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  1. #1
    Kaoss22 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2008

    Pain and swellling after 2 weeks

    Well Im on my last week of my cycle , but in my deltoid i injected 2 ML s of a prop/ masturon mix and its been about 2 weeks since i have injected in the site , now its sore and hard. The weird thing is its actually a couple inches below the injection site. Ive injected every where else on my body , the other deltoid, and my 2 quads , yea it typically hurts for a little while, normal for test prop but goes away after a couple of days , but i think 2 weeks is too much and i may have infection, anything happen to anyone else like this here?

    test prop 100 mgs ED
    Masturon 100 mgs EOD

  2. #2
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    post a pic, any obvious brusing? sounds like you may have also hit a nerve, that happened to me once, but didn't last 2 weeks.. lets see that pic, that'll clear things up a bit.. if your really worried about it, it's time to see a doc

  3. #3
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    hmmm...sounds interesting

  4. #4
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    if you have an infection it will turn, red, itchy, and prob. be warm. If you get this you have to go to the doc, tellum b-12 though

  5. #5
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaoss22 View Post
    Well Im on my last week of my cycle , but in my deltoid i injected 2 ML s of a prop/ masturon mix and its been about 2 weeks since i have injected in the site , now its sore and hard. The weird thing is its actually a couple inches below the injection site. Ive injected every where else on my body , the other deltoid, and my 2 quads , yea it typically hurts for a little while, normal for test prop but goes away after a couple of days , but i think 2 weeks is too much and i may have infection, anything happen to anyone else like this here?

    test prop 100 mgs ED
    Masturon 100 mgs EOD
    Agree with Marc, above... Also, soreness + hard-like tissue could sound like an infection might be going on in there but your system is trying to fight it, thus it's been isolated to just that location. Have you experienced fever, night sweats-like systoms in the last few days? If so, it's time to pay a doc a visit mate!

  6. #6
    Kaoss22 is offline Junior Member
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    I cant see nothing on the outside , and my girlfriend told its been about a week. Its a hard lump that is stationary, cant see nothing on the skin so a picture wouldnt do justice. Its almost like all the stuff is just in one spot, im trying to rub it out to see if that helps, but yea you can say its hard and inflamed. Infection or just a inflamation? No redness just a sore lump , no night sweats , just hard spot in the muscle.

  7. #7
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    Doesn't sound like an infection to me, just sounds like the muscle wasn't used to it. Give it a few more days.

  8. #8
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaoss22 View Post
    I cant see nothing on the outside , and my girlfriend told its been about a week. Its a hard lump that is stationary, cant see nothing on the skin so a picture wouldnt do justice. Its almost like all the stuff is just in one spot, im trying to rub it out to see if that helps, but yea you can say its hard and inflamed. Infection or just a inflamation? No redness just a sore lump , no night sweats , just hard spot in the muscle.
    of course don't shoot there anymore for a while. Try hott compresses at night, should help clear that up

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