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  1. #1
    petroman is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008

    New member needs advice!!

    Hey everyone,i'm 44yo,5'10",160lbs,always been skinny,hard gainer.been wanting to do a cycle for a long time.have been feeling really bad for the last 3yrs or energy,no sex drive,cant sleep,so on.doc has me on zoloft 100mg.still no help.i finally began looking into the benefits of testerone and hrt.asked my doc to look at old bloodwork results(have bloodwork done 2x year)well,he told me my testerone level is only 96ng/dl.he overlooked this for over 3years.he perscribed androgel %1,10 grams per day for 2 weeks.this stuff costs $150 for two week supply.i'm thinking a 6week cycle of sustanon 250.i go to the gym 3x week but never see results,usually cant finish workout(really sore,really low is 96 and is a cycle somthing that will help me quickly and affordably.

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by petroman View Post
    Hey everyone,i'm 44yo,5'10",160lbs,always been skinny,hard gainer.been wanting to do a cycle for a long time.have been feeling really bad for the last 3yrs or energy,no sex drive,cant sleep,so on.doc has me on zoloft 100mg.still no help.i finally began looking into the benefits of testerone and hrt.asked my doc to look at old bloodwork results(have bloodwork done 2x year)well,he told me my testerone level is only 96ng/dl.he overlooked this for over 3years.he perscribed androgel %1,10 grams per day for 2 weeks.this stuff costs $150 for two week supply.i'm thinking a 6week cycle of sustanon 250.i go to the gym 3x week but never see results,usually cant finish workout(really sore,really low is 96 and is a cycle somthing that will help me quickly and affordably.
    first off, post your diet, a few changes there will help, cycling isn't something that should be taken lightly, and for energy i would try cyanocobalamin(vitamin b12) first, injectable version at 1000mcg/day for a month or so, it will help with energy levels and is very safe since it is water soluable you can't overdose on it

  3. #3
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Phate is right... I wouldnt jump on a cycle yet bro, there are many things to take into account.

    Lets see the diet..

  4. #4
    petroman is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008

    my diet

    hey guys,i eat at least 5x a day.dry cereal and %2 milk and piece of fruit for breakfast,protien bar and bottle water snack,turkey or chicken sandwich with fruit and water lunch,chicken,steak or fish and baked potatoe and veggies dinner.snack is powerbar or fruit and more water(that vitamin water stuff.i try to eat often and healthy.i did'nt mention i was a heavy boozer up until 14 months tired of being drunk and unhappy.have always had poor self image.dont want to waste anymore time.want muscle from my gym low are my test level in your opinion?

  5. #5
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro,you need to to tighten up your diet....lets get some better meals in and it will help you in recovery aswell as energy and endurance....cereal and protein bar then a sandwhich wont cut it...congrats on NOT drinking anymore bro...Go to the diet forum and look there are some good lean mass plans there...thats your first step to doing a good cycle...after all with out good nutrition you can take whatever and it wont be successful.

  6. #6
    widowmaker2's Avatar
    widowmaker2 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    Bro,you need to to tighten up your diet....lets get some better meals in and it will help you in recovery aswell as energy and endurance....cereal and protein bar then a sandwhich wont cut it...congrats on NOT drinking anymore bro...Go to the diet forum and look there are some good lean mass plans there...thats your first step to doing a good cycle...after all with out good nutrition you can take whatever and it wont be successful.
    i 2nd that..

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