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Thread: Dosing question

  1. #1
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
    NewMuscle83 is offline Member
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    Dosing question

    Hola everyone,

    I have been on a Var only cycle for about 3.5 weeks now. I already have a log started in the cycle result section Anavar cycle log and the reason I'm posting this question here is because I was not able to get any answers on the other post.

    Today is day 25. For days 1, 2, and 3 I started by taking 40 mgs ED, then days 4 and on I've been taking 60mgs ED. As of today, I haven't quite experinced the results I was hoping for. I don't feel any real strength gains, my weight is the same, and I definitely don't notice any significant fat loss (which is the whole reason I'm doing this cycle in the first place). My question is, now I have about 212 X 10mg pills left; should I continue taking 60mgs ED for the next 32 days, and then have 5 days of 40 mgs ED to ramp down, making the whole cycle a little over 8.5 weeks, or should I just up the dosage to 80mgs ED starting today and do that for the next 25 days, and then do 3 days of 40mgs ED to ramp down, making the cycle almost 7.5 weeks? Also, either way, should I just add some clen one week on, one week off for the rest of either cycle to aid in the fatloss?

    Sorry if I'm being confusing with all the numbers, but I have been real frustrated with my results thus far. I only did the Var to cut fat without gaining weight, and it's not living up to the hype! You can check my diet and excercise routine in the log in the link above. I like to believe that my diet, cardio, and lifting is in check, but I'm always open to suggestions from everyone.


  2. #2
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    ANAVAR is a AAS that shows dramatic gains quickly and it is possible that you need a larger dosage daily. ANAVAR cycles IMO are best longer range 10-12+wks.

  3. #3
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    funny, i know someone who's used anavar at 20-30mg ed and gained 10lbs lean mass in 5 weeks, your shit might be weak brother or your diet and workout reg is shitty... give us some stats height, weight, bf, age, diet, and workout... we'll be better able to help you...

    i personally am on a sust var cycle n im only doin 30mg var a day, seeing great gains with alotta fat loss 10% to be exact

  4. #4
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
    NewMuscle83 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    funny, i know someone who's used anavar at 20-30mg ed and gained 10lbs lean mass in 5 weeks, your shit might be weak brother or your diet and workout reg is shitty... give us some stats height, weight, bf, age, diet, and workout... we'll be better able to help you...

    i personally am on a sust var cycle n im only doin 30mg var a day, seeing great gains with alotta fat loss 10% to be exact
    Well, either weak or my body reacts to it differently, but it is frustrating nonetheless. The link I have in the above post will take you to my log which has my stats, diet, and workout. I am 5'10.5", 200lbs, 11.2% bf (I got tested in water the week I started my cycle), 24 yrs old.


  5. #5
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    ok here's the skinny, you need at least 40mg. of var., everyday to maintain your natural testosterone "type gains" level that you prob. lost unless your doctoring your cycle just to comeback and bridge. Anyway without any test base, and with your system shut down, which I'm only guessing cause you can take your doses while recovering if you know what your doing. You need at least 100-150mgs./ed to really see decent gains. Now if your just bridging and maintaining, thats ok, or even great.

  6. #6
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    No, I'm not bridging. This is my first cycle, ever. Everything that I've read, including talking to people with personal experience, all told me they've had great results around 60mgs ED by itself. I have a friend who said he's done 40mgs ED and described it as "amazing". I don't have enough to do 100mgs ED, so I'm just going to up it to 80mgs and see what happens.

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