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  1. #1
    Auss11e's Avatar
    Auss11e is offline Associate Member
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    Brisbane Australia

    Lymph Nodes removed= Water retention?

    Ok roughly 18 months ago i was diagnosed with a level 4 Melanoma where during surgery for a lymph node biopsy the surgeons decided to remove all the lymph nodes under my left armpit. the nodes were later biopsied and tests revealed that the were negative or clear. i later asked the surgeons why they were removed and they (2 of them) said that after 20 odd years of doing this and based on their experience they saw that the nodes were quite large and fatty and were sure that they were positive (cancerous) and proceeded to clear the nodes to save a second operation!!
    Yes it was quite unsettling!!

    Anyway i went to a GP the other day and gave it a shot at getting a prescription for something to combat water retention.
    He simply said that these meds were only really prescribed for mostly elderly people with quite bad symptoms. I then told him that i had my lymph nodes removed and posed the Q as to whether this could have led to my fluid retention (I don't have any).He said yes and really changed his tune fom there on in and said that if it got worse to come back..

    Can this really become a problem and lead to more water retention than usual when cycling? (Not bike riding lol).......
    and what sort of stuff could they possibly prescribe?

  2. #2
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    Bro, your arm become bigger and softer when lymphostasis occure.

    Dont use diuretics! They remove water from your whole body not just arm and for their effect are lymph nodes essential in each case. Try preassure physiotherapy.

    In each case wish you good luck and health!

  3. #3
    Auss11e's Avatar
    Auss11e is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2007
    Brisbane Australia
    Thanks mate. That is pretty much what the doc said, that along with the water from your body you lose nutrients and good stuff. He mentioned something about pressure therapy, might be worth a look..

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