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Thread: deca limp

  1. #1
    john vega is offline Associate Member
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    deca limp

    Whats up guys )

    i got a quik question in general when running deca . im 5 foot 9 190 pounds and 9 % bf with manyu cycles under my belt except for tren , cyp, masdteron and winny..

    anyways, i wanna run deca for 10 weeks but wanna avoid limp dick. i was told to run the test enanthat;(which ill be runnung alongside that)..test enanthate shud always be 200 mgs per week higher than the deca. Is this true, and will it avoid limp dick. i already got hit hard with this from my last cycle..

    can i use bromo or caber or proviron ? if so, how wud i incorporate these compounds into my cycle. my nuts have shrunk already from last cycle and i did partial PCT.. I know, I know. the girl aint too happy bout it,. given her complexes, LOL..better her than me.
    i went for bloodwork and my total testosterone was 71. VERY LOW when 200 is normal. i dont wanna inject test to bring it back to life cause itll just make recovery even harder on the hpta. im taking products like clomid and nolva for now. have no hcg . just wanted to know how to avoid this limp dick issue with deca for my next cycle which will be deca weks 1-10 at 400 mgs ew, and test enan at 500 mgs per week for 12 weeks...pct 14 days after last injection. hcg, nolva and arimidex do i avoid the limp dick though?

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i would recover from the last cycle first.

    But test should keep the deca dick away. And you dont have to run it higher then the deca

  3. #3
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    im pretty sure that running test OR deca wont help your hpta recover at all so you shoul def do the test. but it would probably be good to give yourself some time off

  4. #4
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    You need to give your body ample time off so it can recover. By shutting down your HPTA and not giving it a chance to recover you may become a candidate for HRT which isnt cool. Rule of thumb is time on +PCT = Time off.

    And no Test does NOT have to be ran higher then deca . An HRT dose should suffice to avoid negative side effects. Most people say this due to the increase in prolactin levels which can also kill your sex drive so keep the bromo or caber on hand.

  5. #5
    power0311's Avatar
    power0311 is offline Junior Member
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    in the mono rack
    [QUOTE=john vega;4058609]Whats up guys )

    (test enanthate shud always be 200 mgs per week higher than the deca . Is this true, and will it avoid limp dick. i already got hit hard with this from my last cycle..)

    wen i run deca i always ran a 2:1 ratio or 3:1 test to deca so if you run 800mgs of test run 300 to 400 mgs of deca... and i have ran decca 3 times and have never had any probs. also look into some equipoise bout the same drug as deca with alot less water retention.

  6. #6
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by john vega View Post
    Whats up guys )

    (test enanthate shud always be 200 mgs per week higher than the deca . Is this true, and will it avoid limp dick. i already got hit hard with this from my last cycle..)

    wen i run deca i always ran a 2:1 ratio or 3:1 test to deca so if you run 800mgs of test run 300 to 400 mgs of deca... and i have ran decca 3 times and have never had any probs. also look into some equipoise bout the same drug as deca with alot less water retention.
    Well good for you but it is not nessecary by any means.

    A replacement for your natural test levels is all you need. You cannot shut down and exogenous form of test. Also by running a lower dose of test you avoid the unwanted sides for the most part. Deca's unwanted sides are usually caused by high prolactin levels which can be avoided with an inhibitor such as bromo or caber, even b6 works.

  7. #7
    bmit is offline Member
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    will letro do anything for the progesterone/prolacting sides with deca ?

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