07-05-2008, 09:01 AM #1
Nandrolone PhenylPropionate and Sustanon Dosage
I am going to use Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) Durabolin with Sustanon what dosage of durabolin should I run and what is a safe period of time to run it.
What mg/lb dosage should I use?
I was thinking about injecting every 3 days 1mg/lb of body weight.
The same question goes for Sustanon I have a pretty dense blend that contains 325mgs of Test?
I was thinking about injecting once a week 3mgs/lb ?
I was planning on running the Durabolin for 6-7 weeks and the Sustanon for 6-8 weeks simultaneously?
Does this sound right?
This will be my second cycle and I am going for mass gains. I hope to gain and keep at least 10lbs of muscle,
Thank You Gentlemen,
Rex Kwon Do
07-05-2008, 09:19 AM #2
07-05-2008, 09:23 AM #3
07-05-2008, 11:07 AM #4
first off not every bb's nuts are tiny. i run hcg with every cycle and never notice any shrinking. 2nd the npp can be run eod at a dose of between 75-125mgs per injection and can be run for 6 weeks ut the sust needs to be run longer. a sust cycle should be no shorter then 10 weeks because of the longer esters. if i were you i would look into npp and prop
07-05-2008, 11:13 AM #5
07-05-2008, 03:58 PM #6
how about this:
1-12 NPP + Sust EOD
13-16 anavar 40mg/day
07-05-2008, 04:04 PM #7
07-05-2008, 04:13 PM #8
im running npp and prop right now at 100mgs ed for both.
07-05-2008, 10:56 PM #9
Updated Cycle Plans
Sustanon 400mgs/wk Week 1-10
Durabolin NPP 300mgs/wk Week 1-7
Anavar 40mgs/ed Week 9-13
HCG 400ius/wk Week 3-13
Arimidex ?mg/day Week ?-?
What dosage of Arimidex should I use to prevent sides, gyno, acne, bloat?
What week should I start taking Arimidex in?
Do I need to take more because of the hcg ?
Can I take Liquidex instead its much cheaper?
Thank You,
Rex Kwon Do
07-05-2008, 11:02 PM #10
still a little short on the npp but better with sust. maybe even a couple more (12 ish).
did you settle on how often for the injections
07-05-2008, 11:09 PM #11
07-05-2008, 11:15 PM #12
looks fine. the sides shouldn't be that bad.. same as test lol
07-05-2008, 11:46 PM #13
What would you recommend for pct?
I was planning using Nolvadex but I don't know if this alone can get the job done?
07-05-2008, 11:51 PM #14
07-06-2008, 12:18 AM #15
What dosage of aromasin and how long should I run it?
07-06-2008, 12:22 AM #16
07-06-2008, 12:29 AM #17
07-06-2008, 12:33 AM #18
If I run hcg from week 3 until pct should I use hcg in pct as well?
I'm guessing no?
What are your feeling about using hcg while on gear?
07-06-2008, 12:36 AM #19
theres 2 methods lots of bros tend to use.
1 is using hcg intermittently through your cycle at say 500iu a week to keep your testicles nice and full and aid in recovery for pct or
2 use in pct to help recovery.
keep in mind that hcg is suppressive in itself so dont get the idea that its a good thing to use in excess.
overuse can cause permenant shutdown due to desensitization of lh.
you could run it for say the last 2-3 weeks of your cycle and then do pct or you can save it for pct only.
or you can opt to not use it at all
07-06-2008, 12:48 AM #20
Is HCG 400ius/wk Week 3-13 idea if I dont plan on using hcg in pct?
07-06-2008, 12:50 AM #21
yeah it'll work fine. personally i wouldnt bother using hcg unless you find you have a lot of testicular atrophy or you've discovered through prior cycles that pct is difficult for you
07-06-2008, 12:56 AM #22
07-06-2008, 12:58 AM #23
07-06-2008, 12:59 AM #24
What type of gains can I expect from this stack?
And what percentage of added muscle can I expect to keep, lets say 7 weeks after I'm off gear?
Thanks Again For Everyone's Help I Dunno What I'd Do Without The Posts
07-06-2008, 01:02 AM #25
well you've run npp before, how did it treat you then?
im up 12 pounds so far in my cycle, i am bulking though so im eating like a tank with minimal cardio.
weight gain/loss is diet/goal dependant.
if your pct is up to par, you should keep almost all of your gains.
that being said, you should expect some solid gains from npp.
07-06-2008, 02:08 AM #26
how long do you plan to run your npp for?
What else is in your stack?
I gained about 10lbs of muscle last time but I could have done a much better pct and my diet was off in the last 3 weeks.
07-06-2008, 03:54 AM #27
07-06-2008, 09:42 AM #28
Are you recommending taking arimidex .25mgs as an ancillary in pct, you mentioned start taking it 10 days after your last injection?
I was planning on taking .25mgs ed throughout the cycle to keep estrogen sides low.
Did you mean 10 days after my first injection?
For PCT I figured I would use nolvadex and aromasin ?
And what dosage of hcg should I use if I am injecting once a week? instead of 250ius 2xs a week should u do 500iu 1x a week on cycle?
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