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  1. #1
    Bronco Billy is offline New Member
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    My cycle opinions

    Hey guys. I am going to start what will be my 3rd cycle. Just wondering what u guys think? I will be taking the following.

    1-4 anadrol (40mg ed)
    1-13 test e (500 pw) split mon and thur
    1-12 eq (500 pw) split mon and thur

    20mg nolva every 3 days.

    plan to start pct 2 weeks after last inject
    pct week 1-2 40mg nolva- 100 mg clomid (ed)
    week 3-4 20mg nolva-50mg clomid (ed)

    I will be taking in about 4k-4500 calories per day, about 500gm protien.
    I weigh 185 5-10, im pretty solid, i have been lifting about 5 years.
    Any suggestions or tweaks, i'm all ears. (note: i wanted dbol as my kick start due to the high sides of anadrol but could not find an intern site that i felt was legit, i've read alot of boards and researched with many sayn scammers. If u have found one that u know are legit with high quality gear, i will fix that, just pm me.) thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    peump's Avatar
    peump is offline Senior Member
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    in the garage
    maybe frontload the test.
    maybe use 10mg nolva ed. then bump up for pct
    maybe consider letro. and/or arimidex
    also consider hcg at mid point and end of cycle.
    just a couple thoughts

  3. #3
    Bronco Billy is offline New Member
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    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by peump View Post
    maybe frontload the test.
    maybe use 10mg nolva ed. then bump up for pct
    maybe consider letro. and/or arimidex
    also consider hcg at mid point and end of cycle.
    just a couple thoughts
    Thank u for the reply. I thought about the front load but didn't know if it was necessary since the anadrol was being used as a kick start. I also thought about hcg as a bridge but like the dbol I haven't been able to get ahold of it.
    I honestly thought about not using nolva until pct unless i started to feel the gyno coming on. Thats my only concern really, I expect some sides and except it comes with the territory. I experienced almost no sides with my last two cycles but I understand the drol is high risk with sides which is why I chose every 3 days. I just want the most out of my cycle and don't want to hinder that. In short, I guess my ? is, if this was ur gear, how would u go about it. I will prolly take ur advice cause i'm willing to bet u have more experience than me. Thanks.

  4. #4
    DS21 is offline Member
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    Why not run the eq untill wk 15? If it was me I would also use arimidex during and only if needed and save nolva for pct with an ai and if you can get it hcg .

  5. #5
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronco Billy View Post
    Hey guys. I am going to start what will be my 3rd cycle. Just wondering what u guys think? I will be taking the following.

    1-4 anadrol (40mg ed)
    1-13 test e (500 pw) split mon and thur
    1-12 eq (500 pw) split mon and thur
    Quote Originally Posted by Bronco Billy View Post
    20mg nolva every 3 days.
    wtf? why every third day just wondering?
    nolva should never be used on cycle, especially with drol

    estrogen/progesterone side effect control on cycle
    estrogen/progesterone and gyno/side effects INFO FOR NEW GUYS

    Quote Originally Posted by Bronco Billy View Post
    plan to start pct 2 weeks after last inject
    pct week 1-2 40mg nolva- 100 mg clomid (ed)
    week 3-4 20mg nolva-50mg clomid (ed)
    this pct is not so great
    my pct

    you can't post that question about dbol

    read the rules

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by peump View Post
    maybe frontload the test.
    maybe use 10mg nolva ed. then bump up for pct
    maybe consider letro. and/or arimidex
    also consider hcg at mid point and end of cycle.
    just a couple thoughts
    nolva on cycle greatly slows muscle groth

  7. #7
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronco Billy View Post
    Thank u for the reply. I thought about the front load but didn't know if it was necessary since the anadrol was being used as a kick start. I also thought about hcg as a bridge but like the dbol I haven't been able to get ahold of it.
    I honestly thought about not using nolva until pct unless i started to feel the gyno coming on. Thats my only concern really, I expect some sides and except it comes with the territory. I experienced almost no sides with my last two cycles but I understand the drol is high risk with sides which is why I chose every 3 days. I just want the most out of my cycle and don't want to hinder that. In short, I guess my ? is, if this was ur gear, how would u go about it. I will prolly take ur advice cause i'm willing to bet u have more experience than me. Thanks.
    dont frontload AND kickstart imo. just pick one.

  8. #8
    Bronco Billy is offline New Member
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    Thanks 4 the help guys, one8nine ur input is greatly appreciated.
    So this is what i will do

    1-4 anadrol (40mg ed)
    1-13 test e (500 pw) split mon and thur
    1-12 eq (500 pw) split mon and thur

    not use nolva during cycle, only if gyno starts.
    As for pct i will use novla starting 2 weeks after last injection
    week 1-2 40mg nolva
    week 3-4 20mg nolva
    My ? is what should I add to combat pct if anything. I've have seen many threads that say never use proviron for pct, just on cycle. Hcg maybe? and at what dosage? other than that, look good?

  9. #9
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronco Billy View Post
    Thanks 4 the help guys, one8nine ur input is greatly appreciated.
    So this is what i will do

    1-4 anadrol (40mg ed)
    1-13 test e (500 pw) split mon and thur
    1-12 eq (500 pw) split mon and thur

    not use nolva during cycle, only if gyno starts.
    As for pct i will use novla starting 2 weeks after last injection
    week 1-2 40mg nolva
    week 3-4 20mg nolva
    My ? is what should I add to combat pct if anything. I've have seen many threads that say never use proviron for pct, just on cycle. Hcg maybe? and at what dosage? other than that, look good?
    never use nolva on cycle
    the best thing is to run a low dose of letro .25mg eod to prevent anything. but if you run without an ai, then pick up letro with the first gyno sign.

    read my thread on pct

    my pct

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