depression and sh*t in the past cause of certain reasons caused me to loose weight from poor diet, training etc etc. im fine now.
    i am to start priming 2day for 8 weeks.

    marcus you said i need to think about were i will be in 2 years, and i realy wish i was good enough to compete so taking a long time off would be a bad choice for me, yes i wil take time off (year or so) if gains from my next cycle are poor.
    If thats your intention, prime the body and run a short cycle but nothing to heavy.

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