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  1. #1
    JohnyBravo789 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008

    Steroids for Ectomorphs

    I'm 18 years old and I'm an ectomorph.

    I weight 174 pounds and I'm 6" long, I'm trying to bulk up and eating 180 grams of protein a day with a very carb rich diet.

    I stick to my compound excercices and train 5 times a week.

    (I sleep around 8-10 hours a day)

    And I'd like to know if roids would have any effects on me since I have a very fast metabolism, I'd obviously stick to my high protein diet but I was really curious about the effects roids could have on me because of my body type.

    I probably wouldnt take any right now since I'm still growing but I think that 22-23 would be a reasonable age for me to start juicing up...
    I'm just doing my "homework" for now...

    So yea, any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    you're too young to touch aas.

    your natural test production is at its highest now and your body is not done growing. using steroids now could permenanty damage your hpta.

    wait until you are 21 at least

  3. #3
    MR_T's Avatar
    MR_T is offline Member
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    yo momas house
    go to the diet section and post up your diet, I absolutely guarantee you will grow like weed if you get your diet right..

  4. #4
    0tolerance's Avatar
    0tolerance is offline Associate Member
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    i agree with MR T .
    Perfect Diet + Perfect Training = Perfect body

  5. #5
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    yer use the next couple of years to learn the basics, then when your putting on some size start thinking about steroids . like you said 22-23

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Wait till your around 21 years + IMHO. Your too young at present.

    All you need is some high quality protein (Whey Iso), Creatine, BCAA's, L-Glutamine, EFA's, Multi-Vit, Vit-C and maybe some Arginine for pumps at the gym etc...

  7. #7
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    180g of protein is not enough for what you are wanting to acheive......definitely visit the dirt forum, and in a couple of years you might be ready to start AAS....

  8. #8
    shread is offline Junior Member
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    May 2008
    you also may be going through a growth spurt atm, when going through a growth spirt while a teenager you nearly always lean up... you may find the when you reach your hight around 21 you may not be that skinny and by focusing on the gym and diet as said above you could have gained some quality muscle that wont really show until your growth spurt is over.

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