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Thread: My balls !!!!!

  1. #1
    bbminded's Avatar
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    My balls !!!!!

    im gonna be starting a prop/mast stack in a few weeks. 100mg of each EOD also will use liquidex at .25mg eod. as for pct ill use nolvadex , aromasin and HCG . My question is how can i use the HGC throughout the cycle to keep my boys from drawing up. oh yea it will be a 10 week cycle 10weeks prop 8 weeks mast. and im 29 with previous small cycles but not so much exp with PCT. thanks

  2. #2
    bbminded's Avatar
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  3. #3
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I take 250iu of hcg 2 times per week while on a cycle.....then 2 weeks before i start pct, i bump up my hcg usage to 500iu eod, and i stop the hcg usage on the first day of PCT and continue on with nolva, aromasin , clomid.....

    This always works for me, balls never get small.....

  4. #4
    bbminded's Avatar
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    at what point in the cycle do you start the HCG . when you start seeing your boys draw up or right from the very begining?? thanks

  5. #5
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    I start it from the very begining of my cycle, maybe like a week into it....especially if using fast esters, which i usually am......

  6. #6
    bbminded's Avatar
    bbminded is offline Member
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    is it hard to figure it all out when mixing?? and how many iu's do you usually get for a cycle??

  7. #7
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    i'm a little lost with that.. but you just need to figure out how much you wanna use, like 250iu twice a week, for 7 of the 8 weeks of your cycle, with 500 3x the last week. so you'd need 3250iu, probably a 5000iu dose.

  8. #8
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    i usuallly run 12-14 wks cycle, and about 10000iu gets me through the cycle with a little left to is so cheap, i always get more than i need......
    Last edited by jstraw428; 08-12-2008 at 05:29 PM.

  9. #9
    T_Own's Avatar
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    you mean 10,000?

  10. #10
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbminded View Post
    im gonna be starting a prop/mast stack in a few weeks. 100mg of each EOD also will use liquidex at .25mg eod. as for pct ill use nolvadex , aromasin and HCG. My question is how can i use the HGC throughout the cycle to keep my boys from drawing up. oh yea it will be a 10 week cycle 10weeks prop 8 weeks mast. and im 29 with previous small cycles but not so much exp with PCT. thanks
    hcg crash course

    my pct

    dont bother using short esters if you dont want to use them correctly.
    prop every day
    enanthate 2x a week

  11. #11
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    i love me some HCG !!!!

  12. #12
    john1181's Avatar
    john1181 is offline Associate Member
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    So once the hgc is mixed how ong can it stay in the fridge for b4fore its dead?

  13. #13
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    after you reconstitute your hcg , it should stay good up to 2 months..........

  14. #14
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    after you reconstitute your hcg, it should stay good up to 2 months..........
    some labs say 30 days some say 60

  15. #15
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    i always use mine within 30 days of reconstitution....

  16. #16
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    Well, I'll say it again, and believe me to anyone who see's me constantly post about this stuff, I do not sell it! lol

    I get 6-oxo from, you can get a 60 day supply for like $75.00. It tricks the brain into thinking that you need more testosterone , it won't make you big, it won't get you more test than average, it will just destroy estrogen and keep your balls working. Mine aren't hanging to the floor or anything, but they are still hanging, and I'd say they fluctuate from about 75-90% of what they would be off cycle.

    My balls don't shrink when I use it. Maybe it doesnt work for some people. But it works for me. I'm not saying its the ultimate in AI out there, Im just saying it seems to work for me. 6-oxo, NOxtreme, creatine, only OTC supps I'll take. Everything else, trash.

  17. #17
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    but hcg is so much cheaper than that........and, i know it will work.....i dont trust over the counter crap.......

  18. #18
    T_Own's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhl1 View Post
    Well, I'll say it again, and believe me to anyone who see's me constantly post about this stuff, I do not sell it! lol

    I get 6-oxo from, you can get a 60 day supply for like $75.00. It tricks the brain into thinking that you need more testosterone , it won't make you big, it won't get you more test than average, it will just destroy estrogen and keep your balls working. Mine aren't hanging to the floor or anything, but they are still hanging, and I'd say they fluctuate from about 75-90% of what they would be off cycle.

    My balls don't shrink when I use it. Maybe it doesnt work for some people. But it works for me. I'm not saying its the ultimate in AI out there, Im just saying it seems to work for me. 6-oxo, NOxtreme, creatine, only OTC supps I'll take. Everything else, trash.
    how can a test booster be efficient when you have no test production to boost?

  19. #19
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    Well, its not really created as a "test booster."

    The bottle says stimulates Testosterone production.

    Ive read studies on it, and its supposed to do the usual AI thing by preventing the formation of estrogen. Now, in doing this, its also supposed to "trick" the brain into thinking that the body needs more testosterone. So whether you're on something or not it should send a signal to the balls to create more.

    It doesnt boost test levels considerably at all, Im just saying though, I've gone with it, and without it, and it does have a noticeable effect on me. It keeps water off and my balls dont shrink. I dunno, thats just what happens to me. lol

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