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  1. #1
    Cypionate6868 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008

    Need Advise on Cycle!! Sust, Deca, and Winny

    My cycle looks like this:

    Week 1-12: Sustanon (325mg) 2 shots per week Monday and Friday
    Week 1-12: Deca (300mg) 2 shots per week
    Week 2-8: Winstol (50mg) ED/except Sunday
    Week 14-17: PCT (HCG and Clomid)

    * And of course Arimidex and Nolva will be used throughout cycle!

    Now, i know i ****ed up with the Winny, i should have hit it from weeks (9-14) and go into post cycle therapy ....but i'm in week 4 of the cycle and i'm having awesome gains..i just benched 625 for 2 reps last night and squat way over 700 lbs.!!

    Does anyone have any advice on what i should do?? This is like my 7th cycle and i'm smarter than this, but i would like to know how someone else would approach this little screw up????

    I'm thinking to run some DOSTINEX from weeks (9-12) to keep the Nandrolone 's in Deca to keep from aromatizing into progesterone...and i always run test just a little bit higher than the Deca to avoid LIMP DICK...haha, my fiance was pissed the first time i forgot the Test a few years ago!!!

    Anyways, ANY HELP would be greatly appreciated....


  2. #2
    topshelf75's Avatar
    topshelf75 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm doing the same cycle for the most part. I'm only 2 weeks in though. I'm actually going to finish off the last couple weeks with Primobolan , then kick in the PCT. I really don't see anything that wrong with what you've done to be honest. Are you worried about aromatizing or just that you hit the winny too early and you wanted it to be later for the cutting???

  3. #3
    Cypionate6868 is offline New Member
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    My only concern is that I hit the Winny too early....and i just didn't want to have that swollen bloated look from the deca /test at the end! But, i doubt i will have any bloating b/c of the Arimidex and Dostinex!

    Thanks for your input...

    BTW, i LOVE this stack...never run it before, i'm having amazing gains off it bro...let me know how you like it!! I'm assuming your running Winny towards the end of your cycle as a cutter??

    *I usually don't cutt and bulk at the same time...i've found that over the years my body responds better to one or the other at one time....I'm guessing it has to do with your body wanting to remain in a homeostatic state!

  4. #4
    topshelf75's Avatar
    topshelf75 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm actually running my Winny at the same time and then running primo for a couple weeks at the end. I'm gonna do some searching, but I've been getting headaches recently and I don't know if I'm just not drinking enough water or what. I've cycled for years and never had the headaches until now, so I'm not sure if it has to do with the combo or that I really just need to drink like 2 gallons of water a day.

  5. #5
    Branch_w is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2008
    looks good although most ppl wouldnt recommend running nolva with deca because of progesterone issues but i guess if u were using dostinex you would have that covered. Looks like your doing awesome benching 625 thats crazy, keep it up man!

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