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  1. #1
    rhyno08 is offline New Member
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    can sus cause this????

    Hi guys. I am on my 6th week of a 10 week sus 250 cycle. The past 3 weeks ive been feeling like shit. Dizzy, tired, weak, insomnia and just feeling out of it. Its been getting worse every week. Ive had blood tests and all other sorts of tests and the docs cant work out what it is. I havent mentioned im talking sus though. Has anyone suffered from the same symptoms as im suffering from while on sus? Im begining to disbelieve its purity.
    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
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    6 weeks in you should know if its real or not by your gains. i have heard of people having slight symptoms but definatly not so bad that they had to go to the dr. what brand of gear are you running? is it ug?
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  3. #3
    Freakish's Avatar
    Freakish is offline Senior Member
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    i may be wrong but sounds like estrogenic sides,you running an AI with this cycle?how often are you injecting?

  4. #4
    rhyno08 is offline New Member
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    Hi guys.
    The brands Organon, its from Aust. Its in the box with instructions and everything so it looks legit. Only reason i question it now is a mate of mine was given sus by his doctor legit because of his continuous weight loss, the vials that I have a smaller than his and the label rubs off with your finger. SO now im worried.

    Im only jabbing 250mgs once a week, was planning on 4 weeks of nolva (if needed) + 3 weeks of clomid p/c, but now im ready to just completely stop. Its terrible. Im developing anxiety also.

  5. #5
    Auss11e's Avatar
    Auss11e is offline Associate Member
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    Smells like Sus flu to me!

    I took the same sust here in oz (organon) for my first cycle and i got all of those symptoms (fevers,chills,diziness,lethargy and generaly feeling crap) and yes they were so bad i could hardly get out of bed for days.

    I'm no gp so i'll stop short of saying that this will go away but it did for me and HOLY JEEPERS was it worth it!!!!!
    When the sus kicked in i was on top of the world........

  6. #6
    rhyno08 is offline New Member
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    ^^ Interesting. How long did those symptoms last? Where you taking any AI's? Any info on how long your symptoms lasted, things you did to ease them would be greatly appreciated.

  7. #7
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    Very interesting indeed. While estrogen can cause some problems, I personally do not believe it would make you feel bad enough to go to the doctors.

    My estrogen lab range was >10 and My result was 99. I feel great besides the fact my acne is out of control. I have NO gyno, or bloating. I am a rare case I would say though.

    Estrogen can cause anxiety. It amplifies effects of neurotransmitters in the brain, but it also raises serotonin a good degree in most people, which usually promotes calmness (think of a SSRI antidepressant)

  8. #8
    rhyno08 is offline New Member
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    ok, ive done a bit of a search and have learned that Sus flu is pretty common. I cant believe ive never heard of this happening before. One question though. Most people have these flu like symptoms for a few days, mines been over 2 weeks. Docs cant find anything in my blood and that. Could it still possibly be the sus? Should i stop now before i get worse or just tuff it out?

  9. #9
    Auss11e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhyno08 View Post
    ok, ive done a bit of a search and have learned that Sus flu is pretty common. I cant believe ive never heard of this happening before. One question though. Most people have these flu like symptoms for a few days, mines been over 2 weeks. Docs cant find anything in my blood and that. Could it still possibly be the sus? Should i stop now before i get worse or just tuff it out?
    My symptoms lasted almost 2 weeks!
    from what i gathered as it was the only reasonable explanation, was that i got the sus flu and due to the test lowering my immune system i caught something along the way on top of it, e.g. regular flu or a bug.....

    Dont know 100% but thats the only way i could explain it..

  10. #10
    Headliner is offline Junior Member
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    I'm about to run a sus cycle, going to shoot 125mg EoD, keeps your blood levels more stable

    250 once a week will have that prop in your crashing, maybe split it to twice a week?

  11. #11
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    My friend who ran a UG lab test that was similar to sust, and only supposed to be 350 mg turned out to be 760, I'm sure some people remember the brand when I say that. He said he did feel like shit, but guess what?

    Tired, and weak were NOT on the list. You are over pumping your body with a powerful hormone. I don't see how it could cause this severe reaction.

    Lets talk about this: 6 weeks in, how much more do you weigh now?

  12. #12
    LATS60's Avatar
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    I remember my first time with sust, it made me tired for the first 6wks, but nothing more than that, it doesn't happen anymore.

  13. #13
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    i dont like the fact the label rubs right off..

    natural defense mechanism - the sudden increase in exogenous hormone levels. Its the body's way of trying to flush out the foreign entity it perceives is there like it does with a virus. There has also been some connection between high BA content and immune response. I think the combination of sudden increased hormone levels and a foreign substance being injected into the muscle can cause these symptoms. Some people are sensitive, some are not.

    etiocholanolone represents only about 20% of the metabolites of testosterone in people.possible people who experience this reaction to testosteone have high levels of 17 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, the enzyme that converts testosterone into etiocholanolone. Or maybe an isoform of the enzyme that makes the conversion more efficient.

    or maybe just coincidence.. dunno

  14. #14
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
    BritishColumbian is offline Senior Member
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    I Am also am on my first test cycle and had some flu like sympoms at week 4-5-6 its getting better and my gains are good, I am no expert, far from it infact. But IMO I would tough it out. between the prop pain and the test flu I was gettin shit kicked, but its payin off big time. It must have something to do with unstable blood levels, I have heard from peeps that know thier stuff, sust should be shot 3x week, hang in there bro.

  15. #15
    rhyno08 is offline New Member
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    The possibility that its fake is worrying me, and im affraid it might be something serious. But ive had blood tests done, none checking my test levels, and everything come up clear. The thing is, i added cardio into my routine + started eating really clean, so at first i lost like 3 kilos, kept strength and then got back to where i was at before with the loss of some fat. I havent really trained properley the past few weeks coz of this sickness. I feel as though ive gained a bit on this cycle, but nothing extraordinary. Im thinking maybe bite the bullet and go see a different doctor and spill everything to him and see what he thinks.

  16. #16
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
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    YEs, see a doc, get another blood test, see what your test levels are at, 4 sure. You can always try this all over again when you get better and have time off. Get different gear next time,

  17. #17
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mulciber View Post
    i dont like the fact the label rubs right off..

    natural defense mechanism - the sudden increase in exogenous hormone levels. Its the body's way of trying to flush out the foreign entity it perceives is there like it does with a virus. There has also been some connection between high BA content and immune response. I think the combination of sudden increased hormone levels and a foreign substance being injected into the muscle can cause these symptoms. Some people are sensitive, some are not.

    etiocholanolone represents only about 20% of the metabolites of testosterone in people.possible people who experience this reaction to testosteone have high levels of 17 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, the enzyme that converts testosterone into etiocholanolone. Or maybe an isoform of the enzyme that makes the conversion more efficient.

    or maybe just coincidence.. dunno

    Interesting bro, nice explanation!

    That plus the possibility that you maybe experiencing unstable blood plasma levels since you're shooting it once a week; proper usage is to pin 2x a week, lik Mon and Thurs. Also there's the posibility of you running bunk gear... sorry to know if you find out that's the case.

  18. #18
    MG959 is offline New Member
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    I personaly have never experienced any of those symptoms nor have any of my bros. Test is suppose to increase your since of well being not make you feel like shit. I have always done EOD injections with sus. though and so has everyone else that I know. If you are only doing once a week that could be your problem. I have never heard of anyone feeling like shit while on test, maybe post-cycle. Are your lymph nodes swollen at all? If so then you could have an infection of some sort or a real cold or flu.

  19. #19
    MG959 is offline New Member
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    Put a dab of your sus on your finger and rub it around a bit, then smell the oil. All of my sus/test e. gear has always smelt very musky almost like cat piss or something. I mean you can deffinately tell there is a hormone in it! If yours doesnt have a smell then I would really question its origin! I have used organon and ug labs and smell is always the same.

  20. #20
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    You might have overtrained and gotten run down...I've had the sust flu and it sucked...I even took antibiotics..which helped...

  21. #21
    rhyno08 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noobee View Post
    YEs, see a doc, get another blood test, see what your test levels are at, 4 sure. You can always try this all over again when you get better and have time off. Get different gear next time,
    Will do, ill spill the beans to me doc tomorrow and let ya's know what the test levels are. If its not the gear and its just some virus i picked up, i guess ill give sus another go.

    Cheers for the help lads i appreciate it

  22. #22
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MG959 View Post
    I personaly have never experienced any of those symptoms nor have any of my bros. Test is suppose to increase your since of well being not make you feel like shit. I have always done EOD injections with sus. though and so has everyone else that I know. If you are only doing once a week that could be your problem. I have never heard of anyone feeling like shit while on test, maybe post-cycle. Are your lymph nodes swollen at all? If so then you could have an infection of some sort or a real cold or flu.

    Thats not why it happens mate, its estrogen overload, some ppl suffer bad with excess estrogen like feeling tired etc.

    Jesus mate what planet you on, of course it smells ( of arachis oil/ IE peanut oil) it's not the damn hormone your smelling, it don't smell...........

    Read a bit more too, many ppl get that feeling, but aren't you the special one.

  23. #23
    MG959 is offline New Member
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    Have you ever cooked with peanut oil bro? It sure as hell does not smell like that now does it? If it did then who the hell would cook with it??? And to say that a hormone doesnt smell... well thats got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. ALL HORMONES have a smell, your the ****in rocket scientist though so I guess you already knew that......but you didnt so how much do you realy knw? I see you postin all over this site saying that sust. doesnt need to be shot atleast EOD.....2nd dumbest thing I have ever heard! You throw around alot of big words and clearly not even YOU understand what they mean. Everybody agrees that sust should be shot at least EOD, but I guess you have done more reasearch than everyone else on here. Go ahead and ask me why bro. I'll break it dwn like a fraction for you, and I'll use small words so that you can understand them all.

  24. #24
    koozy is offline New Member
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    is this a sust only cycle?

  25. #25
    rhyno08 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by koozy View Post
    is this a sust only cycle?
    yes it is, ive have nolva on hand but havent used it, and im supposed to be getting clomid in 2 weeks so id have it by the end.

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