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  1. #1
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    Vetinary products

    I was planning to try these 2 products on my next cycle and was wondering if any here have any experience with the 2 and if you would consider them safe to use?By being safe i mean by being VETERINARY grade and not human.

    anabolde (boldenona) =Vet EQ 50mg/ml
    nabolic strong = Vet Winstrol 50mg/ml

    I plan to do 1 ml ED of each for 80 days and no PCT considering i read in profiles that neither are to suppressive of natural test production i believe is what it was explaining.Also appears gains from both types of anabolics are easily maintained after cycle opposed to others.

    I know this is only 700mg total of both combined per week or 350mg each week but 2mls to inject daily seems will be tough to get used to as is.

    I also know in profile of winny it says 12 wks could be pushing it but some have done it that long with no problem but i may wanna opt for maybe a shorter cycle of maybe 60 days or just 40 but not sure if thats enough time to suffiently gain reasonably enough muscle to make worth while.

    Also in EQ's profile it says need to opt least 12 weeks in use of it.Any thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    u definately should not b runnin winny for 12 wks as this could have a serious effect on ur liver.. ouch and u should be running eq no less than 12 wks and if its 50mg/ml id look into different gear

  3. #3
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    also depends on the lab but i use vet no prob.. my eq runs 300mg/ml

  4. #4
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    im still learning alot about the realm of aas but i would rethink and research more.. test and eq makes a nice stack dude i would not recomend stacking it with winny

  5. #5
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    What are your stats?.... We really need this info, before we really start to give suggestions toward your specific cycle......

  6. #6
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    Well toward of end of winnys profile says some have run it 12 weeks no prob so maybe not to bad.Gonna take milk thistle along with it also but this might not be much help?

  7. #7
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    milk thistle imo will not save u...stats??

  8. #8
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Again, we need your stats to give you good advice.....

  9. #9
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Again, we need your stats to give you good advice.....

  10. #10
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    29 yrs old
    about 18months lifting experience but quit gym for about 4 months and just started working out again at home about 1 month ago.Currently working on building home gym up.At moment it consist of freeweights and bowflex.I got dumbbell set that will make between 5lbs apeice to 75lbs apeice.And plan to buy a half power rack soon and work on some equipment to help isolete calfs better.Dont know anything after i own the power rack ,olympic bar,more free weights and with my bowflex and dumbbell sets that i cant do at home that i was doin in gym except for maybe leg presses.

    I weigh 180lbs no idea on bodyfat but would say less than 15 percent. Any opinions on the best route to go as far as purchasing calipers or whatever to have at home to measure bodyfat % thats pretty accurate?

    I do not plan to do this cycle until maybe 4 months later but planning to buy product soon as to connect at moment i am sure product is 100% legit and dont wanna let it pass me by if all seems good on it.

    Have a reckless previous cycle experience to where i bought a very large amount of gear from supplier sent to u by email by this forum and stayed on cycle for a complete year solid.I have previous bloodwork done while on cycle cause while i was on i wasnt seein results i expected i should have been so had bloodwork done to see how well gear was affecting me.Needless to say lookin at that old paperwork now my total test level was 3190 and my free test was 130.8.

    My lack of training knowledge and lack of diet knowledge at the time during this cycle killed any positive effects i shoulda obtained while on.So now im currently getting my training,diet,supplement,and gear info all in check again and plan to possibly start next cycle between the next 3 to 6 months.

    At moment im training using Ronnie Rowland's training method but after i read the Escalating Density Training program from Pinnacle's sticky here on Various Training Techniques im gonna give it a try next.It seems very simple and effective.Also printed all these stickies and gonna read them all within next few days to have my knowledge hopefully where it needs to be.

    Guidelines for Growth
    Various Training Techniques
    IMPORTANT: All the info ON PROHORMONES youll ever need
    IMPORTANT: UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...
    IMPORTANT: HERE IS...gain lean muscle mass kind of diet...
    IMPORTANT: UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...

    all im sure has top notch knowledge on 4 areas that matter diet,training,supplements,and gear

    also ran across this thread here that answered somethin else i been wanting to know which i may try with a amp or 2 of deca and a home bloodtest u can order online which will get me 100% real gear effectivly here legally

    The unofficial 'How to lower testosterone ' thread
    The unofficial 'How to lower testosterone' thread

  11. #11
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Deca is a bad choice for you bro...

    You need to be working out for seriously for at least 2-4 years in order to have a good enough base to start AAS IMO.

    It sounds like you dont have your diet squared away yet either...

    btw, Bowflex = P.O.S.

  12. #12
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    LMAO true on the damn dowflex those damn bands aint accurate at all but i think it may come in handy on leg extensions and leg curls anyways after i get the half power rack.But with a great set of dumbbells, a half power rack ,olympic bar, olympic weights,treadmill (forget to mention that earlier) what can i not do at home with those?

    As far as diet and training i agree neither is fully squared yet but they are getting there.Basically my diet right now is 2 and 1/4 cups oats breakfast with 1 tbsp natural peanut butter.Meals 2,3,4 are all 140 grams drained pink salmon with 1/2 cup cooked white rice and added soy sauce for flavor and protein shake which consist of 2 scoops 240cal/44pro.Meal 5 about 1 to 2 hours before bed is 280grams salmon 1/2cup rice and 1 tbsp flax oil.

    Only runnin this diet for 1 month or little over now and gotta work on improvements after read those stickies.3 improvements i know i need to make are #1-45 min brisk walk everymornin before breakfast on treadmill.#2-make breakfast and PW meal more dominant in calories and proteins than other meals.#3-Make meals 4 and 5 mostly all proteins and less carbs.I think my last calculation was 50% from protein 25%carbs & 25%fats.I also pla to cut protein shakes down to just 1 big one after WO and make all other meals come from actual food.

    Supplementation so far is just mutivitamins in mornin and ECA before workout with also a pyruvate.If start to get my ass up in time mornin do the 45min walk gonna add another thermo/caff pill aspirin and pyruvate before it.Also gonna buy a 250ml bottle b complex plus from calvetsupply and inject 1 ml of it subq a day also.

  13. #13
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I really think you need to get your diet and training in order before you even begin to consider using aas..... These are the building blocks to a better you......its not all about the drugs....

  14. #14
    bbminded's Avatar
    bbminded is offline Member
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    NABOLIC STRONG FROM ARGETINA??????????? That stuff is the best. had to opportunity to get and use it about 5 years ago. a friend of mine got it from his father who worked on a horse ranch or something. That stuff is awesome. i ran it alone and put on 25lbs or solid muscle. and i only did 2cc of it 3times a week and had no sides at all. im not friends with the guys anymore but recently found an online source that supplies it and im gonna order it for my next cycle. Enjoy!!!!!

  15. #15
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yo bbminded.....just pmd you......hit a brotha back........

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