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  1. #1
    buffterd is offline New Member
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    Nov 2002

    Im sure im not the first squid thats asked this

    First of all i would like to thank anyone who replies to this post in a serious manner. I know you get a lot of losers in here that ask the same questions and im sure you get tired of answering this!!!
    Ok ill give you a little background of my roid use. I started out with legal alterenitives and supplements. But i had to learn the hard way ( my wallet ) that they just dont work. So after a while i got a hook up on an illegal test booster(injectabile) i did my homework and knew what i wanted. I had a huge weight gain around 30 pounds and was loving it. I was the size i wanted to be. Well anyway half a year later im back down to my normal weight. So im at a cross roads. I want to get back to the size i was at, but know its not obtainable without juice. But this time i wiould like to go manufacturer direct instead of from" i know a guy who knows a guy" who can get it for you. How do i honestly go about doing this? I am lost and internet sites are not very helpful. But i havent lokked as hard as i should. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Dont reply to any PM´s or emails. And asking for sources is against the rules of this board.

  3. #3
    buffterd is offline New Member
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    Nov 2002
    Im not asking for a Hook up or a direct site or a number i am asking should i go With my friend or try to go out on my own. Thats the question im asking. Sorry for the confusion palme.

  4. #4
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Ohh...well tell your friend you want to talk to the guy yourself. It´s better not having middle hands.

  5. #5
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    thats not always possible though...just stick around bro, get to know people, sources and hookups will cant be anxious/impatient...people dont just throw sources around, thats how folks get popped, so the answer to your question? stick around, get to know people, and things will sort themselves out...good luck

  6. #6
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    This isn't a flame, bro. If you lost all your gains in 6 months you don't know what you are doing. Getting a hookup for cheaper juice won't help that. You need to read the educational threads, then use the search button. Especially lookup keeping gains. The first thing I look at when someone says they can't gain is diet. It isn't easy eating 4,000 to 5,000 clean calories per day. I haven't met anyone who trained hard and didn't overtrain who didn't gain when they got their diet right. Correct diet exercise and rest is 90% of this game. Roid use is 10%. You don't want to yoyo up and down depending if you're on or off. It isn't healthy.

  7. #7
    buffterd is offline New Member
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    Nov 2002

    hey thanks guys

    I appreciate the input guys. Hey mastiff I didnt mean to type that I lost all of it. I lost more muscle size than I did weight, I only came down around ten pounds. But I could gain that back in probably 5 days of food intake. I enjoyed the cycles that I did it really gave me inscentive to go to the gym and push it to the limit. Im not really wanting huge mass gains as i really just want to be extremely defined. I enjoy being a middle sized guy. Im 6ft even and fluxuate a weight between 155 and 165. But i would ideally like to be about 185, 190 but no fat. I probably have less than 7% body fat on me, and would like to keep it that way. So compared to some of you guys my ideal mass or weight is a lot lower than the norm. But that is what makes me happy and thats all that counts. So thanks again guys ill stick around dj you never know when some body might help you out right. Thanks again!!!

  8. #8
    sicilian40's Avatar
    sicilian40 is offline Banned
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    bro ill be honest with you if you stick around this board for a month and just do some serious reading and you make some friends you will find out sources come and will get with it...its not that hard...sources dont come by easy you know...the game is illegal no matter how you play someone i know told me...its not like your goin to walmart and buying tube socks....

  9. #9
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    Boise, Idaho
    Originally posted by sicilian40
    its not like your goin to walmart and buying tube socks....
    Unless you're in Cancun, Mexico, but then you got to worry about getting across the boarder.

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