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  1. #1
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Smile Its my Birthday!!!!!

    and i got some money from my parents and money= new cycle so here it is hope i can stockpile for nov

    weeks 1-12 750mg test E
    weeks 1-10 tren E 400mg week
    weeks1-4or6 Dbol 50mg daily
    weeks1-16 vitB 3,000 mg per week (4 shots)
    plus letro while on and HCG nolva 50mged clomind100 mg ed and aromates idk yet for pct

  2. #2
    beefjr22 is offline Banned
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    Happy Birthday!!!

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    3,000mcg, not mg for B-12. You have the same bday as my mom. I will be having ice cream cake shortly. Happy birthday.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    gman is offline New Member
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    need to know

    Can any one help me will I get poped on drug test if I use any analobolis roid I know are drug test is a standred,we test test 4 the common crap but I have heard conflicting statements if it picks up roids ,hello I am knew here ,and thankyou if you can helop

  6. #6
    breakbones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman View Post
    Can any one help me will I get poped on drug test if I use any analobolis roid I know are drug test is a standred,we test test 4 the common crap but I have heard conflicting statements if it picks up roids ,hello I am knew here ,and thankyou if you can helop

  7. #7
    bbuilder's Avatar
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    How old are you? Why not get your own money?

    and i got some money from my parents and money= new cycle so here it is hope i can stockpile for nov

  8. #8
    gman is offline New Member
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    help on my roid question

  9. #9
    breakbones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman View Post
    help on my roid question

    Start your own thead

  10. #10
    beefjr22 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakbones View Post
    Start your own thead
    yeah dude get ur own thread lol.....but no roids will not show up on a standard drug test....last time i got a test for steroids it was $285 and im pretty sure it usually costs more than that so No ur good

  11. #11
    Nitro29's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman View Post
    help on my roid question

    Dude please, do you know a forum works?

    Happy bday buffguy

  12. #12
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    3,000mcg, not mg for B-12. You have the same bday as my mom. I will be having ice cream cake shortly. Happy birthday.
    easy on the ice cream cake fat boy lol

  13. #13
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    How old are you? Why not get your own money?
    lol mommy helped him out cause he got fired from a job he never had

  14. #14
    Vergil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    How old are you? Why not get your own money?
    He is 19. He used to post at MD but he got banned. People crucified him over there.

  15. #15
    widowmaker2's Avatar
    widowmaker2 is offline Senior Member
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    happy birfday son!!

  16. #16
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    thank your everyone !!!!! i had kfc and ice cream today lol

  17. #17
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    How old are you? Why not get your own money?
    19 and 100$ extra help twords all the juice supps vials b12 AI and pct

  18. #18
    bbuilder's Avatar
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    WHY ARE YOU EVEN THINKING ABOUT DOING GEAR AT 19?????????????????????????????

    Happy Birthday, but dude, read these forums.

  19. #19
    Nitro29's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    WHY ARE YOU EVEN THINKING ABOUT DOING GEAR AT 19?????????????????????????????

    Happy Birthday, but dude, read these forums.

    I was wondering the same thing, but he has been here awhile and posts a good bit so I assume he has read the threads and knows the risks. Not that I agree with it at all. I don't get the impression this is his first cycle anyway.

    But, to answer your question for him, I would say sports. Or girls.

  20. #20
    bbuilder's Avatar
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    But, to answer your question for him, I would say sports. Or girls.
    I would say......

    #1. Stupidity
    #2. Wanting to be on HRT for the rest of his life.
    #3. Not knowing what he's doing
    #4. Wanting to get big the easy way.
    #5. All the above.

    I'd say #5.

  21. #21
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    Anabolic steroids promote strength gain, muscle synthesis, and increased metabolic capacity. Their responsible, moderate use improves athletic performance, cosmetic appearance, and perceived social opportunity and self-esteem. However, anabolics achieve their effects by perturbing the human endocrine system, a complex feedback mechanism of glands and organs that are, in healthy and youthful persons, in an exquisite state of natural balance. Compounds like anabolic steroids that alter this balance are appropriate for use only by mature, well-trained athletes who understand these drugs, their risks and their benefits. Except in the case of prospective users of clear promise for national or international ranking in a sport, realistically hopeful for the kinds of benefits such ranking confers, the following should be characteristic of anyone, of any age, prior to the addition of anabolic steroids to a training regime:

    1. PHYSICAL MATURITY. Anabolics can, through either direct or indirect effects, cause premature closure of the epiphyseal plates (growth plates) at the end of bone, an irreversible effect that may result in permanently shorter stature than the athlete would otherwise achieve. Therefore, the athlete should have reached full physical stature and maturity of the skeleton before contemplating anabolic use. In most cases, full stature is not reached until the very late teens and, in many cases, development of both long skeletal bones and joint assemblies (hips and shoulders) continues into the early 20's, development of the larynx (voice box) into the mid-20's

    2. SIGNIFICANT MATURE MUSCULARITY. Anabolics have poor effect, or transitory effect, on athletes in mediocre condition; in addition, their tendency to boost muscle strength ahead of the strength of supporting tendons and ligaments can lead to debilitating injury in athletes without substantial prior training. Therefore, the athlete should have accumulated a significant amount of mature muscle mass and tendon strength through a dedicated program of resistance training prior to beginning anabolic use. Recognizing that there is substantial individual variability in training efficiency and effects, a minimum of 3 years, perhaps as many as 7, of dedicated weight training is required to achieve this necessary physical foundation, on which anabolics can be used safely and to best effect.

    3. THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE. Anabolics are not a substitute for proper technique or applied knowledge of the basics of exercise physiology. Therefore, the athlete considering the use of anabolics should have a very thorough and detailed knowledge of lifting technique, dietary practice, recuperative processes, and hormonal and nonhormonal supplementation, and should if possible prepare for the use of anabolics under the guidance of a trusted mentor who has mastered these issues. In particular, the athlete should have an excellent understanding of the uses, effects, and risk profiles of anabolics, and should be thoroughly conversant with the kinds of ancillary agents that minimize side-effects and speed post-cycle recovery. Recognizing that there is substantial individual variability in the pace at which this knowledge is acquired, at least a year of arduous study and reading is necessary to understand anabolics and post-cycle recovery, and at least 4 years of practice is required to establish the requisite knowledge base of lifting technique, recuperation, and diet.

    4. PSYCHOLOGICAL MATURITY. Anabolic steroids can have marked effect on mood and disposition, either during the cycle of active use, or its aftermath. Therefore, the athlete considering the use of anabolics should have the psychological health and maturity that will enable him or her to use anabolics with minimal social, psychological, and legal risk to both him/herself and his/her network of partners and collaborators. In addition, the athlete should be firm enough in purpose and balanced enough in approach to understand not only how and when to initiate use of anabolics, but how and when to curtail or abandon use safely should that need arise.

    The use of anabolic steroids is unwise for persons who have not satisfied these prerequisites, though exceptions may be made in cases of very unusual athletic promise. While not a function of mere calendar age per se, it is unarguable that, on average, the likelihood that these conditions will have been met increases as the age of the prospective anabolic user increases.

    For the reasons adduced above, the following statement of consensus opinion is made:

    Allowing for substantial individual variability, and with the exception of cases of truly outstanding athletic promise, the athlete considering the use of anabolics should be socially and physically mature, psychologically healthy, and should have completed 4 to 7 years of dedicated, mentored training in strength/endurance athletics and study in lifting technique, dietary practices, recuperation skills and supplementation. In most cases, the athlete will have reached the age of 21 before these prerequisites are in place, recognizing that many athletes will not have achieved the necessary experience, physical maturity, and psychic balance until their mid-20's or even later.

    There are many side effects, some of which are specific to teen users:

    Possible increase in Male Pattern Baldness
    Gynecomastia (bitch tits)
    Stunted growth (premature closing of growth plates - not only affects height, but also other long bones such as collar bone)
    Natural testosterone production supression (not ideal at such an important time for your endocrine system)
    Risk of injury (anabolics normally provide an increase in strength. Muscles react more quickly than tendons. This can be an issue even for veteran lifters - potentially much more of a problem for novice trainers who's form is still likely to be poor)
    Possible liver stress with alkylated steroids
    Possible sexual dysfunction
    Last edited by Mulciber; 09-08-2008 at 07:24 PM.

  22. #22
    bbuilder's Avatar
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    Great post. More KIDS under 25 should read this.

    This actually amazes me they don't before starting a cycle.

  23. #23
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    good post, but:

    There are many side effects, some of which are specific to teen users:

    Possible increase in Male Pattern Baldness
    Gynecomastia (bitch tits)
    Stunted growth (premature closing of growth plates - not only affects height, but also other long bones such as collar bone)
    Natural testosterone production supression (not ideal at such an important time for your endocrine system)
    Risk of injury (anabolics normally provide an increase in strength. Muscles react more quickly than tendons. This can be an issue even for veteran lifters - potentially much more of a problem for novice trainers who's form is still likely to be poor)
    Possible liver stress with alkylated steroids
    Possible sexual dysfunction

    most of these are cureable or reversable.

  24. #24
    Phate's Avatar
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    he won't listen, he wants to be a professional bodybuilder and thinks that a good reason to start at his age

    bro, whats your bf, last time i heard you were in the 20s

  25. #25
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    WHY ARE YOU EVEN THINKING ABOUT DOING GEAR AT 19?????????????????????????????

    Happy Birthday, but dude, read these forums.
    NPC BB thats why not to say im "swole" at house parts

  26. #26
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    I was wondering the same thing, but he has been here awhile and posts a good bit so I assume he has read the threads and knows the risks. Not that I agree with it at all. I don't get the impression this is his first cycle anyway.

    But, to answer your question for him, I would say sports. Or girls.
    juice for BB 2 a day workouts are hard to recover from off cycle and i feel its what builds muscle best . and for the record i got laid before i juiced and guys any shape or size can get bitchez but dont judge me everyone has to do what they gotta do

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    NPC BB thats why not to say im "swole" at house parts
    huh? don't get what being swole at house parts means

  28. #28
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    he won't listen, he wants to be a professional bodybuilder and thinks that a good reason to start at his age

    bro, whats your bf, last time i heard you were in the 20s
    i dont wana be a pro if i get good enough then we'll see my passion is to be a police officer and help people

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    juice for BB 2 a day workouts are hard to recover from off cycle and i feel its what builds muscle best . and for the record i got laid before i juiced and guys any shape or size can get bitchez but dont judge me everyone has to do what they gotta do
    i've done two a day workouts, sometime three, and i haven't cycled yet, it's the diet and how you time manage that works

  30. #30
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    huh? don't get what being swole at house parts means
    i dont wanna brag to other people that im "buff" i wanna do bodybuilding . and i meant house partys smartass

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    he won't listen, he wants to be a professional bodybuilder and thinks that a good reason to start at his age

    bro, whats your bf, last time i heard you were in the 20s
    lol i haven't been in the 20's since i was 1 yr old

  32. #32
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i've done two a day workouts, sometime three, and i haven't cycled yet, it's the diet and how you time manage that works
    haven't cycled then what the **** are u doing on this site

  33. #33
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    just becaues phate hasnt ran a cycle doesnt mean he doesnt have the knowledge to do so if he chose.. and by the replies ive see in my short time here i know he has the knowledge and has diet and training down to a T..

    btw..Phate.. any word from ADM on my PM's?????

  34. #34
    bbuilder's Avatar
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    He's not old enough, and has ENOUGH BRAINS TO BE WAITING.

    Something the KIDS on this forum should all be doing but they can't seem to be able to READ.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    i dont wana be a pro if i get good enough then we'll see my passion is to be a police officer and help people

    Thats probably going to require you passing a polygraph test that will involve extensive questioning about your history with controlled substances.

  36. #36
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    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. You really are young aren't you.

    Where did you read that cops help people?

  37. #37
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    Thats probably going to require you passing a polygraph test that will involve extensive questioning about your history with controlled substances.
    dont do drugs i dont drink come on man cut me some slack if some mother****er robbs u or breaks into your house wouldn't u want me to be in shape or strong to get him and save u ???

  38. #38
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. You really are young aren't you.

    Where did you read that cops help people?
    your a low life scum bag ...and im off to the gym were u guys should be insted of harrasing me

  39. #39
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    your a low life scum bag ...and im off to the gym were u guys should be insted of harrasing me

    Thank you. Are you going to help someone cross the road?..ha!!!

    By the way, it's always best to train in the mornings, not at night. But since you're almost a pro bodybuilder, you already knew that.

  40. #40
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