Thread: new cycle
07-04-2008, 04:34 PM #1
new cycle
hey guys.. fist off id like to say that ive been through 8cycles so far unfortunately i had stopped almost everytime a couple of months after the cycles and lost everything..good thing is that even after a dbol60mg/ed,500mg test en/week, 150mg proviron , deca 400mg/week and insulin for 8 weeks...gained 15kilos and crazy strength, my last cycle was test enanthate 500mg/week and proviron 150mg/ed for 8weeks and still gained anyway i figured since i always f*&k it up after wards to now only take the safer milder i got anavar and proviron...
the proviron i will be taking 150mg/ed devided into 3doses and the anavar 2-3 doses daily for the mg/day
week mg
1) 40mg/ed var
2) 40mg/ed var
3) 50mg/ed var
4) 60mg/ed var
5) 60mg/ed var
6) 60mg/ed var
7) 50mg/ed var
8) 40mg/ed var
9) 40mg/ed var
i want to stack another substance but dont know what..i'm thinking either winstrol 40/mg/ed or primobolan 300/week...what do you guys think? my goal is to get shredded and gain a lot of power..i'm 97kilos at 6'2 with probably 12% bodyfat but mostly on the gluts and abdomen area..ill be happy at 95kilos..Im def going to be stacking some insulin in week 5 and 6...another question..i read that creatine is good to be taking while on anavar..does the liguid creatine work or the pills for example muscletechs creakick? im thinking cell-tech but wouldnt that also pack fat? thanks so much guys...
diet....per/day.....for example..... 2tomatos, 100grms black rice...1 uncooked potatoe, 2 chick breasts, 2 whey shakes 40grms each, 2 scoops quaker, 10 egg whites, 2peices of fruit, 3 ***** 3-6-9 caps, 5amino tabs 5x's daily, liquid amino before cardio with l carnitine, zma before bed..all that is devided into one day....
day 2 and day 3 are different...on day 2 i cut out the rice...on day 3 i cut out the fruits and the rice and quacker and eat red meats, salmon, cheeses..then on day four i go back to day 2's diet and on day 5 back to day ones diet...everyday has different calories..once a week i eat sweets,pizza,any good tasting crap i can find! mmm kfc and pizza hut!! the day after that i start off by day 2's diet and then day one's and then back to 2's and 3's diet...let me know if there is a better diet plan guys..i dont know much about diets...thanks again and sorry for the loooooooooooong read!
07-04-2008, 04:40 PM #2
i think you need to learn how to eat and train before ever touching another steroid . if you did 8 cycles and managed to lose everything then its time for a change. what makes you think that you'll be able to keep the 6 or 7lbs that a cycle of var will give you if you couldnt keep gains from the last 8? save your money and go check out the diet section.
07-04-2008, 04:45 PM #3
Hmmm..... not keeping gains? Know what a PCT is?!!! However, to answer your question, add Test Prop. No ands, ifs or butts about it. You dont need another oral.
07-04-2008, 05:01 PM #4
people..i just would get boered of eating all the time..also just got bored of the gym! i was too buisy chasing around the ladyz..thing is when i was 16 my natural weight was 168lbs and now my natural weight is 90 kilos and i dont go any everytime i do a cycle even when i stop for six months to a year i still always have new muscle i dont loose 100% all of it..i just gain some fat along with losing probly 60% of the gains..yea i know about pct lol...hcg -clomiphene-nolvadex -proviron -tribulus-zma stack.. i live in greece juice is sold at the farmacy with no prescription..and cheeeeeeeap!!
07-04-2008, 05:03 PM #5
yo pietro what makes you think i dont know how to train? thats pretty i guess your a friggin phsychic!!! hey can you tell me is my anavar is real??? how about, what else can you guess for me??lol funny people!!
07-04-2008, 05:08 PM #6
07-04-2008, 05:14 PM #7
the only reason i said that you needed to learn to eat and train is because you admited to using 8 cycles and losing every gain you made. most people on here have used juice and most lose some water or even fat when they come off but if anyone loses every pound of 8 different cycles then thats a problem and its either your diet and training or your pct gear is fake. now lets calm down and not get hostile here because all im trying to do is help you.
07-04-2008, 05:26 PM #8 doubt..its just that i reach a goal and then get bored and chase other goals..its like a cycle...the only thing that really sticks with me about 70% is strength...i can bust it out with my exact diet for day one and you can tell me if its ok..?
07-04-2008, 06:13 PM #9
07-04-2008, 09:13 PM #10
sounds like you have a discipline problem. if you want to be a big boy you have to do what is required and what is neccessary, no excuses. its not always going to be fun, and its gonna suck and be a pain in the ass a lot of the time. man up or get off the field, is about all you can do. or keep doing drugs to gain muscle and then promptly lose it.
07-05-2008, 12:23 AM #11
upon rising proviron 50mg with a sip of water..(someone here in greece told me that with more water it kills any gains same with nolvadex just a sip of water)
15mins later----glutamine--creatine--20grms dextrose (500ml water)
20mins later----10 cooked egg whites in the blender (****in sick)with whey protien(20grms)
0-mega 3-6-9 one capsule-1 multivitamine-glucosamine 1 tab (500ml water)
30mins later 2 fat burner caps
1.5 hours later-----5 tabs amino acids chewed (cup of water)
30mins later------1 can tuna (chewed good and swallowed with water)or 200grms boiled chick breast (sick) (chewed up and taken down with water also)
o-mega 3-6-9 1cap, 1 cap glucosamine (500ml water)
2.5 hours later------5 tabs amino acids chewed up ( cup of water)
brown rice 80grms
1 green bananna the bitter the better(newly discovered enzyme that helps in fat loss)
50grms whey with water
handfull of mixed nuts (almonds walnuts)
glucosamine and 1gr vitamin c (500ml water)
20mins later 2 fatburner caps and 1 cap o-mega 3-6-9 cup of water
1 hour later 5 amino acids chewed up (500ml water)
30mins later 50mg proviron sip of water
30mins later one green bananna
3 strained yogurts 0%(49grms protien)
1 hour later 2 fat burner caps
20mins later 50ml liquid amino acid----workout!!
40mins after intense workout 1g l-carnitine
followed by abbs workout right away
after abbs 25ml liquid aminos
followed by 30mins cardio ( i do this 5-6 times a week i think it wouold be better every other day but i get too hyper and just go to the gym)
30mins later-----------glutamine--creatine-20g dextrose (500ml water)
15mins later 5 amino acids tabs chewed up cup of water
15mins later 20grms whey with water
20mins later 150 grms boiled chicken or tuna or 10 egg whites(if i have them pre boiled
2 hours later 5 amino acids tabs chewed up cup of water
30mins later 50mg proviron with a sip of water a small sip 5x's the size of the two pills
2hours later 3caps ZMA
3mins later sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
in the night.....if i wake up for a piss i have a cup of water with 50ml liquid amino acids!
thats day two from a 3 day diet i cycle like this.....1-2-3-2-1 and then again
let me know about the anavar ...i read its good to take after the meals..would it be better to take it after the amino acids tabs?? thanks bro let me know
07-05-2008, 12:29 AM #12
day one has more carbs and day 3 has almost no carbs(only veggie carbs) and way more fat from animal fat / fatty acids/ dairy fats and avocado....idk but after day 3 i wake up on day four and always looks like a shed crazy body fat i look harder just from that one day its like my body goes into a ketogenic superstate over that day..maybe its in my head and it makes it work..idk..anyway i'm seriously thinking about never stopping again...its just hard because of all those fine females everywhere and i get sick of following the diet every single day over and over again!!!anyway let me know guys
07-05-2008, 05:19 AM #13
if your considering doing winstrol @ 40mg daily then it sounds like your looking at doing orals. The results from these tend to be weaker in comparison to the injectable even at the same dose so if you do go with winny then i'd say either go higher with the oral dose, maybe 60-80mg (but be aware of liver values) or the best thing would be to go with the injectable at 50mg daily.
The second choice of primo would also be good if you were looking at a higher dose. I know your looking to get/stay ripped mainly which primo will help with but in my experience it takes around double that dose before you get the benefits.
Anyway thats just my thoughts
07-05-2008, 05:31 AM #14
hey bro, if you gp to the diet section and post your diet and your goals there are alot of people that will help you and give you better advice then i can. my diet consists of about 200 calories a day when im cutting so yours is alot different. personally i think you should up the carb intake
07-05-2008, 05:51 AM #15
thanks guys! would anavar /test prop be better than anavar/winstrol and anavar/primobolan ?
07-05-2008, 05:52 AM #16
everyone has different opinions but i would rather run prop and var as opposed to var and winny
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