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  1. #1
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Deca & Winny, coming off of Test/Tren?

    Hey guys..

    I'm on 750mg of Test E and 100mg EOD sometimes ED of Tren A weekly. I've been on about 61 days, and I don't plan to come off yet.

    I am wondering would it be good to run 400mg of Deca and 50mg of Winny? A few folks have mentioned good results on Deca/Winny only..yea, drop the test and tren, and run deca/winny is what i said..

    At the same time.. If I kept my test at 750mg.. would you guys go with EQ @ 600mg a week, or 400mg Deca w/ 50mg Winny a week??

    Goals are lean gains, but Tren/Test is a little too lean/slow for me..

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you are not making steady gains forget continuing. I`m not even sure what you are asking. Test Tren is great for lean gains so if you are not getting them then your diet and training is off. Your post is so confusing im not even sure what you are asking.

  3. #3
    southmadejd's Avatar
    southmadejd is offline Member
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    Wait you are saying that waiting for results from Tren A is too slow for you??? Bro you are basically on one of the best cycles IMO to be on right now running Test E(I prefer Prop) and Tren should already be getting crazy results from the Test and Tren being 61 days into yourcycle....if you aren't then it is all fake.

    And also stop injecting tren ED and then EOD need to keep your blood levels stable.

  4. #4
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    If you are not making steady gains forget continuing. I`m not even sure what you are asking. Test Tren is great for lean gains so if you are not getting them then your diet and training is off. Your post is so confusing im not even sure what you are asking.
    gains are too lean.. i started this cycle at 198, i'm 220.. my abs still show, my back is like a ****ing mountain valley.. i've been on tren (finaplex conversion) for over 2 months in another few days. I think I should get off the Tren, if I'm staying on might as well try something new..

    Deca & Winny alone?

    Test @ 750, add in some Var?

    Test @ 750 w/ EQ @ 600? This one worries me because it forces me to stay on at least an extra 21 weeks to make the best of the EQ..

    I could always just continue with the Tren too, but I'm worried about the stress it may be putting on my body, despite feeling GREAT. Ehh come to think about it, I'm starting to get some Fina Flop, but I have been taking my Dost like once a week as opposed to E3D..

    When I started the cycle I was at 500mg of Test, I bumped it up to 750mg. I do much better at 750 than 500.. I think i'm just too big? I'm 5'11, 35" waist, quads are big as **** and a year or two ahead of my upper body, 17" arms, not sure on chest size.. nor what I measure now that I am on, I haven't measured since like 2 months before my cycle started.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Deca & Winny alone?
    as long as you dont need your dick fo anything other than pissing.

    How long are you planning on staying on?

  6. #6
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by southmadejd View Post
    Wait you are saying that waiting for results from Tren A is too slow for you??? Bro you are basically on one of the best cycles IMO to be on right now running Test E(I prefer Prop) and Tren should already be getting crazy results from the Test and Tren being 61 days into yourcycle....if you aren't then it is all fake.

    And also stop injecting tren ED and then EOD need to keep your blood levels stable.
    I understand the importance of stable blood levels.. Going from 100mg EOD for 4 weeks, to 100mg ED for 2 weeks then back down to 100mg EOD for the last few weeks is fine. It's a fast acting ester and blood levels aren't that affected..

    I tapered up to 750mg Test over the course of 4 weeks, only been on it 2 weeks and I can see the difference this week.. If I were on Prop it would be different..

    I brew my own bro, thanks for the advice..

    Can someone chime in on my suggested cycles and understand the real issue - Ive been ON for 2 months, plan to stay on another few months.. Don't tell me it's wrong, don't tell me i'm crazy.. Please do suggest the best compounds for this, and my goals..

    198 to 220 with no fat gain is pretty good i'd say.. but a little too lean.. I wouldn't mind being a little bulkier, more mass, say 230-240 right now..

  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
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    Can someone chime in on my suggested cycles and understand the real issue - Ive been ON for 2 months, plan to stay on another 6 months.. Don't tell me it's wrong, don't tell me i'm crazy.. Please do suggest the best compounds for this, and my goals..
    8 month cycle? wow are you competing or something otherwise there is no good reason to be putting your body through that. At the end of your cycle you will be shut down very badly. Hopefully you can recover.

  8. #8
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    as long as you dont need your dick fo anything other than pissing.

    How long are you planning on staying on?
    Another few months? I would like to be off, and done with PCT by like month 9.. so I can cycle again if my blood work comes back clean at the 12 month mark..

    Does it matter that I didn't get fina flop on the tren ? Would I still get deca dick?? Figured deca was a bit milder..

    Would you suggest my same test base, along with 400mg deca weekly and 50mg winny daily?

  9. #9
    redz's Avatar
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    You didnt have any problems with the tren because of the test in the cycle. Also if you cycle for 8 months you will need alot more than 1 month pct. You could use test,deca winny for a while and see where that gets you but I really dont have alot of insightful knowledge of cycles that last in excess of 3-4 months.

  10. #10
    southmadejd's Avatar
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    Then eat more....that is what will help you gain more are looking for the chemical answer and the chemical you need it food.

    Sorry there is no magic pill for you and there is no need to get pissy either just because Red and I were trying to figure out what the hell it was you wanted.....personally I am not sure if you should even be juicing with some of the questions you have asked.

  11. #11
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Ok so maybe I can refine this a little to get a little more specific input..

    If going on a long term cycle.. Would you chose EQ, or Deca /Winny, or just keep going with the Tren ..

    I don't really know how bad Tren is for my body...I don't even feel a quarter of the bad a lot of folks feel.. I'm not winded, i'm not sweaty, I feel better 6hrs after my shot, never coughed, excellent gains, strength through the rood, eat like a horse, veins everywhere..

    Think I might just brew some more Tren and grab some Var or/and Winny and alternate those two..

  12. #12
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why are you staying on so long?

  13. #13
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by southmadejd View Post
    Then eat more....that is what will help you gain more are looking for the chemical answer and the chemical you need it food.

    Sorry there is no magic pill for you and there is no need to get pissy either just because Red and I were trying to figure out what the hell it was you wanted.....personally I am not sure if you should even be juicing with some of the questions you have asked.

    Bro I eat every 2hrs, I wake up at 5 and eat my first and go to bed at 11 and drink my last. I take in a minimum of 400g of protein, 350 of carbs, 150 of fat, and that doesn't include the random pb&j, or tuna sandwich, or half carton of eggs, it also doesn't include the half gallon of skim I drink daily.. My food budget jumped 2 fold since being on cycle.. I wasn't being pissy, I don't like dogmatic responses.. I know everything I need to know and then some, from reading.. Now i'm learning about how shit REALLY works.. Not knowing since I haven't used these other compounds I need to ask for help and I need to say what I feel and what my goals are..

    Personally I don't think you should be posting if you're questioning someone else's motives, you aren't my parental guardian.

    Why do we take 500iu of HCG ?? Why is 250 another common suggestion? Doctors recomend 1000iu-2000iu when doing therapy. Why do people say that Letro and Nolva doesn't work, use one or the other, but some people who use both reverse their gyno.. Shit, some people on Letro along reverse their gyno too.. Explain that?

    Thing is we don't know.. so if everyone reads the same forum, and the same stickeys, and doesn't ask the basics over and over again, he will never get real world responses..

    ive learned more from reading logs, and random comments from guys that are knee deep in it than ive learned from any document, or sticky.. know who to trust and question everything..

  14. #14
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Why are you staying on so long?
    because it's better than coming off..for me anyway. I wouldn't suggest it for anyone.. In fact I wouldn't be posting if I didn't need the advice on if I should switch compounds or not, or what.

  15. #15
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    Look I completely understand you want to ask questions but you said you have learned everything you need to know from reading and "then some". I am calling BS because if you had read everything you needed to know then you wouldn't have asked about Deca /Winny....because a cycle without test will mess up 99% of the populations libidos.

    So go ahead and do whatever you want to do....I have told you what I think and I wish the best of luck to you.

  16. #16
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by southmadejd View Post
    Look I completely understand you want to ask questions but you said you have learned everything you need to know from reading and "then some". I am calling BS because if you had read everything you needed to know then you wouldn't have asked about Deca /Winny....because a cycle without test will mess up 99% of the populations libidos.

    So go ahead and do whatever you want to do....I have told you what I think and I wish the best of luck to you.
    Funny you mention that, a Mod suggested that cycle. I need to waste my time typing to make sure you feel comfortable with my level of knowledge? Why? Just don't bother posting in my thread..that's what I do. If the cycle wouldn't have been suggested by a mod, someone whom we as low lifes on these forums look up to, I would have NEVER considered it. So I ****ing asked.

    Go away, you're diverting away from the focus of my thread.

  17. #17
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    Funny you mention that, a Mod suggested that cycle. I need to waste my time typing to make sure you feel comfortable with my level of knowledge? Why? Just don't bother posting in my thread..that's what I do. If the cycle wouldn't have been suggested by a mod, someone whom we as low lifes on these forums look up to, I would have NEVER considered it. So I ****ing asked.

    Go away, you're diverting away from the focus of my thread.
    Take it easy man calling this board low lifes will not get you alot of help. We are here to help each other and though not everything is 100% correct together we help each other with alot of problems. So speak for your self not the board that you have been a part of for only a short time.

  18. #18
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    The focus of your thread is sh-t!!!! Name the mod that mentioned that cycle for you....

    No mod on this forum is going to recommend that so stop lying.

    Also why would you look up to a mod just because he is a mod??? What does that even mean? There job is to "moderate" the forums and we are lucky enough to have some very good ones here.

    I didn't mean for this to turn into a pissing match with you but I originally was just trying to offer advice for you and now you are too bullheaded to even listen to any of it. Have fun with your POS thread.

  19. #19
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Take it easy man calling this board low lifes will not get you alot of help. We are here to help each other and though not everything is 100% correct together we help each other with alot of problems. So speak for your self not the board that you have been a part of for only a short time.
    now man i mean in general, all of us.. read it again.. i mean were a bunch of random members trying to learn, and participate..

    look bro don't worry i appreciate your concerns..i'll just figure it out on my own.

  20. #20
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by southmadejd View Post
    The focus of your thread is sh-t!!!! Name the mod that mentioned that cycle for you....

    No mod on this forum is going to recommend that so stop lying.

    Also why would you look up to a mod just because he is a mod??? What does that even mean? There job is to "moderate" the forums and we are lucky enough to have some very good ones here.

    I didn't mean for this to turn into a pissing match with you but I originally was just trying to offer advice for you and now you are too bullheaded to even listen to any of it. Have fun with your POS thread.
    It's my thread, I ask the questions, you answer if you want to and know wtf you're talking about. If you don't know, don't answer. If you do know, and don't want to answer, don't. If you do know, and rather ***** foot around and ask lame questions, then be ready to piss hard. If you would have said "dude, deca and winny with no test? you're going to be shutdown hard, especially coming off of 400-700mg of Tren a week" I would have responded differently, I would have asked for you opinion.. Instead you assumed I didn't know shit, didn't read (i suggested both Test/Deca/Winny, and Deca/Winny).. Anyway, thanks for your stimulating conversation this morning..

    Deca/Winny has more to do with body type and responses to mostly Androgens vs mostly Anabolic hormones.. But I'm sure you got that shit covered.. He isn't a mod here, he is a mod on another forum, I came over here for a diversified opinion and discussion. I don't really have a reason to lie, do you know me? Do I know you? Where would the benefit be? Heh..see ya on the boards kid.

  21. #21
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    you've gained 20 lean pounds. a lean 220 is a lot better than a fat 240. how far do you think you can go in one cycle? age, cycle exp., training schedule,...

  22. #22
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Well it seems you want to cruise for a while or basically be on for a long time. Doing this your body obviously is going to be acustomed to the hormones in which you will need to keep increasing them as time goes on in order to achieve new gains IMO. Ha im not trying to laugh at you but going from tren to EQ is like screwing jenna ja****n and then moving down to Rosie O'Donell. Deca would be ok to use but remmeber not near as strong as tren is. The only thing you would want to have with the deca and winny is at least and HRT dose of test to maintain test functions. Now when comin it is going to take a while to recover and if you ask some of the mods/hall of famers here cruiseing for almost a year is not worth it due to the loss of gains in the end from trying to recover from such a long/harsh cycle. And your body most likely will not be ready by the 12th month if your off by the 9th. Very impressive gains so far tho, keep up the good work. The thing about cycling on and off short cycles (8 weeks) and iwth short esters is they clear your system faster and its that much fast that your back on growing again. It will give your body time to recover and the gains will keep coming vs being on year round and having to deal with sides, dosages, money, and in the end recovery time. ITs up to you as its your body but this is my advice for ya. Good luck!

  23. #23
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Well it seems you want to cruise for a while or basically be on for a long time. Doing this your body obviously is going to be acustomed to the hormones in which you will need to keep increasing them as time goes on in order to achieve new gains IMO. Ha im not trying to laugh at you but going from tren to EQ is like screwing jenna ja****n and then moving down to Rosie O'Donell. Deca would be ok to use but remmeber not near as strong as tren is. The only thing you would want to have with the deca and winny is at least and HRT dose of test to maintain test functions. Now when comin it is going to take a while to recover and if you ask some of the mods/hall of famers here cruiseing for almost a year is not worth it due to the loss of gains in the end from trying to recover from such a long/harsh cycle. And your body most likely will not be ready by the 12th month if your off by the 9th. Very impressive gains so far tho, keep up the good work. The thing about cycling on and off short cycles (8 weeks) and iwth short esters is they clear your system faster and its that much fast that your back on growing again. It will give your body time to recover and the gains will keep coming vs being on year round and having to deal with sides, dosages, money, and in the end recovery time. ITs up to you as its your body but this is my advice for ya. Good luck!
    Thanks, and good points..think I'll just add some Var and keep on doing what I'm doing.

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