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  1. #1
    vishus's Avatar
    vishus is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    20 yrs old, first cycle...looking to get big

    hey guys,

    whats up, im new to the forum here. was referred to it by another member on here. Ok, business....Im 20 yrs old, 5'10", 225, 8% BF, and have been bodybuilding for almost 4 years. I did an NPC contest this past may and did a keto diet and lost too much mass ( i know im retarded). now that im back into mass gain, what would be a perfect begginer's cycle? I was told test e, dbol (4 weeks 50mg), and deca ? also PCT is foggy to me i know i need clomid, arimidex , and nolva. Any info would help TONS!

  2. #2
    burnin69's Avatar
    burnin69 is offline Member
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    your a little young but try plain ol' test all by itself.

  3. #3
    DS21 is offline Member
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    20, sort of young. If you were going to start a cycle I would go with 500mg test/w and dbol for the first 4 50mg/ed would be great. But read the pct threads and list it all out before you start.

  4. #4
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    pretty nice stats..
    test dbol would be a good start. 500mg /w test e with 50mg dbol ed.

  5. #5
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Wow dude if you made it to 225 at 5'10 with 8% BF natural! Youre a stud!

    whats your daily diet look like with macros...

    Im sure its on par due to your stats, but humor me...

  6. #6
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    8% bf at 225 and 5'10"?

  7. #7
    Lift_Heavy_NY is offline Junior Member
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    Stay away from hormones for awhile, sound like your in great shape, dial in a mass diet and let thing happen naturally for awhile. Dont want to start suppressing your self to soon, you'll be shot when your in your 30's.

  8. #8
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    and yes,

    1-12 wks Test E 250mg 2XW
    1-4 wks Dbol 25mgs 2XD

    is an ideal beginner cycle

  9. #9
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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  10. #10
    DesiBoy is offline Associate Member
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    that's some nice stats, dude you need to post some pics. At 20 years old that's not bad at all.

  11. #11
    scribbs12's Avatar
    scribbs12 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    8% bf at 225 and 5'10"?
    yeah those are some pretty good stats.. nice.. whats ur diet like?

  12. #12
    vishus's Avatar
    vishus is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    diet consists of a different carb rotation i found some time ago, my daily diet includes havign the first 2-3 meals (before workout) of just protein and fats, then for the next 4 meals after my workout will consist of 80-100 grams of carbs, then the last meal or two would be protein and fat. i would say 350-400g protein, 300g carbs, and roughly 6-80g fat daily. on no workout days first 4-5 meals are protein/carbs then the last 4-5 meals are protein/fat.

    NOTE: Im not going to start cycling while im still this young, im trying to find the right cycle so when i do start, ill have my gear ready and all the info i need to just get into it with no worries. Thanks for the info/comments guys.

    NOTE: the only reason i have low bodyfat now i due to just getting done with a contest i did not too long ago, its starting to go back up, no dont think im in any contest shape haha

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