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Thread: Advise on Cycle

  1. #1
    chris3737zz is offline New Member
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    Oct 2002

    Advise on Cycle

    Would this be a good cycle for an experienced user?
    Test Prop 1-4 100mg EOD
    Anadrol 1-4 50mg ED
    Test Prop 5-12 500mg PW
    Tren 5-12 70mg EOD
    Halo 9-12 20mg ED

    Plenty of Novaldex, clomid, and liver protectors. Since anadrol is the best at increasing size, following it by Halo makes sense to me because it won't make the muscles any bigger, but a lot more dense. Should be a great strength cycle too. Question is: is there enough time between the Anadrol and Halo? Time on = Time off. Also, how important is it to take Dbol before you experience Anadrol?

  2. #2
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    Personally, I like the cycle...but I wouldn't suggest it for someone who hasn't already had a few heavy cycles under their belt. I am just curious, what is the past cycle experience of the person this cycle is for or is it just a hypothetical cycle?

  3. #3
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    hmm drol and halo togetehr ?i know theres some week s between them but man ,id get rid of the halo and use somethin else ,just too toxic,u will al ready have strenght from the droll then from the fina ,winny does the same thing as the halo but dosent give u that much strength.

  4. #4
    chris3737zz is offline New Member
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    Time on = Time off. Supposedly that is sufficient time. I suppose you do not think so? The cycle is hypothetical although I'm quite certain that I will eventually try it. I do not, however, want to waste time doing Dbol before I try Anadrol if it is not necessary. My second cycle will most likely be a simple
    Test Prop 100mg EOD 1-6
    Tren 100mg EOD 1-6
    Halo 20mg ED 1-6
    Novaldex at 20mg ED, T3 at 50mcg ED, and Clen /ECA throughout. Of course clomid.

  5. #5
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    I don't see the need for 6 weeks of Halo on your second cycle. Is there any methodology to it? I'd suggest running like 4 weeks of Dbol at moderate dosages instead.

  6. #6
    chris3737zz is offline New Member
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    Oct 2002
    Dbol and Halo will give almost complete opposite effects and I have no interest in it for this cycle. If liver enzymes get too high, I'll cut it to 4wks. 6wks. of Dbol at moderate dosages(35mg) is done all the time and dbol at 35mg ED should be no more toxic to the liver than 20mg ED of Halo.

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