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  1. #1
    breakbones's Avatar
    breakbones is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Question about our blood and steroids

    There is much talk about not having good blood work after a cycle.

    And people say there’s repercussions to this. My question is, what is so bad about you’re test not going back to normal. And if having to take hormone replacements form the doc.
    Would you be able to do a good roid cycle with the doc knowing you’re test is funny.

    My questions are simply for education to better my sense of knowledge for the present and future.

  2. #2
    J0k3R's Avatar
    J0k3R is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    "Limp Dick Syndrome"

    and yes if your doctor checked your test during a cycle he would know something was up since it would be about 5 to 15 times higher than normal depending if your not a low dose cycle.

  3. #3
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    what is so bad about your test levels not going back to normal?? Everything! lol Bloodwork is essensile these days w/ all the UG gear going around especially bro.
    Your test levels not going back to normal means big problems for many things and not just you sex life...

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