Hows it going everyone? new member but ive been browsing this site since im 17 years old getting as much knowlege as possible. im 24 years old now and just started my first cycle. stats are 5 foot 10 180 pounds 7% body fat. been working out for 6 years now. started at 115 pounds. this is what my cycle looks like including pct:

week 1-10 500 test E - split into 2
week 1-4 Dbol - 40 mgs a day
PCT starting 2 weeks after last injection of E
wk 1-5 Clomid 25-50mg/ED
wk 1-5 Nolva 20mg/ED

a friend of mine had some andropen 275 left while i was awaiting the arrival of my supplys i started the cycle 2 weeks in advance with 137.5 mg shots of adropen every other day.

now heres the thing. the andropen 275 went great...every other day shots..pain at injection site but thats all. Im now on week 2 of My test E 3rd shot being tomorrow. Both of my injections thus far have left huge lumps in my glutes where i have been injectiong and very painful . no redness what so ever or any signs of infection but just very weird shaped lumps that come about 3 to 4 days after injection..and last for about another 3 to 4 days. im injecting with 21's 1.5 inch into the glutes. has this ever happened to anyone else? what could it be?

btw. i am up 8 pounds already and strength has gone up 10-15 pounds in every exercise.
