Thread: First cycle, what do you think?
06-10-2008, 06:02 PM #1New Member
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First cycle, what do you think?
24 years old, 153lb, 5'5".
wks 1-6 dbol 20mg ed
wks 1-10 deca 300mg/wk
wks 1-10 sustanon 250mg/wk
goal, I really only want to do 1 bulk cycle and possibly 1 cut cycle and just keep up my physique from there. I don't want to do any future cycles other than those. Ideally I would like to be ~165 ~8% bf. opinions on this cycle?
Also what does one recommend my daily cal intake be on this cycle (and ideally fat/carb/protein ratio), I have a feeling I'll be eating everything in sight...Last edited by chilln4now; 06-10-2008 at 06:04 PM. Reason: added question
06-10-2008, 06:05 PM #2
what is your planned pct?
20mgs of dbol is far too little.
deca is usually not recommended for a first cycle since you will be unaware how you respond to test only. nevertheless, if you are hellbent on running it i would up it to 400mgs/w
generally, deca needs to be run for at least 12 weeks to get maximum gains.
you would need to run your sust an additional 2 weeks after the deca to let the ester clear and then another 18 days after your sust to start pct.
sust should be bumped to 500mgs/w as well.
overall, you need some revision
06-10-2008, 06:36 PM #3New Member
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thanks for the quick reply!
amorphic, as far as dosages, this is what I have right now. keep in mind this is my first cycle too... several guys were telling me this is a pretty hefty cycle for a first time user so i thought the dosages were fine anyway but i'm always open for opinions. btw, my current bf ~12-13.
during cycle .5ml arimidex . have nolva for pct but do need some help on dosages. I know I start nolva ~3 weeks after last dosage of sust and deca .
06-10-2008, 06:41 PM #4Senior Member
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I agree with amorphic. I think you should bump the test to 500mgs ew as well. The dbol works good at 40mgs, at least it did for me. What kind of cycle are you wanting to do? One thing thats confusing me is that your doing sus/deca /dbol which is basically a bulking cycle then taking adex to get rid of the water/bulk. So which is it? Bulking or Cutting?
06-10-2008, 06:58 PM #5New Member
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jc, I really wouldn't mind adding more test like amorphic stated, and I will consider it if I can get my hands on a bottle.
I consider this a bulk but have the adex in there to keep the water bloating down and prevent gyno with the dbol and sust running in my system.
06-10-2008, 07:27 PM #6Member
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i think maybe u should hold back on this cycle for 1 month ..and begin a bulk diet .. just so u get used to bulk dieting b/c its tough...its not just eat everything in site, u still have to eat the right foods at the right times.... and with this cycle u also will need letro for gyno through the deca and also clomid for pct and possibly Hcg for PCT ...u need more research!
06-10-2008, 08:16 PM #7New Member
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do i really have to worry about deca related gyno at 300mg/wk?
with the limited research i did do on deca gyno it appears to be rather rare however letro would be optimal to have on hand if it arises, unfortunately i have none and no way of getting any...
06-11-2008, 10:31 AM #8New Member
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Yes or No. Should I increase my deca dosages during mid cycle so that I end on week 8 and have my sust running for 2 additional weeks (weeks 8-10 only sust)?
Keep in mind the gear I have is all I have to work with. Let's hear it...
06-11-2008, 10:40 AM #9Banned
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i would just get rid of Sust and deca and do D-bol and test
06-12-2008, 12:44 AM #10New Member
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cool anyone else?
06-12-2008, 12:49 AM #11Anabolic Voice of Reason
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A standard default first cycle would normally be just Test.
But, with that said, Amorphic has a lot more exp than I do, and if he says you would be alright, you will be fine. Personally I would recommend just Test though.
06-12-2008, 01:02 AM #12
also to add...the reasoning behind notusing deca for a first cycle is results wise you wont know if it is the test or deca that is working well, you also wont know if either your test or deca is fake if you are running both and have no prior experience with them.
19 nors shut you down hard as well and if you dont know how you respond to test only, the shutdown might be worse than you think making recovery difficult
06-12-2008, 01:09 AM #13Anabolic Voice of Reason
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Exactly, we get a lot of people asking questions on here about sides they are getting, or gains and what not, that are on their first cycle, and they are using 3 or 4 different AAS, then they can't figure out which one is causing what. So you start with Test, like Amorphic said, you can then figure out how your body will react to the Test.
06-12-2008, 07:04 AM #14
Here's how I would run it if you are hell bent on running those compounds:
wks 1-4 dbol 40mg ed
wks 1-10 deca 300mg/wk
wks 1-12 sustanon 500mg/wk
wks 1-14 a-dez .25mg ed
Start PCT on week 14. Nolva at 40mg ed wk 1-2, and 20mg ed wk 3-4.
Most of the time Test and Deca mixes work better in a 5:3 or 4:2 ratio. With more test than deca. The nice thing about sus, is that it doesn't seem to take as long to feel that kick, so you shouldn't need the dbol jumpstart as long.
I would personally do a cycle of just Sust for 10-12 weeks and see how you respond. I think you will grow nicely. At your body weight, you need around 3000 cals a day to grow if not using AAS. I would think you'd be fine adding another 1000-1500 cals. Probably keep the ratio around 40-50% Protein, 30-40% Carb, and 10-20% Fat. You can play with those numbers a little if you know how sensitive you are to weight gain from carbs.
06-12-2008, 07:18 AM #15Member
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