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  1. #1
    Boostedsupra1578 is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2007

    Joint Pains And Aches While On Deca

    ive been on deca for 5 weeks and my joints in my knees seem to be hurting me.I know the deca hasnt kicked in yet but will the effect for joint pain relief have kicked in by now or does that also take just as long as the effects of building just extremely tired and achey and this is my first deca cycle so i was a little curious.thanks

  2. #2
    Banelord is offline Associate Member
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    maybe it fake deca because man there should be NO joint pain at all, within 1 week.

  3. #3
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boostedsupra1578 View Post
    ive been on deca for 5 weeks and my joints in my knees seem to be hurting me.I know the deca hasnt kicked in yet but will the effect for joint pain relief have kicked in by now or does that also take just as long as the effects of building just extremely tired and achey and this is my first deca cycle so i was a little curious.thanks
    Well, there could be a whole host of factors leading to the discomfort.

    Are you going extremely super heavy? Doing crazy weights on squats + deads? Doing alot of maxing?

    Also, what are you running with the nandrolone ? Hopefully something else...

    If you aren't drinking enough H20, the nandrolone can't help cushion your tissue because there aren't ample fluids to be circulated.

    Just some thoughts...

  4. #4
    Boostedsupra1578 is offline Junior Member
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    65 i def know the deca is not overlifting either.and im drinking plenty of water a day so that shouldnt be a factor.i just want this stuff to kick in with the weight gains so i know its getting anxious as hell.hopefully anyday now.the fact ive been tired kind of shows me its gotta be a 19nor side from what some people its just a matter of time.i am running test e with it so anyday now im hopeing for them to do their job

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boostedsupra1578 View Post
    ive been on deca for 5 weeks and my joints in my knees seem to be hurting me.I know the deca hasnt kicked in yet but will the effect for joint pain relief have kicked in by now or does that also take just as long as the effects of building just extremely tired and achey and this is my first deca cycle so i was a little curious.thanks
    might be tendon or ligament related and not joint related pain.

    make sure you dont injure yourself. you might end up growing too fast and injuring a tendon.

    joint pain should not be an issue within 1-2 weeks of starting deca .

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