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  1. #1
    916casanova's Avatar
    916casanova is offline Associate Member
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    More hairloss on Tren A or Winny??

    Hey all. Gettin worried here. Been reading up alot about hairloss and some say it comes back after winny some say it won't jump back on your head. I have posted before about concern for hairloss but would like to know from someone that has tried this kind of cycle. Taking 200mg test prop and 75 mg tren a eod. Getting great results though thinning a little I think (hard to tell cuz I got a short ass hair cut last week). I was going to incorperate winny in a week and wondering if I will lose more hair on winny more than I have on the tren? I'm getting good results with the tren and thinking about not taking the winny after I'm off the tren if the hairloss will be worse. Or maybe just running the tren longer. Any advice. Taking 1mg proscar and nizoral shampoo every day.

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    If you are prone to MPB (Male Patern Bladness) there are certain drugs you want to avoid.

    Winny...Tren ...Halo...masteron

    I'll give you an example. I've ran more tren/winny/Halo and masteron than I care to admit, but I have a full head of hair. I have buddies who ran these drugs as well, and all have lost substantial hair. If you lose it on cycle, it isn't coming back. You have two choices. Use a drug to combat DHT or just be happy being huge, and bald :-)

  3. #3
    916casanova's Avatar
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    But i read different things. Some say using the proscar and nizoral will work and some say it won't because winny is dht derived. I haven't lost any hair since I was 25 and have been taking proscar since then. This is my second cycle my first just this year as well. I am almost 32 and don't know if I want to risk it. So is tren worse or the winny worse or the same? With my first cycle of test cypionate and eq I didn't have any hairloss just bad acne at the end.
    Last edited by 916casanova; 06-29-2008 at 09:45 AM.

  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by 916casanova View Post
    But i read different things. Some say using the proscar and nizoral will work and some say it won't because winny is dht derived. I haven't lost any hair since I was 25 and have been taking proscar since then. This is my second cycle my first just this year as well. I am almost 32 and don't know if I want to risk it. So is tren worse or the winny worse or the same? With my first cycle of test cypionate and eq I didn't have any hairloss just bad acne at the end.

    I don't know what drugs will work or won't work. I don't have your issue bro.

    Either drug can cause hair loss in men that are predisposed to MPB.

    I suggest you stick with drugs you know won't cause any further harm to your hair. You aren't going to be missing out on anything at all. You can grow very well on Test alone. That's pretty much all I've used for the last 4 yrs or so.

    Do as yo wish, but if you decide to use a drug like tren and have hair loss, you can't say you weren't forewarned. No one will be to blame but you for the fact you used a drug you had no business using. It's not like you are a competitive bodybuilder, are you? Yo are a recreational weight lifter looking to enhance your physique. Nothing more...

  5. #5
    916casanova's Avatar
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    Ur right bro. Im already on the tren so just gonna run it out and not take the winny. That was kinda what I was gearing to is what is 'worse' tren or winny for hair loss cuz if it's the same then I'm not doing too bad right now just on the tren.

  6. #6
    916casanova's Avatar
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    Anyone know which is worse though? I am thinning a bit but if the winny won't be worse I am going to run it. Any input?

  7. #7
    Chubbosaurus's Avatar
    Chubbosaurus is offline Junior Member
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    I lost hair on Winny but not on tren .

  8. #8
    916casanova's Avatar
    916casanova is offline Associate Member
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    any of it come back after your cycle? Did you take any finastride or nizoral shampoo?

  9. #9
    Chubbosaurus's Avatar
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    No I didn't stay on long enough to lose a lot. It happened around day three (along with really dry and painful joints) so I just stopped and gave it away.

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