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  1. #1
    slippz is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2008

    clen dosages / some questions

    okay. i have been researching clen for quite some time after it was referred to me by some people stating that with a proper diet, clen will help me lose weight / body fat.

    i just received clen today, and after reading the clen faq (perfect beast), i'm curious as to if the cycling he mentioned is how i should be doing it.

    i'm 19 years old, 245lbs, and 21 percent bf. i am on a diet and i strength train 5 days a week. i am eager to lose weight and bf.

    perfect beast mentions to change dosages every 3 days. should i cycle it like this as well?

    also, i've read that many people spread dosages throughout the day, while others take full dosage in the morning. which is better? i haven't read any pro's/con's in regards to both of these methods aside from being overenergetic in the morning and have a hard time sleeping at night (when spreading dosages throughout the day)

    should clen be taken on an empty stomach as well? or should it be taken with substance? i haven't found a set answer yet. the threads i read had mixed results as well...

    should i be taken clen with an antihistamine compound as well, such as benadryl? or does it not matter because i'm not cycling other as's ?

    my goal is once i drop the bf and weight, to start cycling some as's and whatnot...

    thanks in advanced for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by gsr x civic View Post
    okay. i have been researching clen for quite some time after it was referred to me by some people stating that with a proper diet, clen will help me lose weight / body fat.

    i just received clen today, and after reading the clen faq (perfect beast), i'm curious as to if the cycling he mentioned is how i should be doing it.

    i'm 19 years old, 245lbs, and 21 percent bf. i am on a diet and i strength train 5 days a week. i am eager to lose weight and bf.

    perfect beast mentions to change dosages every 3 days. should i cycle it like this as well? Yes its good to do so imo

    also, i've read that many people spread dosages throughout the day, while others take full dosage in the morning. which is better? i haven't read any pro's/con's in regards to both of these methods aside from being overenergetic in the morning and have a hard time sleeping at night (when spreading dosages throughout the day) It affects rem sleep so not recommended to take after 4pm

    should clen be taken on an empty stomach as well? or should it be taken with substance? i haven't found a set answer yet. the threads i read had mixed results as well... Doesnt matter

    should i be taken clen with an antihistamine compound as well, such as benadryl? or does it not matter because i'm not cycling other as's ? yes benadryl slows desensitization of Beta receptors so you can carry on using clen longer and will still be affective

    my goal is once i drop the bf and weight, to start cycling some as's and whatnot...

    thanks in advanced for the help.
    Answers in bold.

  3. #3
    slippz is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbigt View Post
    Answers in bold.
    how much should i increase dosages by? 20mg as suggested?
    also, even if i do take benadryl, should i be cycling it 14 weeks on 14 weeks off deal?

    would it still be okay to take full dosages in the start of the day? or should i still be spreading it out evenly throughout the day?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsr x civic View Post
    how much should i increase dosages by? 20mg as suggested? Yes imo.
    also, even if i do take benadryl, should i be cycling it 14 weeks on 14 weeks off deal? Do you mean the benadryl? the clen? or both?

    would it still be okay to take full dosages in the start of the day? or should i still be spreading it out evenly throughout the day? Its ok to take them all in the morning
    Answers in bold.

  5. #5
    slippz is offline Junior Member
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    i mean both. once i start taking clen with benadryl, do i have to stop taking both after 14 days?

    btw, thank you for your help

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsr x civic View Post
    i mean both. once i start taking clen with benadryl, do i have to stop taking both after 14 days?

    btw, thank you for your help
    I would yes. And bro you posted 14 weeks thats why i was thinking

  7. #7
    slippz is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for your help! now i can start my cycle!

  8. #8
    slippz is offline Junior Member
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    hey quick question...
    when should i take the benadryl? i started my cycle today but i forgot to take benadryl.. i didn't even feel that wired this morning.... but i was able to pump out a lot harder than normal...

    on the profile, it says take it on the third week.
    how can that be possible when i'm only going to cycle for 2 weeks?

    also, it says cycling from 6-8 weeks would yield best results on the profile.
    why is there so many mixed answers regarding cycling time?

  9. #9
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsr x civic View Post
    hey quick question...
    when should i take the benadryl? i started my cycle today but i forgot to take benadryl.. i didn't even feel that wired this morning.... but i was able to pump out a lot harder than normal...
    dont take benadryl yet. your dose is small, as you increase the dosage amount you will feel it at some point.

    Quote Originally Posted by gsr x civic View Post
    on the profile, it says take it on the third week.
    how can that be possible when i'm only going to cycle for 2 weeks?
    You dont take it if you are only doing two weeks. You only take it if you are going to keep taking clen past the 2 week mark.

    Quote Originally Posted by gsr x civic View Post
    also, it says cycling from 6-8 weeks would yield best results on the profile.
    why is there so many mixed answers regarding cycling time?

    Everyone is different. People do what works best for them. Pick one example, if it doesnt work, try another way.

  10. #10
    slippz is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2008
    thank you.

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