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  1. #1
    wake.up.hate is offline New Member
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    Gains coming after cycle?

    I was wondering, if it would be at all possible for gains to not really occur until after cycle, maybe during PCT even... I know it depends on how long the cycle is ran for, but, hypothetically, could it be possible to not really notice any gains until you cease steroid use , for some crazy genetic reason?

  2. #2
    shield11 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by wake.up.hate View Post
    I was wondering, if it would be at all possible for gains to not really occur until after cycle, maybe during PCT even... I know it depends on how long the cycle is ran for, but, hypothetically, could it be possible to not really notice any gains until you cease steroid use, for some crazy genetic reason?
    I highly doubt it but you can just gain naturally during and after pct if you keep your calorie intake up

  3. #3
    Tatudlifter's Avatar
    Tatudlifter is offline Junior Member
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    If you havn't noticed any gains during your cycle your gear is probably fake!

  4. #4
    mightymo is offline New Member
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    I have done one cycle. I made gains on my cycle after a long time training and not making any. And now that i am off my cycle...i am still making gains...and just for clarification i am making strength gains.

  5. #5
    lilharley is offline Junior Member
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    just my 2 cents i have noticed this before also. im thinking its probably due to estrogen. someone correct me if im wrong but ive heard estrogen can give u some strength gains.

  6. #6
    J0k3R's Avatar
    J0k3R is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilharley View Post
    just my 2 cents i have noticed this before also. im thinking its probably due to estrogen. someone correct me if im wrong but ive heard estrogen can give u some strength gains.
    If anything too much estrogen can hinder your gains.
    so i've heard...

  7. #7
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    I'm in pct right now after a relatively long cycle of cip and deca , what I've noticed is that I've dropped about 3-4 lbs in fat weight, and my body looks solid and tight. I'm still getting great pumps at the gym. Strength is the same. I've been taking some clen only on the days that I workout ( which I don't recommend to anyone) 20 minutes prior, it seems to be giving me a little edge as far as strength goes and for sure endurance. Plus I sweat my balls off. I'm just testing the waters with this clen thing.

  8. #8
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    estrogen has a role in building muscle which in turn also builds strength. i have found that letting my estrogen get high (during cycle) but not high enough to cause gyno has given me much better gains. alot of ppl on this board (me included) preach that you should hold off on using an AI all during cycle, for the specific reason of your body needing some estrogen. ppl see better gains.

    so, if your talking about strenth gains increasing after PCT? then i would say yes. it could be that your estrogen is rebounding after stopping your PCT, and that will affect your strength.

    or depending on how your cycling, say if your using an AI during cycle. So your estrogen levels will be low. Even lower then normal when your not on cycle. So after you stop. Your estrogen goes back to normal or a tad higher and you see gains. Only because you didnt have that estrogen before will you notice it.

    just my 2cc's

  9. #9
    lilharley is offline Junior Member
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    thank YOU law. glad someone else is on the same page.

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