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  1. #1
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    STARTED CYCLE n e feedback appreciated

    i just started a test cyp and enth blend(supratest400) 500mg once weekly and threw in sum EQ @ 500 mg once weekly. water retention and fat gain are a worry 4 me and i know that this can be reduced by diet an exercise but i also am going to run clen and t3 because my bf is around 15%... after 4wks of dbol i put on sizeable gains..water too! (i was 145 now 168lbs) but need to get bigger but want to limit estrogenic sides. should i run arimadex with this cycle or wait and run anavar or winstrol the last 4 wks??? any input would b apprecieted.

    24yrs old
    2yrs in the gym steady
    15%bf and have a hard time loosing it(genetics i guess)
    2nd cycle
    i do know quite a bit about diet

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    you reckon you have put on 33lbs in four weeks ?

  3. #3
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    23lbs dude and i ate like a horse.. 5000 cal day easy. cytogainer too

  4. #4
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    i used to be a pretty chubby dude. weighed 200 at one point couple years back.. i def put on weight easy. 23 lbs in 4-5 wks off dbol isnt at all unheard of

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by opMuscle View Post
    23lbs dude and i ate like a horse.. 5000 cal day easy. cytogainer too
    Sorry my math sucks but even that is hard to believe, either way there is a lot and I mean A LOT of water in there. Have some adex on hand in case you get gyno symptoms but dont use it. It has been known to hinder gains and you seem to be progressing well.

  6. #6
    oneshot's Avatar
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    you should probably be shooting the test and eq more than once a week. and no doubt that most of that is water weight.

  7. #7
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    i know its alot of water i can tell just by lookin in the miror. any good way to limit that with the test??? and u think i should inject more than once weekly? please elaborate thx

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by opMuscle View Post
    i know its alot of water i can tell just by lookin in the miror. any good way to limit that with the test??? and u think i should inject more than once weekly? please elaborate thx
    shoot twice a week instead and you will get more stable blood levels of the hormones, thus decreasing sides (possibly bloat too). cutting back on the sodium and drinking more water will help with the bloat as well. you could use an AI to dry you out a bit but i wouldnt unless you really had to.

  9. #9
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    thx. im pretty good about my diet. high calorie, complex carbs and protiens.. lean beef fish chick and supplmts etc.... so u think i should split my dosage in half and inject twice weekly?? ive read a little about that but like everything else ive had mixed reviews.. makes sense though

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by opMuscle View Post
    thx. im pretty good about my diet. high calorie, complex carbs and protiens.. lean beef fish chick and supplmts etc.... so u think i should split my dosage in half and inject twice weekly?? ive read a little about that but like everything else ive had mixed reviews.. makes sense though
    the more you inject the more stable your levels will be. fluctuation of your levels can really increase sides including bloating. try shooting every 3-4 days for best results and the least sides. although your test and eq are both long esters, once a week is still a bit of a stretch.

  11. #11
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    i highly suggest regulating your sodium intake and drinking more water though if you are really concerned about the bloat (but its getting cold now this time of year so who gives a shit). a-dex would really reduce the bloat but could possibly hinder your gains so i would hold off unless you got some gyno problems, which i expect you wouldnt get at that moderate of a dose

  12. #12
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    thank you for the feedback. have you got any knowledge on the clen + t3 combo ? i wonder if it will help me rid some stubborn bodyfat

  13. #13
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    just about any of that "stubborn" bodyfat can be eliminated with proper diet and cardio. I would personally try to bulk OR cut. not both. if you try to do both, neither will be near as effective. later after the cycle you could try clen , a GOOD cutting diet, and some cardio, but since you have already started the cycle i would just go ahead and continue to bulk. Anyone can get down to single digit bodyfat regardless of genetics if they have enough will power

  14. #14
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    thanks again oneshot much appreciated

  15. #15
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    just keep reading up on all the forums around here and you will learn more than you had ever thought possible about weight training, diet, and performance enhancing drugs

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