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  1. #1
    ChemWizard1 is offline Junior Member
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    Sust and Masteron only cycle

    Whats the best way to run a Sust 250 and Masteron cycle?

    Sust EOD at 500 mg per week (weeks 1-10)
    Mast EOD at 400 mg per week (weeks 1-10)

    Nolva on hand in case of gyno. Nolva and Clomid for PCT.

    Currently 6'3" 230 lbs. 22y.o. and 14% BF. I am lookin to run a clean diet and gain a decent amount of muscle while hittin the cardio hard on a slightly hypo-caloric diet with sufficient protein intake.

    and I know a few guys (189) are gonna say f' the sust but im givin it a shot either way lol
    Last edited by ChemWizard1; 08-13-2008 at 03:04 AM.

  2. #2
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    1.cycle looks ok.
    2.make sure to start pct 3 weeks after last shot of test.
    3.sus aint so bad. I like it.

  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    i would do it like this
    1-12 masteron 400mgs per week shot eod
    1-10 sust 500mgs per week shot eod
    thats assuming you have mast prop. start pct the day after you last mast injection and run it for 4 weeks. there are alot of sust haters out there but personally i run omandren all the time and love it.
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  4. #4
    Civic0's Avatar
    Civic0 is offline Associate Member
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    H m m m . . . in my opinion, your taking apples and oranges. . .Sust is PRIMARILY used to bulk, and with sust comes a LOT of water retention. . . And then your taking masteron , a drug which is for peoplle who have a low bf% already and is used to cut/harden the physique. . . You can take the two together, but IMO, I would take the masteron with a test ester (preferably enanthate )

    Are you using drostolone enathate or propionate ?

  5. #5
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Civic0 View Post
    H m m m . . . in my opinion, your taking apples and oranges. . .Sust is PRIMARILY used to bulk, and with sust comes a LOT of water retention. . . And then your taking masteron , a drug which is for peoplle who have a low bf% already and is used to cut/harden the physique. . . You can take the two together, but IMO, I would take the masteron with a test ester (preferably enanthate )

    Are you using drostolone enathate or propionate?
    whats the difference between sust and enth? test is test bro. i never retain ALOT of water on test because i eat a clean diet and keep my estrogen low
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  6. #6
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Quote Originally Posted by Civic0 View Post
    H m m m . . . in my opinion, your taking apples and oranges. . .Sust is PRIMARILY used to bulk, and with sust comes a LOT of water retention. . . And then your taking masteron , a drug which is for peoplle who have a low bf% already and is used to cut/harden the physique. . . You can take the two together, but IMO, I would take the masteron with a test ester (preferably enanthate )

    Are you using drostolone enathate or propionate?
    Dont agree at all bro...why would you tell him NOT to use Sus cause of the water retention but then advise him to use Enanthate???..sus would be a good choice as long he knows to keep the levels up...enanthate will have you holding water aswell...the safest way to go would be Prop and masteron which will more than likely have hom holding less water.

  7. #7
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChemWizard1 View Post
    Whats the best way to run a Sust 250 and Masteron cycle?

    Sust EOD at 500 mg per week (weeks 1-10)
    Mast EOD at 400 mg per week (weeks 1-10)

    Nolva on hand in case of gyno. Nolva and Clomid for PCT.

    Currently 6'3" 230 lbs. 22y.o. and 14% BF. I am lookin to run a clean diet and gain a decent amount of muscle while hittin the cardio hard on a slightly hypo-caloric diet with sufficient protein intake.

    and I know a few guys (189) are gonna say f' the sust but im givin it a shot either way lol

    masteron needs to be injected every day due to the propionate ester
    so you might as well shoot prop (or you sust) every day with it

    nolva on hand? nolva should never be used on cycle. get arimidex or letro instead.
    estrogen/progesterone side effect control on cycle
    estrogen/progesterone and gyno/side effects INFO FOR NEW GUYS

    clomid/nolva is a bad pct
    my pct

    imo considder dropping a little bf first. the lower you are, the happier that masteron is going to make you.

  8. #8
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    Dont agree at all bro...why would you tell him NOT to use Sus cause of the water retention but then advise him to use Enanthate???..sus would be a good choice as long he knows to keep the levels up...enanthate will have you holding water aswell...the safest way to go would be Prop and masteron which will more than likely have hom holding less water.
    ahha @ bold

  9. #9
    ChemWizard1 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks bros. How is the ar-r stuff for pct?

  10. #10
    Civic0's Avatar
    Civic0 is offline Associate Member
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    everyone is different, when i use sustanon with a clean diet I hold much more water than straight enanthate

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