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  1. #1
    Baseball03 is offline Associate Member
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    Cycle Critque - PLEASE ADVISE..

    Hey guys,

    Ive gained alot of knowledge thru the members and articles on this site so I want to start out by saying thank you.
    I know how this works so stats first

    5'9'' 180 - 185 lbs unsure of bodyfat but low around 10% or less
    4 years of legit training and 2nd cycle
    Ive got some buddies who compete and who have advised me but ID like your help because I know your be honest

    Tren E 1-10 wk 400mg
    Sus 1-10 wk 325mg
    Dbol 1-4 wk 25-30

    Nolva/Clomid blend 60ml - rought 2 weeks after last shot - run for 30 days
    Arimidex on hand

    Please critque my cycle ideas and be completely honest with what you think and any recommendations. Thanks guys

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    Age and goals for the cycle. Also why not run tren a and you could inject at the same time as the sus.

  3. #3
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    One other thing, what was your stats before the first cycle and when was that cycle.

  4. #4
    Baseball03 is offline Associate Member
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    Im 23 years old now - and after it was all said it done i gained about 10 lb solid after my first cycle. I got up to 195 but after the pct and everything I settled into about 180 - 185.

    Tren E unfort because thats what my source had for right now.

    That what a question I wanted to ask.... how am I going to shoot these 2 compounds?

    I wanted to shoot 2x a week - Mon Thrus

    Any ideas

  5. #5
    10nispro's Avatar
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    sus needs to be injected atleast eod because of the short esters. I know this may sound weird but you can inject the tren e with the sus even if its a longer ester. Just divide the dosage up for how many days you will inject. Some will say thats crazy but it does work.

    You need to hit the diet forum as well. You should be able to gain lots more without the gear having a good diet. Do that for a couple of months then hit the gear, you will be amazed.

  6. #6
    Baseball03 is offline Associate Member
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    Im on a pretty solid diet right now.... as I mentioned I have a few buddies who compete and a pro who has written me and my lifting partner up alot.

    So as far the diet I know its very sound there... and I have been on the for a good while now .. very happy with the lean muscle I have. I thought I would be ready for my 2nd cycle and keep it around a lowwer dose.

    SO must wouldnt recommend Tren E and Sus shots together? Ive been trying to figure this out. If i have Tren E at 400mg and Sus 325 ..what would you recommend 10nispro?

    appericate the help..

  7. #7
    10nispro's Avatar
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    You can do them together, but I wouldn't recommend running the sus every 3.5 days if you want to utitlize the short esters in it.

    If you shoot ed, divide 325 by 7 and 400 by 7 and you will get what you need for each injection.

  8. #8
    Baseball03 is offline Associate Member
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    SO if I run EoD .. say mon wed fri ... divide 325 and 400 by 3 and ill get 109ml and 134ml a shot but How will I measure that out with the CC's? Fill it up 1/3 of the CC with Sus and 1/3 with Tren and do that every other day?

  9. #9
    burnin69's Avatar
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    you got it. I would up the dose of Sus if you have the means. mon wen fri sun tues thur sat so your not gonna do the shots the same days every week.

  10. #10
    10nispro's Avatar
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    It depends on how your gear is dosed. I am guessing the sus is 325mg/ml and tren is 100mg/ml.

    The easiest way to me is get a one month calender, place a mark on each day of an injection, add up total of mg's needed for all the days marked, and then divide it. for ex: if it were 15 days and you needed 1500mg you would get 100mg/injection.

  11. #11
    Baseball03 is offline Associate Member
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    325mg/ml and 200mg/ml ... is how they are dosed. I have 2 bottles of both but I only wanted to run a 10 week cycle and keep the doses relatively low as this is only my 2nd cycle and I know Tren can be very harsh on the body.

  12. #12
    burnin69's Avatar
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    id save the tren for a future cycle. You should see great gains with the test only, expecially if you want a low dose cycle.

  13. #13
    Baseball03 is offline Associate Member
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    you dont suggest tren and sus cycle burnin?

  14. #14
    burnin69's Avatar
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    not for a begginer. receptors are fresh, start with a test only cycle and see how your body takes it. If your diet and training is in check you should have great gains.

  15. #15
    burnin69's Avatar
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    what was your first cycle

  16. #16
    Baseball03 is offline Associate Member
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    My first cycle was a test only cycle. I gained about 15-20 but kept around 10 solid body reacted very well to it once my virgin muscles got use to the pain of the shots but besides that no sides .. pct went smoothly kept most of my lean muscle and strength.....

    thats why i wanted to step up to sus and tren but I dont wanna be running these crazy high doses like these experienced guys...just a lowwer dose but still

  17. #17
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    i would up that sust dose to 500 mg/w

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