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  1. #1
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    AAS effects on blood pressure?

    How has AAS effected your BP? My first week, I was at 146/35. Yesterday, I was marked at 130/30, but I think the nurse really wrote 150, but it was kinda messy, so the doc thought it said 130, but I'm not sure.

    I need to keep a low BP when I go for checkups, so I want to make sure that for my followup in 3 weeks, I have a normal BP, otherwise I'm gonna have some problems.

  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    High B/P is common for AAS that converts easily to estrogen, like Dianabol and Test. Headaches, insomnia and breathing difficulties can give you a heads up on a rising BP - but not always an accurate sign.

    Increased training load can raise BP.

    Also, some nonaromatizing steroids like Tren and Halotestin can increase BP too.

  3. #3
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Well, my particulars are deca /test at relatively low doses. Evidently, my BP has gown down while I have been on my cycle. I am not doing cardio, but I am training pretty hard, sleeping ok at night recently. I have morning headaches, and periodic headaches in the day sometimes. No breathing difficulties, but I easily sweat when walking to class. Its weird, I get really cold at night, but if I do anything, I'll be burning up.

    But what I really wanted to know is if people had experienced higher BP after being on AAS or did it really not significantly effect it at all?

    So far its lowered it...

  4. #4
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    During cycles B/P can run high (mine being 180/120) so you definatley got to watch your sodium intake. After my cycle it usually returns to high normal.

  5. #5
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    similar problems here, eq volumizes RBC so that can cause increase in bp, also dbol and test in my cycle are linked with hightened face will get hot out of no where, ,my ears, ill feel hot bbut cold, sick feeling, sweaty for no reason, sweaty really easily, headaches aren't uncommon....hope things get better for you...good luck

  6. #6
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    180/120 is very dangerous bro! so, is there anyway that i can lower my bp temporarily? last time i took tylonol right before the appt (b/x i had a headache)... maybe that lowered it or something???

  7. #7
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    You could try blood letting or Valium. Drink alot of water and keep the sodium intake down or if it gets dangerously high (like mine) you might have to stop your cycle.

  8. #8
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by righton
    You could try blood letting or Valium. Drink alot of water and keep the sodium intake down or if it gets dangerously high (like mine) you might have to stop your cycle.
    The thing is that I don't have high BP according to the doc. Its the end of my 4th week, and I have 130/30

    I just don't want it to go up for my next appt. or i have a problem

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