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  1. #1
    hatebreedrob is offline New Member
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    need to cut weight and get cut

    i have very little knowledge on anything other than what people tell me about and i know you need more than just the steroid alone to get results and so i dont go crazy who can help me out i need to lose at least 70 pounds what do you recommend etc etc ive been told winstrul and i dont wanna take clen cause of family history gimme advice much appreciate

  2. #2
    NATE0406's Avatar
    NATE0406 is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro you need to focus on diet and cardio. steroids are not what you need right now. seeing that you want to lose 70 pounds im assuming that your body fat is high. get in the diet section and learn how to eat. good luck and welcome to the board bro.

  3. #3
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    definitely look into diet and exercise as the first two ways. maybe say... 60 pounds down the road you can look into steroids to give you that last little push, but now it will do more harm than good

  4. #4
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    i was pretty heavy too when i started using gear, my bf was at about 28%, iv dropped down to 18% and im not even through my first cycle yet... u CAN lose weight and get in shape using gear, BUT ITS NOT EASY!!!! your diet has to be PERFECT and your disapline and will both have to be extremly strong (that means hittin the gym 5 days a week and doing correct cardio)... whats this family history ur talkin about? that might effect ur ability to do gear all together.. i agree with what nate says, there are these instructional videos on how to diet properly in the diet branch of this forum... i really recommend you check it out.. it's the same philosophy i used on my diet

  5. #5
    hatebreedrob is offline New Member
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    i got the diet and cardio down i go to the gym mon through fri ive been eating right and workin out now 2 years and i kid you not i feel amazing but there arent any results so thats why i turned here to see how " gear" can help me out

  6. #6
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    if you have 70 pounds to lose, you should be seeing results. post a brief look at your diet, like a normal day

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    what is your body fat%?

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by hatebreedrob View Post
    i got the diet and cardio down i go to the gym mon through fri ive been eating right and workin out now 2 years and i kid you not i feel amazing but there arent any results so thats why i turned here to see how " gear" can help me out
    how much have you lost in the 2 years since you got diet and cardio down?

  9. #9
    hatebreedrob is offline New Member
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    no joke its being a mother ****er

  10. #10
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    I kid you not, if your diet and workouts are perfect, you will lose weight. bottom line. dont try and bs us.

  11. #11
    hatebreedrob is offline New Member
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    10 half pounds and i dont go half ass either you know i run and workout to the max

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
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    I asked your body fat%, you didn't answer.
    If all you have lost since you tweaked your diet and cardio is 10lbs, you are doing something wrong. I can drop 10lbs in a week.

  13. #13
    T_Own's Avatar
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    i've dropped 10 pounds in a day! lol

    but post your bf, diet, and maybe some normal workouts. i'm guessing (along with everyone else) your standards are much different than ours

  14. #14
    hatebreedrob is offline New Member
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    ok ill give you tomorrow breakdown i gotta run out and go to work i eat 5 meals and one evening snack my day starts at 630 and ill start it off with 4 egg whites whole wheat toast and all natural peanut butter 930 is my post workout protein shake 1230 im havin a salad with roasted chicken 330 ill have a fruit salad then 630 im havin a turkey burger with lettuce and tomatoe on a whole weat roll and for the snack at night ill have ons coop italian ice

  15. #15
    hatebreedrob is offline New Member
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    i gotta measure my body fat ill get back to you on that

  16. #16
    T_Own's Avatar
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    you can use a bf calculator for a rough estimate.

    that diet isn't TERRIBLE, but its still not great. i'd guess the protein to be around 150-200g, depending on the size of the meal (which could be the problem), carbs might be around that or a little higher, and the fat doesn't seem too bad. the key is to watch what you eat, not only in what items, but how much.

    what kind of cardio do you do?

  17. #17
    hatebreedrob is offline New Member
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    run 2 half miles other days the same distance on an incline

  18. #18
    T_Own's Avatar
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    2 half miles? like 1 mile? do a bf calculation cause something doesn't add up right

  19. #19
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    2+3=17.253, somebodies cheatin or this family history involves sugar, maybe 15 DR. Peppers a day

  20. #20
    J0k3R's Avatar
    J0k3R is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    2+3=17.253, somebodies cheatin or this family history involves sugar, maybe 15 DR. Peppers a day
    oh man... I love that dr. pepper. Haven't had a sip of it in over a year... I can feel the fizz on my lips...

  21. #21
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    2+3=17.253, somebodies cheatin or this family history involves sugar, maybe 15 DR. Peppers a day
    A Dr. Pepper a day won't kill weight loss, but 15 would certainly be a problem. Hell 15 a week would be too much. . . LOL

  22. #22
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    I seriously think someone is trying to sh!t us!

  23. #23
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    for real, I know people (15cans, mnt. dew), can you imagine thats like 46g.X15=690g. a day or 690/28.8=23 ounces or friggin 23/16= 1.43lbs. of sugar a day. I had a Biology teacher who ate 2 huge sausage, egg, and cheese lard biscuits every morning then washed um down with a slim fast
    Last edited by MercyDog; 07-24-2008 at 09:59 PM.

  24. #24
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    uhhh, nasty... there goes my appitite

  25. #25
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    for real, I know people (15cans, mnt. dew), can you imagine thats like 46g.X15=690g. a day or 690/28.8=23 ounces or friggin 23/16= 1.43lbs. of sugar a day. I had a Biology teacher who ate 2 huge sausage, egg, and cheese lard biscuits every morning then washed um down with a slim fast

    Brotha, believe me. There was a time in my life that I easily drank 8-12 20oz Mt. Dew. Then I switched to Diet Dew, which didnt help. There is a psysiological (sp?) response your body has to FAKE sweeteners that make you crave more sugars, so fat asses who drink diet drinks are saving the calories for when they get home to the big bowl of ice cream they will eat when they think no one is watching.

    You body will crave fats and sugars. THe difference is will power, self control and moderation. weak people crack and cant control those urges.

    So I went back to REGULAR dew. (sugar fix) I drink about 1 can a week to 10 days as a cheat. Most of the other time I drink decaf tea unsweetened. I eat good. NOt perfect at all, so I have to work a little harder than some of you. But I do like my pasta and some beef fat here and there. I am at about 14% right now. (down from 16% which is up from 12.6%)

    COnfusing? I had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands. One in oct and the second in Feb. I am just recently getting back into full swing. Post-op pressure on my palm was killing me. Pulling movements shot pain up my forearms, wrist straps were not happening. So I found myself getting lazy. Now I pay DEARLY for it.

    But I am happy at 12-13% I am going on 37, have a family, a hectic career and lots of stuff on my plate. I just don't have the time to train to get those single digit BF's any more. Even though I could probably clean my diet and get to 10 or 11. That takes a lot more time and dedication than my life permits unfortunately. I commend those who are at 10 or less. I KNOW what it takes to get there.

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