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  1. #1
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Will Letro at lower doses still effect the joints?

    I was wondering if anyone has noticed Letro effecting there joints at lower doses? like say .25mg per day?

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    tripmachine's Avatar
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    well i'm glad i came across your thread.... lately around my elbows I've had really bad pain lately.... i'm taking 4 squirts daily to fight gyno and keep it away while on test @500mg / week. Also assisting with breaking up some fat in the chest area.... I wonder if 4 squirts is too much for what i need it for. 4 squirts = 1mg daily i've been taking for the last 2 weeks or so....

    are your joints in pain from using letro? what dose and for how long have you been on?

    ANYONE know how to help with the pain that comes with it? besides using deca .... i'm actually about to add tren e into my cycle but i don't know if that will help will it?

  4. #4
    juice555 is offline Junior Member
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    I'd also like to know this. i started letro a month ago, and worked up to 1mg/day, and had to stop due to debilitating joint pain. It would be nice to go back on a low dose every day and not feel the joint pain.

  5. #5
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    my one elbow hurts the worst. The rest on my joints just crack all the time. I took it for like 2 weeks to deal with some gyno and I haven't touched it for a few weeks now and im still hurting. Another guy told me he was off letro for a month and still in pain.

  6. #6
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    blah!!! ^^^ i really don't want the pain to stick around.... BUMP for some help for us three..... obviously we want to get rid of and keep the gyno letro is good for that but the joint pain is horrible! Anything over the counter we can take to fight the joint pain? anything that's NOT over the counter that we can use to fight it? I know deca helps.... maybe I should see if i can get my hands on some deca soon but that's not an option right at the moment.... i'm starting up tren very soon so maybe that will help? thanks for any help!

  7. #7
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    I'm also on deca right now and if its suppose to help I would hate to know what its like without it

  8. #8
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    dang.... well it sure isn't fun, that's for sure!

    legobricks.... can you chime in on this? I know you know your sh!t so your expertise would be greatly appreciated!!

  9. #9
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Lol im here

    Ive only used letro at high doses to reverse some gyno i had and my whole body ached the entire time. When i came off i was fine bout a week after. Personally im not a huge fan of AI's cus even Adex at .25mg EOD which is a low dose hurts my joints(not terribly bad but does make it a burden for lifting). I prefer using a SERM during cycle but as studies show using tamox while running 19nor's increases PgR which increases chances of getting gyno. Its a love hate game..
    Personally i would keep a low dose of test and let the 19nor's do their job at building muscle. This way you really shouldnt have to worry to much about the negative sides of test.

  10. #10
    lex57's Avatar
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    i am on letro right now 0.5 ml eod and i get no pain at all. lose a little hair and i do urinate more but thats all i notice different.

  11. #11
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    maybe since I see my symptoms reversing a bit I should start doing .5 a day instead of 1mg daily.... i'll try that and soon maybe just do .5 eod .... i guess trial and error for this since everyone is a bit different and reacts differently to everything.... cool thanks for the help and info! anymore input would be cool.... i love to hear everyones opinions and experience regarding this..

  12. #12
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    I was wondering if anyone has noticed Letro effecting there joints at lower doses? like say .25mg per day?
    i use it 3 times per wk and no joint problems.

  13. #13
    Hitman's Avatar
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    How are you guys linking joint pain with letro???
    I,ve used up to 3mls a day and nothing.
    Someone please link me to this new found knowledge.

  14. #14
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    this is a forum right? we're entitled to ask for help if it is the letro that might be causing the joint pains..... anyway I'm guessing if it's not the letro then it must have been the heavy skull crushers i did the other day...... i just remembered i did my heaviest 2 days ago so that might have triggered it... anyway thanks for all help given

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman View Post
    How are you guys linking joint pain with letro???
    I,ve used up to 3mls a day and nothing.
    Someone please link me to this new found knowledge.
    new found knowledge? here is one....letro experiences/ sides

    but some of the threads date back to 3 years ago. i thought this was pretty much common knowledge....... i just used the search button and there were like 2 pages of threads that related or mentioned this. i can link more if you want but you should be able to find plenty more yourself i am sure.

  16. #16
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    new found knowledge? here is one....letro experiences/ sides

    but some of the threads date back to 3 years ago. i thought this was pretty much common knowledge....... i just used the search button and there were like 2 pages of threads that related or mentioned this. i can link more if you want but you should be able to find plenty more yourself i am sure.
    lol.... nice.. i'm dropping my dose of letro from 1mg ed down to .5 eod.... gyno signs have left me completely it seems so i don't think there is any reason to keep the dose up for me.... hopefully the joint pains will leave soon.... other than that i'm having very painful workouts at the gym... yesterday and the day before anyway.... so i'm going to try to do workouts that don't make me press or curl as much or heavy for a week to let them heal up.. i'll let everyone know if the lowering letro dose helps at all since i'm testing it out... :]

  17. #17
    Hitman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    new found knowledge? here is one....letro experiences/ sides

    but some of the threads date back to 3 years ago. i thought this was pretty much common knowledge....... i just used the search button and there were like 2 pages of threads that related or mentioned this. i can link more if you want but you should be able to find plenty more yourself i am sure.
    I perhaps should have explained myself better and said "link me to some Credible medical study" not heresay from days of old when letro wasnt very well understood let alone used.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    lol.... nice.. i'm dropping my dose of letro from 1mg ed down to .5 eod.... gyno signs have left me completely it seems so i don't think there is any reason to keep the dose up for me.... hopefully the joint pains will leave soon.... other than that i'm having very painful workouts at the gym... yesterday and the day before anyway.... so i'm going to try to do workouts that don't make me press or curl as much or heavy for a week to let them heal up.. i'll let everyone know if the lowering letro dose helps at all since i'm testing it out... :]
    Hey champ, even though the gyno seems to have subsided keep at 1mg for the next 7 days then taper down to .75, for 5 days, then down to .50 and see how it feels and so on.

    Point is taper down because letro does rebound if not weened off properly and you could end up worse than where you started.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman View Post
    I perhaps should have explained myself better and said "link me to some Credible medical study" not heresay from days of old when letro wasnt very well understood let alone used.

    here you go but i am sure you will have some bullshit cop out now ......

    SIDE EFFECTS: This drug is generally well tolerated. Fatigue, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, headache, drowsiness or dizziness may occur. If these persist or worsen, notify your doctor promptly. Unlikely but report promptly: chest pain, stomach pain, trouble breathing, hot flushes, rash, itching. Very unlikely but report promptly: swelling/redness/weakness/ pain in legs or arms, vision problems, unusual vaginal bleeding. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist

    here is another:http://www.**

    When considering all grades, a higher incidence of events were seen for Femara regarding fractures (5.7% vs 4%), myocardial infarctions (0.6% vs 0.4%), and arthralgia (21.2% vs 13.5%)( Femara vs tamoxifen respectively). A higher incidence was seen for tamoxifen regarding thromboembolic events( 1.2% vs 2.8%), endometrial cancer (0.2% vs 0.4%), endometrial proliferative disorders (0.3% vs 1.8%) Femara vs tamoxifen respectively

    arthralgia is joint pain just in case.

    if you need any other proof i will be happy to provide it to you.

    and like i said before none of this is new found knowledge its just knowledge you dont have yet, but you should now.

    and just think that 21.2% of these women, i am pretty sure they werent throwin up 120lb dumbells and squatting 400 lbs. so compound that into the equation.

    and like i said just because you dont know something doesnt make it untrue.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    here you go but i am sure you will have some bullshit cop out now ......

    SIDE EFFECTS: This drug is generally well tolerated. Fatigue, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, headache, drowsiness or dizziness may occur. If these persist or worsen, notify your doctor promptly. Unlikely but report promptly: chest pain, stomach pain, trouble breathing, hot flushes, rash, itching. Very unlikely but report promptly: swelling/redness/weakness/ pain in legs or arms, vision problems, unusual vaginal bleeding. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist

    here is another:http://www.**

    When considering all grades, a higher incidence of events were seen for Femara regarding fractures (5.7% vs 4%), myocardial infarctions (0.6% vs 0.4%), and arthralgia (21.2% vs 13.5%)( Femara vs tamoxifen respectively). A higher incidence was seen for tamoxifen regarding thromboembolic events( 1.2% vs 2.8%), endometrial cancer (0.2% vs 0.4%), endometrial proliferative disorders (0.3% vs 1.8%) Femara vs tamoxifen respectively

    arthralgia is joint pain just in case.

    if you need any other proof i will be happy to provide it to you.

    and like i said before none of this is new found knowledge its just knowledge you dont have yet, but you should now.

    and just think that 21.2% of these women, i am pretty sure they werent throwin up 120lb dumbells and squatting 400 lbs. so compound that into the equation.

    and like i said just because you dont know something doesnt make it untrue.

    Thanks for not being a parrot like so many that have come and gone from here, and for actually supplying me with info to back up what your trying to say.

    BUT as you have demonstrated these "blanket" warnings ( I say blanket because pharmaceutical companies use the same warnings on just about everything, sort of like an indemnedy *sp) apply to case studies on woman which in case YOU DONT KNOW have a different physiological make up to me.

    Now is what i just said "a bullshit cop out".

    Anyway you say you have more proof i want to see it.

    Im a big boy, I can handle being wrong if thats the case , just show me .

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman View Post
    Thanks for not being a parrot like so many that have come and gone from here, and for actually supplying me with info to back up what your trying to say.

    BUT as you have demonstrated these "blanket" warnings ( I say blanket because pharmaceutical companies use the same warnings on just about everything, sort of like an indemnedy *sp) apply to case studies on woman which in case YOU DONT KNOW have a different physiological make up to me.

    Now is what i just said "a bullshit cop out".

    Anyway you say you have more proof i want to see it.

    Im a big boy, I can handle being wrong if thats the case , just show me .

    really there are blanket warnings that say 21.2% have joint pain of one drug compared to 13.5% of another drug? you call that blanket? and yes that is all a bullshit cop out. how about this, how about you find where letro doesnt cause joint pain. give me clinical studies. i have proven my point, if youre too stupid to figure it out thats not my problem. and i guess by what you are spouting now you want me to find an abstract of bodybuilders who use letro for pct and causes joint pain right? prove me wrong now! oh thats right you cannot............ do us all a favor and go away youre boring. i'll be waiting for your proof but i know i will waiting for a long time. do yourself a favor and stop while you are behind.

  22. #22
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    i've been on 2.25mg/4 per day for like the last 3 months and i have absolutely no joint pain and no gyno issues as well.....granted i now have zero sex drive....but i don't need it either.

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