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  1. #1
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
    BritishColumbian is offline Senior Member
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    Prop is kickin Like A Mule

    I feel beat down and have a sore ass from this prop I have, my ass frickin hurts, I even missed the gym 2day, its defenately underground lab maybe vet stuff, I might wimp out and shoot EOD, but those 1cc shots hurt bad also, LOL I feel like a wimp,

  2. #2
    ilovesus's Avatar
    ilovesus is offline Member
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    fl/pa.. Beatin cheeks!
    lol thats prop 4 ya! I always mixed mine with deca in the same syringe. Kinda took some of the pain away. Other than that all i can say is suck it up!

  3. #3
    lcstriker07's Avatar
    lcstriker07 is offline Associate Member
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    that sucks to hear man, hope that sh!t gets easier for you.

  4. #4
    texasmk4's Avatar
    texasmk4 is offline Associate Member
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    I found this in one of merc. old thread

    If y ou are going to sterilize 100mL of oile you will need:

    1mL of Benzyl Alcohol
    99mL of Oil
    1 - 50-60cc Syringe
    1 - .45 or .22um syringe filter
    1 - 100mL STERILE vial (or 2 50's) (or 5 20's)
    2 - 20ga pins
    1 - 23 or 25ga pin for venting

    Take your bottle of oil, remove 1 mL of oil and add 1mL of BA. This will make a 1% concentration of BA. This is needed to kill anything living in the oil and to keep anything from growing in it. (e.coli etc)

    Heat the oil in a pan of almost boiling water. Remove occasionally and shake it. This will get allow the BA to mix completely. Another benefit is that warm oil is less viscous and filters easier.

    Clean the top of your sterile vial with an alcohol pad 2 times. Wait 30 seconds between cleanings. Stick our vent pin in the sterile vial. As you push in oil, this will allow the displaced air to escape.

    Open to 20ga enough to expose the lock. Open your filter and attach the 20 to it on the NON - locking side.

    Uncap the pin, and stick it in the vial beside the vent pin.

    Now, your sterile area is from the exit side of the filter all the way into the bottle. Do not remove the filter from the pin or the pin from the vial until you are done.

    You can touch the entry side of the filter, it really doesnt matter about sterility here, as long as its "clean". Sterility does not begin until it passes through the filter anyway.

    Draw your oil into the syringe with the other 20ga.

    remove the pin after drawing, attach the syringe to the locking side of the filter and push.

    Once you have filtered all the oil into the vial, let it sit for 1 week.



  5. #5
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    keep pinning it gets better

  6. #6
    SmittyTheOX's Avatar
    SmittyTheOX is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    keep pinning it gets better
    I agree, also try rotating injection sites to see which ones work best for you and the prop. I run prop for months at a time so its doable

  7. #7
    boywonder10101 is offline Associate Member
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    I just got off of prop and tren eod for weeks 1-10 and win eod 4-10......... It is painful but worth it. Eod is way easier. Try shooting your quads too. I don't like doing it...... but its a must with ed and eod shooting. Best of luck to you and don't give up on it....... No pain....No gain.

  8. #8
    Braveheart04 is offline Associate Member
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    Try shooting in the shoulders. I had the same pain issues shooting in the rear, shoulders were much more comfortable for me.

  9. #9
    smokeyd's Avatar
    smokeyd is offline Grade A Whore/Banned
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    i only had to do 2 weeks prop and i only used gluts eod and it was sore for a day the whole time but not too bad, i would shoot half and half in each lat if i was you, that is the most painless location i have found by far!! only thing that hurts is if you move the pin around a lot then its kinda sore but not a pain like from injecting oil

  10. #10
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    SOME people,,,a small %,,,have problems with the prop ester,,,try ENAN,,,CYP

  11. #11
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noobee View Post
    I feel beat down and have a sore ass from this prop I have, my ass frickin hurts, I even missed the gym 2day, its defenately underground lab maybe vet stuff, I might wimp out and shoot EOD, but those 1cc shots hurt bad also, LOL I feel like a wimp,
    you can cut it with b12(cyanocobalamin) to help ease the pain a little

  12. #12
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
    BritishColumbian is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks alot for all the help. Going to try the shoulder/quads, look for that b-12, make sure i use the alcohol pads intensley, keep pinning it gets better, no pain no gain. I defenately dont feel so freaked out now anyway, Thanks!

  13. #13
    VWbug66's Avatar
    VWbug66 is offline Senior Member
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    dude b12 wont cut it worth a sh!t. You need sterile filtered oil to fix the problem.

    trust me, the b12 is not an oil, so it will not mix and so therfor won't cut the prop. I'll pm you with the place to get the sterile filtered oil, its cheap

    and it works great.

  14. #14
    smokeyd's Avatar
    smokeyd is offline Grade A Whore/Banned
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    yeah i read if you mix water and oil you can cause more trama to the tissue due to the force you exert on the plunger to get the oil out then switch over to water and well you get it....

  15. #15
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    you can cut it with b12(cyanocobalamin) to help ease the pain a little
    dont bother
    b12 is water based it will be absorbed too quickly
    ethyloleate is the best bet or sterile filtered oil

  16. #16
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
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    Well good news, I just kept pinning and it gets better, I shot 1cc yesterday, after a hot shower and expected to wake up to a world of hurt today. Its fine, no real pain, i can feel it there but It dont hurt. I think the important lesson i learned here is to not give up and be a wimp. NO PAIN, NO GAIN

  17. #17
    FreeDOOM's Avatar
    FreeDOOM is offline Associate Member
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    I am on 75mg ed of prop right now 10days in, the pain gets better. You also learn how to mental deal with it. there were a couple nights that i would wake up like WTF because I rolled over onto my sore muscle. Ibuprofen really helps just dont use it every day save it for those really sore moments lol.

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