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  1. #1
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    Gyno last resorts

    I’m starting this thread to get a comprehensive compilation of all the last resort methods of combating gyno when no anti-Es are available. Let’s face it, many of us are familiar with this scenario, and when your tits seem to be getting bigger by the hour, this sort of stuff matters to you. I’ve seen people ask about this but I never had the time to write all this down. I’ll begin with what I know. Everyone else please contribute and maybe soon we can revise and have a nice piece.

    When gyno catches you with your pants down, here are some things you can do:

    1) If gyno occurs during a cycle of aromatizing steroids , it’s probably best that the cycle be discontinued. This would be a doctor’s advice. But, as we all know, abruptly stopping your cycle could make things worse by exacerbating your estrogen to testosterone ratio.

    Things you should consider:
    a)How shut down is your natural testosterone production? It’s safe to say that three to four weeks in, depending on what you’re taking and how much, you’ll be feeling the suppressive effects. Most guys don’t see gyno that early on, but let’s face it, you’re a moron if you go several weeks into your cycle without your PCT lined up.
    b)How long will it take for you to get your anti-Es? Depending on what you’re injecting, you could have up to two weeks worth of testosterone in you after your last injection. If you live in the US, you can get the meds you need within a week.

    If you decide to abort, go get some test boosters like tribulus from a local supp shop. They even have some weak blockers, like Novedex, from Gaspari Nutrition. It sucks, but it’s better than nothing.

    2) Stop consuming phytoestrogens, like soy. Lots of protein products, like bars and gainers, contain soy, so check the labels. Here's a nifty list of phytoestrogens and/or where you might find them (keep in mind you probably eat a good deal of this stuff every day, so this is just an FYI/awareness measure):

    Here's a link to info on other hormonally active chemicals, like pesticides and certain food preservatives ( again, interesting FYI):

    3) Don’t consume anything that contains caffeine, which is known to raise estrogen. Don’t forget pop (see "coffee" listed in the link attached to #2).

    4) Nicotine is known to lower estrogen. I’d recommend gum, or a patch. If that’s out of the price range, get dip. Short term dippage shouldn’t cause too much harm to your health.

    5) Keep working out, physical exertion raises testosterone and helps rid you of estrogen by increasing your metabolism and burning fat.

    Don’t drink. Alcohol, even in small amounts, lowers testosterone. In fact alcohol alone can cause gyno.

    7) Don’t smoke weed, that causes gyno too. This may seem like common knowledge to some and news to others. Here is a balanced article on the effects of marijuana on the endocrine system (which is probably great simply as an intro to the endocrine system). It's worth a look:

    8) Get some vitamin B for prolactin.

    Take safe doses of NSAID pain relievers. Cyclooxygenase inhibitors are well known for blocking aromatase. These include ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin. If you can get your hands on some nimesulide, you’re golden. I recommend ibuprofen. Here's a fascinating little article on nimesulide that is short and worth your time:

    10) Stop f***ing with your nipples, that stimulates prolactin and is sure to make it worse. Don’t pinch the lumps very hard, because if you damage them they will scar and never go away. Here's a link to info on prolactin and nipple stimulaton:

    Be wary of the hormones in non-organic meats. Try to drink bottled water as opposed to tap, which may contain small amounts of sex hormones or other chemicals that affect the endocrine system. These are by no means a great threat, but have been examined as possible culprits of various health complications, including gynecomastia and early puberty.

    Do not use any shampoo or body wash that contains tea tree oil or lavender.

    13) If you’re taking any prescription meds that aren’t absolutely necessary, look them up to make sure they do not cause gyno. Antidepressants, for example zoloft, rarely cause gyno (and hair loss, annoyingly). Here's a link to a list of other drugs that can cause gyno:

    14) Try not to stress out and lose sleep. Sleep is essential for testosterone production. See #10 for info on stress and prolactin.
    15. Stay sexually active. Lustful stimulation raises testosterone.
    Last edited by RapaciousShark; 07-19-2008 at 04:00 PM. Reason: Changed as a result of constructive feedback

  2. #2
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    "11) Don’t eat excessive amounts of non-organic meats or dairy. Do not drink tap water."

    Could you elaborate on this a little... I take in a LOT of dairy (love milk) while bulking, and I also drink a fair amount of tap water each day.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    "11) Don’t eat excessive amounts of non-organic meats or dairy. Do not drink tap water."

    Could you elaborate on this a little... I take in a LOT of dairy (love milk) while bulking, and I also drink a fair amount of tap water each day.

    Gladly. Non-organic meats come from animals fed growth hormones, especially cows (who couldnt otherwise lactate so much). And in the US, depending on where you live, your tap water could possibly have trace amounts (or worse) of sex hormones (interesting thing to research). Florida especially has a serious water pollution prob. It's so bad that male alligators have miniscule penises and are infertile from all the estrogen floating around.

  4. #4
    Litarvan is offline New Member
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    16) If your tits are big enough, try breast feeding yourself. Or squirt it into a cup and drink it that way. Cure your Gyno and satisy hunger!

  5. #5
    mick86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Litarvan View Post
    16) If your tits are big enough, try breast feeding yourself. Or squirt it into a cup and drink it that way. Cure your Gyno and satisy hunger!

  6. #6
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    Gladly. Non-organic meats come from animals fed growth hormones, especially cows (who couldnt otherwise lactate so much). And in the US, depending on where you live, your tap water could possibly have trace amounts (or worse) of sex hormones (interesting thing to research). Florida especially has a serious water pollution prob. It's so bad that male alligators have miniscule penises and are infertile from all the estrogen floating around.
    Ok Im following you with the reasoning about the water (although I have never heard that and it baffles me...). But why wouldn't I want the GH from cows?

  7. #7
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    "Breast cancer rates have been correlated with intake of dairy products in many population-based studies. According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), cow's milk is a "cocktail of disease-causing chemicals", and there are several hypotheses for the dairy-cancer link (7). Excess estrogen is known to increase cancer cell replication. Not only does milk contain traces of cow's estrogen, but the fat contained in milk, as in any food, increases the production of estrogen in a woman's body. Milk is also rich in IGF-1, a growth factor which causes multiplication of cancer cells in test tube studies; we don't yet know the extent to which humans absorb cow's milk IGF-1. Compounding potential problems, many dairy farms now use BGH (bovine growth hormone ), which raises IGF-1 concentrations in milk, in order to increase milk production. "

    There are studies I've seen that show the concentrations of cows estrogen bound and unbound in dairy products. Most will say the amount is not biologically significant, but these studies (or the one I have in mind) was paid for and staffed by the dairy industry. I also know that dairy products are associated, though not exclusively implicated, with early puberty and gynecomastia , as well as other diseases related and unrelated to the endocrine system. And i dont think rBGH is going to be beneficial for you.

    Also, more IGF will help perpetuate your gyno, but thats almost not worth mentioning.

    This is a debatable subject, but the fact is milk is jacked with hormones and you dont want to take any chances.

  8. #8
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    Gladly. Non-organic meats come from animals fed growth hormones, especially cows (who couldnt otherwise lactate so much). And in the US, depending on where you live, your tap water could possibly have trace amounts (or worse) of sex hormones (interesting thing to research). Florida especially has a serious water pollution prob. It's so bad that male alligators have miniscule penises and are infertile from all the estrogen floating around.
    Pump the cows full of tren and eat steak all day, it wont matter. Even if there is hormone in it, its not orally active. So unless you are injecting your meat or consuming it rectally, it has no effect. Even if you did, you wouldnt get a large enough amount to cause anything. Reason for estrogen sides is because the alligators arent in your tap water, i hope. They are in sewers and are getting the effect mostly from birth control being excreted/flushed, which IS ORALLY ACTIVE. But that wont make it to your tap water.

  9. #9
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    Pump the cows full of tren and eat steak all day, it wont matter. Even if there is hormone in it, its not orally active. So unless you are injecting your meat or consuming it rectally, it has no effect. Even if you did, you wouldnt get a large enough amount to cause anything. Reason for estrogen sides is because the alligators arent in your tap water, i hope. They are in sewers and are getting the effect mostly from birth control being excreted/flushed, which IS ORALLY ACTIVE. But that wont make it to your tap water.
    Thats how I see it too. You can drink a whole damn bottle of test and it would barely equate to anything being in your system so I dunno why it would be any different with estrogen.

  10. #10
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    I thought i explaned that. Bottom line is dont drink sewer water and youll be fine.

  11. #11
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    I agree on a pratical level, but i must also point out that these things are associated with endocrinological probs, as well as other health probs.

    And the thing about the alligators being in sewers, i figured that went without saying.

    I'll do a little more research and see if 11 should be knocked from the list

  12. #12
    Branch_w is offline Junior Member
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    caffeine and dairy in trouble lol

  13. #13
    Teras is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    Gladly. Non-organic meats come from animals fed growth hormones, especially cows (who couldnt otherwise lactate so much). And in the US, depending on where you live, your tap water could possibly have trace amounts (or worse) of sex hormones (interesting thing to research). Florida especially has a serious water pollution prob. It's so bad that male alligators have miniscule penises and are infertile from all the estrogen floating around.
    It's funny you should say that I've started drinking water from bottles recently and I do feel better. Didn't know it could influence the gyno as well. Great info.

  14. #14
    troublesome is offline Junior Member
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    good info on gyno problems.. i didnt know about the tap water either (still dont really believe it)
    but really guys ... its the person too.. i mean i started cycling young at 16!!! didnt hear of any anti estrogens until i was 18. i was fine , still am. and my girl sucks my nipples and i smoke weed AND i cycle high doses of AS the convert quickly like suspention.. no problems though, i keep some LIQUID arimadex and i use about 1/3 of a cc everyday b4 i sleep, if i notice they're soft for 2 or 3 days i'll take an aromasin . i leaned down last yearto contest weight and i still couldnt see a lump under my nipples

    but... some ppl get gyno on their first cycle, just genetics. its unfortunate

  15. #15
    Gears's Avatar
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    Caffiene? Really?

  16. #16
    maroZ's Avatar
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    nice write up

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gears View Post
    Caffiene? Really?
    yeah, my understanding is that caffeine interferes with some liver function that in turn causes estrogen to build up. I've also read a lot of speculation on the phytoestrogenic properties of caffeine. It's more of a concern for women who want to avoid breast cancer or endometriosis. My clueless GP even recommended dropping the bean when i had gyno.

  18. #18
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    10) Stop f***ing with your nipples, that stimulates prolactin and is sure to make it worse. Don’t pinch the lumps very hard, because if you damage them they will scar and never go away.

    I never knew this!

  19. #19
    redz's Avatar
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    weed causes gyno? I`d like to see some proof of that. Firstly I dont advocate doing any pot while on cycle but I dont belive it causes gyno.

  20. #20
    GoGetter213 is offline New Member
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    yeah how is weed bad? there is nicotine in weed, isnt that good for gyno?

  21. #21
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    I edited my original post to include a great article with legit sources on THC and the endocrine system. It's worth a look.

    As for the concern at hand, here are some short paragraphs that sum up the scientific status of weed as it relates to gyno: **lost the link, looking for it**

    Here are some words that reflect the common assumption:

    It appears that chronic users will have built a tolerance whereas occasional users are more susceptible to temporary dips in testosterone .

    When you go to your GP, endo, or cosmetic surgeon with gyno, two of the first things they will ask you are: "have you used steroids ? Do you smoke marijuana?" I GUARANTEE IT, just like the guy from Men's Warehouse.

    Bottom line: it's a concern of those whose titties are a-growin'

    Please, keep coming with the input, it's helping.
    Last edited by RapaciousShark; 07-19-2008 at 02:47 PM.

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