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Thread: Shin splints

  1. #1
    hockeyguy's Avatar
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    Shin splints

    Hey guys have a question about shin splints on both legs. I'm 6 weeks in on test e only first cycle. I don't now if its from lifting legs but thats my guess. This is the first time I've had them and they hurt like a mother fuc*&^. What do you do to cure this. Just time off of legs? Heat? Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    i get them all the time, not from leg workouts.

    if you dont keep up on cardio and your mass increases, you'll find yourself getting splints a lot more.

    not much you can do other than know your limit when working your legs hard and make sure to keep cardio at a moderate pace

  3. #3
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    If you're a former -or current- hockey player such as me you'll probably find that your legs aren't used to carrying the extra weight. When I played hockey I was so lean that my legs were used to only having 100 lbs or so to push around up there, now they have about 130 to deal with. Theres that muscle right next to the shin, I'm not sure what its called, but if you strengthen that it will help. Other than that just try to keep your body proportionate. Don't focus on just the upper body. Also test alone doesn't help the joints or tendons so thats not going to help either.

  4. #4
    hockeyguy's Avatar
    hockeyguy is offline Associate Member
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    Can I do any harm by continuing to work out legs? Do they just go away at some point.
    I'll have to watch the cardio a bit closer.
    Former hockey player and still coach and it hurt to be out on the ice at this point.
    So I take it I can still work out legs and just need to keep cardio at a moderate pace. Any tips on how to relief some of the pain?

  5. #5
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't think you're going to do any harm at all by working out your legs, in fact by strengthening those muscles you'll be providing more support for the ankles and shins.

    Its just the treadmill and skating that did it for me when I was still playing. Just something about test and hockey just never worked for me, and I can only assume its just from the water retention and the fact that test can make your joints really sore.

    Deca on the other hand was awesome when I was still skating. wow. Deca really lubricates the joints; I was flying out there when I was on that stuff. So actually, I have no real remedies, lol, except test and hockey don't really go well together, so don't worry the sides are normal. Hope it helps, good luck.

  6. #6
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    Oh when I was saying your legs aren't used to carrying the extra weight I mean that your joints, ankles, knees, bones, aren't used to having all that pressure on them. And then when you factor in the changing of directions every 2 seconds and the extreme pressure and extra weight you put on them during that, thats why you're probably getting all the pain. So yah just keep strengthening the leg muscles and hopefully the body will get used to it.

    Me, I'm 6'00 235 lbs now, if I played one shift out there, I'd probably snap an ankle.

  7. #7
    T_Own's Avatar
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    usually they come from over working, most commonly running. i've never heard of them coming from lifting as thats virtually no reps compared to running (thousands of steps at a moderate impact vs a couple reps of almost no impact)

    if you think thats what it is, you can stretch it by sitting, legs out straight, then have someone push your feet down (from 90 degree resting position, pushing down like your trying to touch your toes to the ground) and also do that to the inside and outside. the other thing is to just ice it.

  8. #8
    edmen2's Avatar
    edmen2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ice and aspirin before and after workouts! has worked for me since high school!

  9. #9
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    stand on your heals and pull ur toes and rest of your foot up towards you a few times a day, this will strengthen the muscles in your shins. this will help a bit. i get the same problem when i stsrt putting on weight.

  10. #10
    hockeyguy's Avatar
    hockeyguy is offline Associate Member
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    Ya I went in and hit legs last night so I'll keep them going. Thanks for all the helpful info guys.

  11. #11
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    ice and ibuprofen
    also keep up with your stretches, with your heal on the floor and at a 45 degree angle and your toes against the wall lean forward bending at the ankle.

  12. #12
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes they stink!

    I've been dealing with them the last 4 weeks, since I decided I'd like to run a few 5k races..

    so far running on the track I haven;t even been able to come close tnx to shin splints..

    with 4 days of rest.. My shins are at normal.. and I could pull out a mile or so before they start killing.. 4 laps around the track....

    on 1 days rest, I'll be lucky to get 3 laps in.. more likely 2..

    so if I run every other day.. I can hit 2 laps.. ... 4 days rest 4 laps..

    I am hoping that over time, it will strenghten and I'll be able to go further distances...

    I've read about 2 different theories when it comes to shin splints.

    1. Its your muscle being overworked.
    2. Its small fractures in the bone, from the impact.

    the muscle one seems to be the more common one..

    No running for me, the last week tho! Tripped over a guard rail, and my right leg has been feeling bruised funny so restaroo... SUCKS

  13. #13
    musclehead1 is offline Member
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    Ice massage (freeze a cup of water make sure the cup is styrofoam) and rub straight ice on your shins. Ice water bath, where you dip your legs in a bucket of ice water. Take an anti-inflamatory (non steroidal). Oh and stop running, do low impact cardio, if you can't avoid running run on grass.

    I used to get shin splints so bad when I ran track I was barely able to walk after I ran. The ice bath after a practice and ibprofien (sp) before practice is what I did. After I had some time off and they got better I started exercising them by bringing toes towards my knees (i used to do reps until i couldnt do them anymore), and i used to do this while watching tv. The next training phase (sept-july) they started hurting again but this time at the end of July not at the end of April.

  14. #14
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    Yes they stink!

    I've been dealing with them the last 4 weeks, since I decided I'd like to run a few 5k races..

    so far running on the track I haven;t even been able to come close tnx to shin splints..

    with 4 days of rest.. My shins are at normal.. and I could pull out a mile or so before they start killing.. 4 laps around the track....

    on 1 days rest, I'll be lucky to get 3 laps in.. more likely 2..

    so if I run every other day.. I can hit 2 laps.. ... 4 days rest 4 laps..

    I am hoping that over time, it will strenghten and I'll be able to go further distances...

    I've read about 2 different theories when it comes to shin splints.

    1. Its your muscle being overworked.
    2. Its small fractures in the bone, from the impact.

    the muscle one seems to be the more common one..

    No running for me, the last week tho! Tripped over a guard rail, and my right leg has been feeling bruised funny so restaroo... SUCKS

    yer i'd agree with the muscle theory as i dont get it when off cycle which if it was bone related im taking it that it would be their pn or off cycle

  15. #15
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    dont forget to wrap them at night... whenever someone at my gym feels it... we wrap them ASAP while icing and ice bathing them...

    dont keep in shin wraps for more than 30 mins though... it just helps with extreme pain, not to cure them

  16. #16
    hockeyguy's Avatar
    hockeyguy is offline Associate Member
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    Got the ice on them now.

  17. #17
    dannyh11's Avatar
    dannyh11 is offline Junior Member
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    good call with the ice....compartment syndrome can be a pain factor, the extra blood and water flow from the test e fills the muscles and they are bound by fascia tissue, thus no where to go and the resultant pain. ice them bad boys. i used to do a lot of long pack running over hills and ice is the only thing that will help, ice and rest.

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