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  1. #1
    jayd is offline New Member
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    just back into lifting. got ??'s

    I have just recently started lifting after taking a 2 year break because of a back problem. I took deca 250mg/ml for 10 weeks years ago and had good results. Since I took the break i lost 32 pounds. was wondering if i took 100mg a week of deca if it would give me a little jump start. at that dose would i need to take anything else with it for prevenative reasons. and also at 200mg a week do i needo take anything for prevenative reasons?

  2. #2
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    i would spend a little more time in the gym and get back in the groove before starting anything.. why would you want to run deca alone anyway.

  3. #3
    beefjr22 is offline Banned
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    ditto.....deca only is no good

  4. #4
    jayd is offline New Member
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    well thats y i am coming to you all for advise. why isn't deca good alone, and what would you take with it.

  5. #5
    Andro9's Avatar
    Andro9 is offline Member
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    deca is a 19-nor it will shut your own natural test production down fast and hard, plus the dose you would be taking(100mg/wk) would be completely useless. you need to do alot of research be for you run a cycle look around on the site because i do not feel like writing all that shit. good info here

  6. #6
    jayd is offline New Member
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    from what i understand it isn't good alone for putting on lots of strenghth or size. But i'm not looking for huge gains right now. I just want a little jump start.

  7. #7
    bbuilder's Avatar
    bbuilder is offline Associate Member
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    You need a good Test base. Deca will shut down your bodies natural production, so you need something (test) to counter it. Some people say it's ok to run deca by itself, I do not believe so.

    The advise given is correct. Get your diet and workout down right first. When you start hitting plateaus, then think about gear.

  8. #8
    jayd is offline New Member
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    i have read alot on this page and it seems that there are a lot of different opinons on what to take with what. And from what i have read ppl recommend everything can be taken with deca .

  9. #9
    bbuilder's Avatar
    bbuilder is offline Associate Member
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    No, everything cannot be taken with Deca .

    You are best to forget about gear for now. Train hard and diet right. That's what you need to concentrate on.

  10. #10
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by jayd View Post
    i have read alot on this page and it seems that there are a lot of different opinons on what to take with what. And from what i have read ppl recommend everything can be taken with deca.
    Test can be taken with everything virtually. It should be the base of every cycles. So that your wee wee will work when on cycle.

  11. #11
    jayd is offline New Member
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    well i did 100mg deca today. should i just stop or do i need something now to boost my nat test back up?

  12. #12
    jayd is offline New Member
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    or should i get more deca and some test finish this cycle. i know i should have done more research but i am a very impulsive person, and overly compulsive. so bear with me. I know i should wait, that why i wanted to do something vey mild to just help get me back where i was.

  13. #13
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    if your going to do anything which you shouldnt but i know you are anyway it should be a low dose of test. how about anti-e's and pct?

  14. #14
    jayd is offline New Member
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    could i just wait, not do anything. even though i did 100mg yesterday of deca .

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